Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

// g_ai.c

#include "g_local.h"

bool FindTarget(edict_t *self);
extern cvar_t *maxclients;

bool ai_checkattack(edict_t *self, float dist);

bool enemy_vis;
bool enemy_infront;
int enemy_range;
float enemy_yaw;



Called once each frame to set level.sight_client to the
player to be checked for in findtarget.

If all clients are either dead or in notarget, sight_client
will be null.

In coop games, sight_client will cycle between the clients.
void AI_SetSightClient(void) {
  edict_t *ent;
  int start, check;

  if(level.sight_client == NULL)
    start = 1;
    start = level.sight_client - g_edicts;

  check = start;
  while(1) {
    if(check > game.maxclients)
      check = 1;
    ent = &g_edicts[check];
    if(ent->inuse && ent_read_health(ent)->value > 0 && !(ent->flags & FL_NOTARGET)) {
      level.sight_client = ent;
      return; // got one
    if(check == start) {
      level.sight_client = NULL;
      return; // nobody to see



Move the specified distance at current facing.
This replaces the QC functions: ai_forward, ai_back, ai_pain, and ai_painforward
void ai_move(edict_t *self, float dist) { M_walkmove(self, self->s.angles[YAW], dist); }


Used for standing around and looking for players
Distance is for slight position adjustments needed by the animations
void ai_stand(edict_t *self, float dist) {
  vec3_t v;

    M_walkmove(self, self->s.angles[YAW], dist);

  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_STAND_GROUND) {
    if(self->enemy) {
      VectorSubtract(self->enemy->s.origin, self->s.origin, v);
      self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(v);
      if(self->s.angles[YAW] != self->ideal_yaw && self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_TEMP_STAND_GROUND) {
        self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~(AI_STAND_GROUND | AI_TEMP_STAND_GROUND);
      ai_checkattack(self, 0);
    } else


  if(level.time > self->monsterinfo.pausetime) {

  if(!(self->spawnflags & 1) && (self->monsterinfo.idle) && (level.time > self->monsterinfo.idle_time)) {
    if(self->monsterinfo.idle_time) {
      self->monsterinfo.idle_time = level.time + 15 + random() * 15;
    } else {
      self->monsterinfo.idle_time = level.time + random() * 15;


The monster is walking it's beat
void ai_walk(edict_t *self, float dist) {
  M_MoveToGoal(self, dist);

  // check for noticing a player

  if((self->monsterinfo.search) && (level.time > self->monsterinfo.idle_time)) {
    if(self->monsterinfo.idle_time) {
      self->monsterinfo.idle_time = level.time + 15 + random() * 15;
    } else {
      self->monsterinfo.idle_time = level.time + random() * 15;


Turns towards target and advances
Use this call with a distnace of 0 to replace ai_face
void ai_charge(edict_t *self, float dist) {
  vec3_t v;

  VectorSubtract(self->enemy->s.origin, self->s.origin, v);
  self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(v);

    M_walkmove(self, self->s.angles[YAW], dist);


don't move, but turn towards ideal_yaw
Distance is for slight position adjustments needed by the animations
void ai_turn(edict_t *self, float dist) {
    M_walkmove(self, self->s.angles[YAW], dist);




Will be world if not currently angry at anyone.

The next path spot to walk toward.  If .enemy, ignore .movetarget.
When an enemy is killed, the monster will try to return to it's path.

Set to time + something when the player is in sight, but movement straight for
him is blocked.  This causes the monster to use wall following code for
movement direction instead of sighting on the player.

A yaw angle of the intended direction, which will be turned towards at up
to 45 deg / state.  If the enemy is in view and hunt_time is not active,
this will be the exact line towards the enemy.

A monster will leave it's stand state and head towards it's .movetarget when
time > .pausetime.

walkmove(angle, speed) primitive is all or nothing


returns the range catagorization of an entity reletive to self
0	melee range, will become hostile even if back is turned
1	visibility and infront, or visibility and show hostile
2	infront and show hostile
3	only triggered by damage
int range(edict_t *self, edict_t *other) {
  vec3_t v;
  float len;

  VectorSubtract(self->s.origin, other->s.origin, v);
  len = VectorLength(v);
  if(len < MELEE_DISTANCE)
    return RANGE_MELEE;
  if(len < 500)
    return RANGE_NEAR;
  if(len < 1000)
    return RANGE_MID;
  return RANGE_FAR;


returns 1 if the entity is visible to self, even if not infront ()
bool visible(edict_t *self, edict_t *other) {
  vec3_t spot1;
  vec3_t spot2;
  trace_t trace;

  if(self->s.cmodel_index != other->s.cmodel_index)
    return false;

