Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


#include "../qcommon/qcommon.h"

#define MAX_DLIGHTS 32
#define MAX_ENTITIES 128


#define SHELL_RED_COLOR 0xF2

//#define SHELL_RB_COLOR		0x86
#define SHELL_RB_COLOR 0x68
#define SHELL_BG_COLOR 0x78

#define SHELL_DOUBLE_COLOR 0xDF // 223
#define SHELL_CYAN_COLOR 0x72


struct BaseImage {
  char name[MAX_QPATH];
  uint32_t width;
  uint32_t height;
  float s0;
  float t0;
  float s1;
  float t1;

typedef struct entity_s {
  struct model_s *model; // opaque type outside refresh
  float angles[3];

  ** most recent data
  float origin[3]; // also used as RF_BEAM's "from"
  int frame;       // also used as RF_BEAM's diameter

  ** previous data for lerping
  float oldorigin[3]; // also used as RF_BEAM's "to"
  int oldframe;

  ** misc
  float backlerp; // 0.0 = current, 1.0 = old
  int skinnum;    // also used as RF_BEAM's palette index

  int lightstyle; // for flashing entities
  float alpha;    // ignore if RF_TRANSLUCENT isn't set

  struct BaseImage *skin; // NULL for inline skin
  int flags;

} entity_t;

#define ENTITY_FLAGS 68

typedef struct {
  vec3_t origin;
  vec3_t color;
  float intensity;
} dlight_t;

typedef struct {
  float rgb[3]; // 0.0 - 2.0
  float white;  // highest of rgb
} lightstyle_t;

typedef struct {
  int cmodel_index;
  int x, y, width, height; // in virtual screen coordinates
  float fov_x, fov_y;
  float vieworg[3];
  float viewangles[3];
  float blend[4]; // rgba 0-1 full screen blend
  float time;     // time is uesed to auto animate
  int rdflags;    // RDF_UNDERWATER, etc

  byte *areabits; // if not NULL, only areas with set bits will be drawn

  lightstyle_t *lightstyles; // [MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]

  int num_entities;
  entity_t *entities;

  int num_dlights;
  dlight_t *dlights;
} refdef_t;

#define API_VERSION 3

struct DrawVertex {
  float xy[2];
  float st[2];
  uint8_t rgba[4];

// these are the functions exported by the refresh module
typedef struct {
  // if api_version is different, the dll cannot be used
  int api_version;

  // called when the library is loaded
  bool (*Init)(void *hinstance, void *wndproc);

  // called before the library is unloaded
  void (*Shutdown)(void);

  // All data that will be used in a level should be
  // registered before rendering any frames to prevent disk hits,
  // but they can still be registered at a later time
  // if necessary.
  // EndRegistration will free any remaining data that wasn't registered.
  // Any model_s or skin_s pointers from before the BeginRegistration
  // are no longer valid after EndRegistration.
  // Skins and images need to be differentiated, because skins
  // are flood filled to eliminate mip map edge errors, and pics have
  // an implicit "pics/" prepended to the name. (a pic name that starts with a
  // slash will not use the "pics/" prefix or the ".pcx" postfix)
  void (*BeginRegistration)(const char *map);
  struct model_s *(*RegisterModel)(int cmodel_index, const char *name);
  struct BaseImage *(*RegisterSkin)(const char *name);
  struct BaseImage *(*RegisterPic)(const char *name);
  void (*SetSky)(uint32_t cmodel_index, const char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis);
  void (*EndRegistration)(void);

  void (*RenderFrame)(refdef_t *fd);

  void (*DrawGetPicSize)(int *w, int *h, const char *name); // will return 0 0 if not found
  void (*DrawPic)(int x, int y, const char *name);
  void (*DrawStretchPic)(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *name);
  void (*DrawChar)(int x, int y, int c);
  void (*DrawTileClear)(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *name);
  void (*DrawFill)(int x, int y, int w, int h, int c);
  void (*DrawFadeScreen)(void);

  // Draw images for cinematic rendering (which can have a different palette). Note that calls
  void (*DrawStretchRaw)(int x, int y, int w, int h, int cols, int rows, byte *data);

  void (*DrawTriangles)(const struct BaseImage *image, const struct DrawVertex *vertexes, uint32_t num_vertexes,
                        const uint32_t *indexes, uint32_t num_indexes);

  ** video mode and refresh state management entry points
  void (*CinematicSetPalette)(const unsigned char *palette); // NULL = game palette
  void (*BeginFrame)(float camera_separation);
  void (*EndFrame)(void);

  void (*AppActivate)(bool activate);

} refexport_t;

// these are the functions imported by the refresh module
typedef struct {
  void (*Sys_Error)(int err_level, const char *str, ...);

  void (*Cmd_AddCommand)(const char *name, void (*cmd)(void));
  void (*Cmd_RemoveCommand)(const char *name);
  int (*Cmd_Argc)(void);
  char *(*Cmd_Argv)(int i);
  void (*Cmd_ExecuteText)(int exec_when, const char *text);

  void (*Con_Printf)(int print_level, const char *str, ...);

  // files will be memory mapped read only
  // the returned buffer may be part of a larger pak file,
  // or a discrete file from anywhere in the quake search path
  // a -1 return means the file does not exist
  // NULL can be passed for buf to just determine existance
  int (*FS_LoadFile)(const char *name, void **buf);
  void (*FS_FreeFile)(void *buf);

  // gamedir will be the current directory that generated
  // files should be stored to, ie: "f:\quake\id1"
  const char *(*FS_Gamedir)(void);

  cvar_t *(*Cvar_Get)(const char *name, const char *value, int flags);
  cvar_t *(*Cvar_Set)(const char *name, const char *value);
  void (*Cvar_SetValue)(const char *name, float value);

  bool (*Vid_GetModeInfo)(int *width, int *height, int mode);
  void (*Vid_MenuInit)(void);
  void (*Vid_NewWindow)(int width, int height);
} refimport_t;

// this is the only function actually exported at the linker level
typedef refexport_t (*GetRefAPI_t)(refimport_t);