  VectorCopy(self->s.origin, spot1);
  spot1[2] += self->viewheight;
  VectorCopy(other->s.origin, spot2);
  spot2[2] += other->viewheight;
  trace = gi.trace(self->s.cmodel_index, spot1, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, spot2, self, MASK_OPAQUE);

  if(trace.fraction == 1.0)
    return true;
  return false;


returns 1 if the entity is in front (in sight) of self
bool infront(edict_t *self, edict_t *other) {
  vec3_t vec;
  float dot;
  vec3_t forward;

  AngleVectors(self->s.angles, forward, NULL, NULL);
  VectorSubtract(other->s.origin, self->s.origin, vec);
  dot = DotProduct(vec, forward);

  if(dot > 0.3)
    return true;
  return false;


void HuntTarget(edict_t *self) {
  vec3_t vec;

  self->goalentity = self->enemy;
  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_STAND_GROUND)
  VectorSubtract(self->enemy->s.origin, self->s.origin, vec);
  self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(vec);
  // wait a while before first attack
  if(!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_STAND_GROUND))
    AttackFinished(self, 1);

void FoundTarget(edict_t *self) {
  // let other monsters see this monster for a while
  if(self->enemy->client) {
    level.sight_entity = self;
    level.sight_entity_framenum = level.framenum;
    level.sight_entity->light_level = 128;

  self->show_hostile = level.time + 1; // wake up other monsters

  VectorCopy(self->enemy->s.origin, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting);
  self->monsterinfo.trail_time = level.time;

  if(!self->combattarget) {

  self->goalentity = self->movetarget = G_PickTarget(self->s.cmodel_index, self->combattarget);
  if(!self->movetarget) {
    self->goalentity = self->movetarget = self->enemy;
    gi.dprintf("%s at %s, combattarget %s not found\n", self->classname, vtos(self->s.origin), self->combattarget);

  // clear out our combattarget, these are a one shot deal
  self->combattarget = NULL;
  self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_COMBAT_POINT;

  // clear the targetname, that point is ours!
  self->movetarget->targetname = NULL;
  self->monsterinfo.pausetime = 0;

  // run for it


Self is currently not attacking anything, so try to find a target

Returns TRUE if an enemy was sighted

When a player fires a missile, the point of impact becomes a fakeplayer so
that monsters that see the impact will respond as if they had seen the

To avoid spending too much time, only a single client (or fakeclient) is
checked each frame.  This means multi player games will have slightly
slower noticing monsters.
bool FindTarget(edict_t *self) {
  edict_t *client;
  bool heardit;
  int r;

  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY) {
    if(self->goalentity && self->goalentity->inuse && self->goalentity->classname) {
      if(strcmp(self->goalentity->classname, "target_actor") == 0)
        return false;

    // FIXME look for monsters?
    return false;

  // if we're going to a combat point, just proceed
  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_COMBAT_POINT)
    return false;

  // if the first spawnflag bit is set, the monster will only wake up on
  // really seeing the player, not another monster getting angry or hearing
  // something

  // revised behavior so they will wake up if they "see" a player make a noise
  // but not weapon impact/explosion noises

  heardit = false;
  if((level.sight_entity_framenum >= (level.framenum - 1)) && !(self->spawnflags & 1)) {
    client = level.sight_entity;
    if(client->enemy == self->enemy) {
      return false;
  } else if(level.sound_entity_framenum >= (level.framenum - 1)) {
    client = level.sound_entity;
    heardit = true;
  } else if(!(self->enemy) && (level.sound2_entity_framenum >= (level.framenum - 1)) && !(self->spawnflags & 1)) {
    client = level.sound2_entity;
    heardit = true;
  } else {
    client = level.sight_client;
      return false; // no clients to get mad at

  // if the entity went away, forget it
    return false;

  if(client == self->enemy)
    return true; // JDC false;

  if(client->client) {
    if(client->flags & FL_NOTARGET)
      return false;
  } else if(client->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) {
      return false;
    if(client->enemy->flags & FL_NOTARGET)
      return false;
  } else if(heardit) {
    if(client->owner->flags & FL_NOTARGET)
      return false;
  } else
    return false;

  if(!heardit) {
    r = range(self, client);

    if(r == RANGE_FAR)
      return false;

    // this is where we would check invisibility

    // is client in an spot too dark to be seen?
    if(client->light_level <= 5)
      return false;

    if(!visible(self, client)) {
      return false;

    if(r == RANGE_NEAR) {
      if(client->show_hostile < level.time && !infront(self, client)) {
        return false;
    } else if(r == RANGE_MID) {
      if(!infront(self, client)) {
        return false;

    self->enemy = client;

    if(strcmp(self->enemy->classname, "player_noise") != 0) {
      self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_SOUND_TARGET;

      if(!self->enemy->client) {
        self->enemy = self->enemy->enemy;
        if(!self->enemy->client) {
          self->enemy = NULL;
          return false;
  } else // heardit
    vec3_t temp;

    if(self->spawnflags & 1) {
      if(!visible(self, client))
        return false;
    } else {
      if(!gi.inPHS(self->s.cmodel_index, self->s.origin, client->s.origin))
        return false;

    VectorSubtract(client->s.origin, self->s.origin, temp);

    if(VectorLength(temp) > 1000) // too far to hear
      return false;

    // check area portals - if they are different and not connected then we can't hear it
    if(client->areanum != self->areanum)
      if(!gi.AreasConnected(self->s.cmodel_index, self->areanum, client->areanum))
        return false;

    self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(temp);

    // hunt the sound for a bit; hopefully find the real player
    self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_SOUND_TARGET;
    self->enemy = client;

  // got one

  if(!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_SOUND_TARGET) && (self->monsterinfo.sight))
    self->monsterinfo.sight(self, self->enemy);

  return true;



bool FacingIdeal(edict_t *self) {
  float delta;

  delta = anglemod(self->s.angles[YAW] - self->ideal_yaw);
  if(delta > 45 && delta < 315)
    return false;
  return true;


bool M_CheckAttack(edict_t *self) {
  vec3_t spot1, spot2;
  float chance;
  trace_t tr;

  if(ent_read_health(self->enemy)->value > 0) {
    // see if any entities are in the way of the shot
    VectorCopy(self->s.origin, spot1);
    spot1[2] += self->viewheight;
    VectorCopy(self->enemy->s.origin, spot2);
    spot2[2] += self->enemy->viewheight;

    tr = gi.trace(self->s.cmodel_index, spot1, NULL, NULL, spot2, self,

    // do we have a clear shot?
    if(tr.ent != self->enemy)
      return false;

  // melee attack
  if(enemy_range == RANGE_MELEE) {
    // don't always melee in easy mode
    if(skill->value == 0 && (rand() & 3))
      return false;
      self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_MELEE;
      self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_MISSILE;
    return true;

  // missile attack
    return false;

  if(level.time < self->monsterinfo.attack_finished)
    return false;

  if(enemy_range == RANGE_FAR)
    return false;

  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_STAND_GROUND) {
    chance = 0.4;
  } else if(enemy_range == RANGE_MELEE) {
    chance = 0.2;
  } else if(enemy_range == RANGE_NEAR) {
    chance = 0.1;
  } else if(enemy_range == RANGE_MID) {
    chance = 0.02;
  } else {
    return false;

  if(skill->value == 0)
    chance *= 0.5;
  else if(skill->value >= 2)
    chance *= 2;

  if(random() < chance) {
    self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_MISSILE;
    self->monsterinfo.attack_finished = level.time + 2 * random();
    return true;

  if(self->flags & FL_FLY) {
    if(random() < 0.3)
      self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
      self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;

  return false;


Turn and close until within an angle to launch a melee attack
void ai_run_melee(edict_t *self) {
  self->ideal_yaw = enemy_yaw;

  if(FacingIdeal(self)) {
    self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;


Turn in place until within an angle to launch a missile attack
void ai_run_missile(edict_t *self) {
  self->ideal_yaw = enemy_yaw;

  if(FacingIdeal(self)) {
    self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;


Strafe sideways, but stay at aproximately the same range
void ai_run_slide(edict_t *self, float distance) {
  float ofs;

  self->ideal_yaw = enemy_yaw;

    ofs = 90;
    ofs = -90;

  if(M_walkmove(self, self->ideal_yaw + ofs, distance))

  self->monsterinfo.lefty = 1 - self->monsterinfo.lefty;
  M_walkmove(self, self->ideal_yaw - ofs, distance);


Decides if we're going to attack or do something else
used by ai_run and ai_stand
bool ai_checkattack(edict_t *self, float dist) {
  vec3_t temp;
  bool hesDeadJim;

  // this causes monsters to run blindly to the combat point w/o firing
  if(self->goalentity) {
    if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_COMBAT_POINT)
      return false;

    if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_SOUND_TARGET) {
      if((level.time - self->enemy->teleport_time) > 5.0) {
        if(self->goalentity == self->enemy) {
          if(self->movetarget) {
            self->goalentity = self->movetarget;
          } else {
            self->goalentity = NULL;
        self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_SOUND_TARGET;
        if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_TEMP_STAND_GROUND) {
          self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~(AI_STAND_GROUND | AI_TEMP_STAND_GROUND);
      } else {
        self->show_hostile = level.time + 1;
        return false;

  enemy_vis = false;

  // see if the enemy is dead
  hesDeadJim = false;
  if((!self->enemy) || (!self->enemy->inuse)) {
    hesDeadJim = true;
  } else if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_MEDIC) {
    if(ent_read_health(self->enemy)->value > 0) {
      hesDeadJim = true;
      self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_MEDIC;
  } else {
    if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_BRUTAL) {
      if(ent_read_health(self->enemy)->value <= -80)
        hesDeadJim = true;
    } else {
      if(ent_read_health(self->enemy)->value <= 0)
        hesDeadJim = true;

  if(hesDeadJim) {
    self->enemy = NULL;
    // FIXME: look all around for other targets
    if(self->oldenemy && ent_read_health(self->oldenemy)->value > 0) {
      self->enemy = self->oldenemy;
      self->oldenemy = NULL;
    } else {
      if(self->movetarget) {
        self->goalentity = self->movetarget;
      } else {
        // we need the pausetime otherwise the stand code
        // will just revert to walking with no target and
        // the monsters will wonder around aimlessly trying
        // to hunt the world entity
        self->monsterinfo.pausetime = level.time + 100000000;
      return true;

  self->show_hostile = level.time + 1; // wake up other monsters

  // check knowledge of enemy
  enemy_vis = visible(self, self->enemy);
  if(enemy_vis) {
    self->monsterinfo.search_time = level.time + 5;
    VectorCopy(self->enemy->s.origin, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting);

  // look for other coop players here
  //	if (coop && self->monsterinfo.search_time < level.time)
  //	{
  //		if (FindTarget (self))
  //			return true;
  //	}

  enemy_infront = infront(self, self->enemy);
  enemy_range = range(self, self->enemy);
  VectorSubtract(self->enemy->s.origin, self->s.origin, temp);
  enemy_yaw = vectoyaw(temp);

  // JDC self->ideal_yaw = enemy_yaw;

  if(self->monsterinfo.attack_state == AS_MISSILE) {
    return true;
  if(self->monsterinfo.attack_state == AS_MELEE) {
    return true;

  // if enemy is not currently visible, we will never attack
    return false;

  return self->monsterinfo.checkattack(self);


The monster has an enemy it is trying to kill
void ai_run(edict_t *self, float dist) {
  vec3_t v;
  edict_t *tempgoal;
  edict_t *save;
  bool new;
  edict_t *marker;
  float d1, d2;
  trace_t tr;
  vec3_t v_forward, v_right;
  float left, center, right;
  vec3_t left_target, right_target;

  // if we're going to a combat point, just proceed
  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_COMBAT_POINT) {
    M_MoveToGoal(self, dist);

  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_SOUND_TARGET) {
    VectorSubtract(self->s.origin, self->enemy->s.origin, v);
    if(VectorLength(v) < 64) {
      self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= (AI_STAND_GROUND | AI_TEMP_STAND_GROUND);

    M_MoveToGoal(self, dist);


  if(ai_checkattack(self, dist))

  if(self->monsterinfo.attack_state == AS_SLIDING) {
    ai_run_slide(self, dist);

  if(enemy_vis) {
    //		if (self.aiflags & AI_LOST_SIGHT)
    //			dprint("regained sight\n");
    M_MoveToGoal(self, dist);
    self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_LOST_SIGHT;
    VectorCopy(self->enemy->s.origin, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting);
    self->monsterinfo.trail_time = level.time;

  // coop will change to another enemy if visible
  if(coop->value) { // FIXME: insane guys get mad with this, which causes crashes!

  if((self->monsterinfo.search_time) && (level.time > (self->monsterinfo.search_time + 20))) {
    M_MoveToGoal(self, dist);
    self->monsterinfo.search_time = 0;
    //		dprint("search timeout\n");

  save = self->goalentity;
  tempgoal = G_Spawn(self->s.cmodel_index);
  self->goalentity = tempgoal;

  new = false;

  if(!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_LOST_SIGHT)) {
    // just lost sight of the player, decide where to go first
    //		dprint("lost sight of player, last seen at "); dprint(vtos(self.last_sighting)); dprint("\n");
    self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= (AI_LOST_SIGHT | AI_PURSUIT_LAST_SEEN);
    self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~(AI_PURSUE_NEXT | AI_PURSUE_TEMP);
    new = true;

  if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_PURSUE_NEXT) {
    self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_PURSUE_NEXT;
    //		dprint("reached current goal: "); dprint(vtos(self.origin)); dprint(" "); dprint(vtos(self.last_sighting));
    // dprint(" "); dprint(ftos(vlen(self.origin - self.last_sighting))); dprint("\n");

    // give ourself more time since we got this far
    self->monsterinfo.search_time = level.time + 5;

    if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_PURSUE_TEMP) {
      //			dprint("was temp goal; retrying original\n");
      self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_PURSUE_TEMP;
      marker = NULL;
      VectorCopy(self->monsterinfo.saved_goal, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting);
      new = true;
    } else if(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_PURSUIT_LAST_SEEN) {
      self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_PURSUIT_LAST_SEEN;
      marker = PlayerTrail_PickFirst(self);
    } else {
      marker = PlayerTrail_PickNext(self);

    if(marker) {
      VectorCopy(marker->s.origin, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting);
      self->monsterinfo.trail_time = marker->timestamp;
      self->s.angles[YAW] = self->ideal_yaw = marker->s.angles[YAW];
      //			dprint("heading is "); dprint(ftos(self.ideal_yaw)); dprint("\n");

      //			debug_drawline(self.origin, self.last_sighting, 52);
      new = true;

  VectorSubtract(self->s.origin, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting, v);
  d1 = VectorLength(v);
  if(d1 <= dist) {
    self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_PURSUE_NEXT;
    dist = d1;

  VectorCopy(self->monsterinfo.last_sighting, self->goalentity->s.origin);

  if(new) {
    //		gi.dprintf("checking for course correction\n");

    tr = gi.trace(self->s.cmodel_index, self->s.origin, self->mins, self->maxs, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting, self,
    if(tr.fraction < 1) {
      VectorSubtract(self->goalentity->s.origin, self->s.origin, v);
      d1 = VectorLength(v);
      center = tr.fraction;
      d2 = d1 * ((center + 1) / 2);
      self->s.angles[YAW] = self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(v);
      AngleVectors(self->s.angles, v_forward, v_right, NULL);

      VectorSet(v, d2, -16, 0);
      G_ProjectSource(self->s.origin, v, v_forward, v_right, left_target);
      tr = gi.trace(self->s.cmodel_index, self->s.origin, self->mins, self->maxs, left_target, self, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
      left = tr.fraction;

      VectorSet(v, d2, 16, 0);
      G_ProjectSource(self->s.origin, v, v_forward, v_right, right_target);
      tr = gi.trace(self->s.cmodel_index, self->s.origin, self->mins, self->maxs, right_target, self, MASK_PLAYERSOLID);
      right = tr.fraction;

      center = (d1 * center) / d2;
      if(left >= center && left > right) {
        if(left < 1) {
          VectorSet(v, d2 * left * 0.5, -16, 0);
          G_ProjectSource(self->s.origin, v, v_forward, v_right, left_target);
          //					gi.dprintf("incomplete path, go part way and adjust again\n");
        VectorCopy(self->monsterinfo.last_sighting, self->monsterinfo.saved_goal);
        self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_PURSUE_TEMP;
        VectorCopy(left_target, self->goalentity->s.origin);
        VectorCopy(left_target, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting);
        VectorSubtract(self->goalentity->s.origin, self->s.origin, v);
        self->s.angles[YAW] = self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(v);
        //				gi.dprintf("adjusted left\n");
        //				debug_drawline(self.origin, self.last_sighting, 152);
      } else if(right >= center && right > left) {
        if(right < 1) {
          VectorSet(v, d2 * right * 0.5, 16, 0);
          G_ProjectSource(self->s.origin, v, v_forward, v_right, right_target);
          //					gi.dprintf("incomplete path, go part way and adjust again\n");
        VectorCopy(self->monsterinfo.last_sighting, self->monsterinfo.saved_goal);
        self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_PURSUE_TEMP;
        VectorCopy(right_target, self->goalentity->s.origin);
        VectorCopy(right_target, self->monsterinfo.last_sighting);
        VectorSubtract(self->goalentity->s.origin, self->s.origin, v);
        self->s.angles[YAW] = self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(v);
        //				gi.dprintf("adjusted right\n");
        //				debug_drawline(self.origin, self.last_sighting, 152);
    //		else gi.dprintf("course was fine\n");

  M_MoveToGoal(self, dist);


    self->goalentity = save;