Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Id Software, Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "qrad.h"



every surface must be divided into at least two patches each axis


patch_t *face_patches[MAX_MAP_FACES_QBSP];
entity_t *face_entity[MAX_MAP_FACES_QBSP];
patch_t *patches; //[MAX_PATCHES_QBSP];
unsigned num_patches;
int32_t num_smoothing; // qb: number of phong hits

struct SH1 radiosity[MAX_PATCHES_QBSP];    // light leaving a patch
struct SH1 illumination[MAX_PATCHES_QBSP]; // light arriving at a patch

vec3_t face_offset[MAX_MAP_FACES_QBSP]; // for rotating bmodels
dplane_t backplanes[MAX_MAP_PLANES_QBSP];

extern char inbase[32], outbase[32];

int32_t fakeplanes; // created planes for origin offset

int32_t numbounce = 4;    // default was 8
qboolean noblock = false; // when true, disables occlusion testing on light rays
qboolean extrasamples = false;
qboolean dicepatches = false;
qboolean noedgefix = false;
int32_t memory = false;
float patch_cutoff = 0.0f; // set with -radmin 0.0..1.0, see MakeTransfers()

float subdiv = 64;
qboolean dumppatches;

void BuildFaceExtents(void); // qb: from quemap
int32_t TestLine(vec3_t start, vec3_t stop);
float smoothing_threshold; // qb: phong from VHLT
float smoothing_value = DEFAULT_SMOOTHING_VALUE;
float sample_nudge = DEFAULT_NUDGE_VALUE; // qb: adjustable nudge for multisample

 * 2010-09 Notes
 * These variables are somewhat confusing. The floating point color values are
 *  in the range 0..255 (floating point color should be 0.0 .. 1.0 IMO.)
 *  The following may or may not be precisely correct.
 *  (There are other variables, surface flags, etc., affecting lighting. What
 *   they do, or whether they work at all is "to be determined")
 * see lightmap.c:FinalLightFace()
 *  sequence: ambient is added, lightscale is applied, RGB is "normalized" to
 *  0..255 range, grayscale is applied, RGB is clamped to maxlight.
 * ambient:
 *  set with -ambient option, 0..255 (but only small numbers are useful)
 *  adds the same value to R, G & B
 *  default is 0
 * lightscale:
 *  set with -scale option, 0.0..1.0
 *  scales lightmap globally.
 * saturation:
 *  set with -saturation, 0.0..1.0  //qb: does higher than 1 work?
 *  proportionally saturation texture reflectivity
 * direct_scale:
 *  set with -direct option, 0.0..1.0
 *  controls reflection from emissive surfaces, i.e. brushes with a light value
 *  research indicates it is not the usual practice to include this in
 *    radiosity, so the default should be 0.0. (Would be nice to have this
 *    a per-surface option where surfaces are used like point lights.)
 * entity_scale:
 *  set with -entity option, 0.0..1.0
 *  controls point light radiosity, i.e. light entities.
 *  default is 1.0, no attenuation of point lights
#include <assert.h>
float ambient = 0.0f;
float lightscale = 1.0f;
float maxlight = 255.0f;
// qboolean nocolor = false;
float grayscale = 0.0f;
float saturation = 1.0f; // qb: change desaturate to saturation
float direct_scale = 1.0f;
float entity_scale = 1.0f;

 * 2010-09 Notes:
 * These are controlled by setting keys in the worldspawn entity. A light
 * entity targeting an info_null entity is used to determine the vector for
 * the sun directional lighting; variable name "sun_pos" is a misnomer, i think.
 * Example:
 * "_sun" "sun_target"  # activates sun
 * "_sun_color" "1.0 1.0 0.0"  # for yellow, sets sun_alt_color true
 * "_sun_light" "50" # light value, variable is sun_main
 * "_sun_ambient" "2" # an ambient light value in the sun color. variable is sun_ambient
 * It might or might not be the case:
 *  if there is no info_null for the light entity with the "sun_target" to
 *  target, then {0,0,0} is used for the target. If _sun_color is not specified
 *  in the .map, the color of the light entity is used.
qboolean sun = false;
qboolean sun_alt_color = false;
vec3_t sun_pos = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
float sun_main = 250.0f;
float sun_ambient = 0.0f;
vec3_t sun_color = {1, 1, 1};

qboolean nopvs;
qboolean save_trace = false;

extern char source[1024];




void MakeBackplanes(void) {
  int32_t i;

  for(i = 0; i < numplanes; i++) {
    backplanes[i].dist = -dplanes[i].dist;
    VectorSubtract(vec3_origin, dplanes[i].normal, backplanes[i].normal);

int32_t leafparents[MAX_MAP_LEAFS_QBSP];
int32_t nodeparents[MAX_MAP_NODES_QBSP];

void MakeParents(int32_t nodenum, int32_t parent) {
  int32_t i, j;

  nodeparents[nodenum] = parent;

  if(use_qbsp) {
    dnode_tx *node;
    node = &dnodesX[nodenum];
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      j = node->children[i];
      if(j < 0)
        leafparents[-j - 1] = nodenum;
        MakeParents(j, nodenum);
  } else {
    dnode_t *node;
    node = &dnodes[nodenum];
    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      j = node->children[i];
      if(j < 0)
        leafparents[-j - 1] = nodenum;
        MakeParents(j, nodenum);




int32_t PointInLeafnum(vec3_t point) {
  int32_t nodenum;
  vec_t dist;
  dplane_t *plane;

  nodenum = 0;
  if(use_qbsp) {
    dnode_tx *node;
    while(nodenum >= 0) {
      node = &dnodesX[nodenum];
      plane = &dplanes[node->planenum];
      dist = DotProduct(point, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
      if(dist > 0)
        nodenum = node->children[0];
        nodenum = node->children[1];
  } else {
    dnode_t *node;
    while(nodenum >= 0) {
      node = &dnodes[nodenum];
      plane = &dplanes[node->planenum];
      dist = DotProduct(point, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
      if(dist > 0)
        nodenum = node->children[0];
        nodenum = node->children[1];

  return -nodenum - 1;

dleaf_tx *RadPointInLeafX(vec3_t point) {
  int32_t num;

  num = PointInLeafnum(point);
  return &dleafsX[num];

dleaf_t *RadPointInLeaf(vec3_t point) {
  int32_t num;

  num = PointInLeafnum(point);
  return &dleafs[num];

qboolean PvsForOrigin(vec3_t org, byte *pvs) {
  if(!visdatasize) {
    memset(pvs, 255, (numleafs + 7) / 8);
    return true;

  if(use_qbsp) {
    dleaf_tx *leaf;
    leaf = RadPointInLeafX(org);
    if(leaf->cluster == -1)
      return false; // in solid leaf
    DecompressVis(dvisdata + dvis->bitofs[leaf->cluster][DVIS_PVS], pvs);
  } else {
    dleaf_t *leaf;
    leaf = RadPointInLeaf(org);
    if(leaf->cluster == -1)
      return false; // in solid leaf
    DecompressVis(dvisdata + dvis->bitofs[leaf->cluster][DVIS_PVS], pvs);
  return true;

typedef struct tnode_s {
  int32_t type;
  vec3_t normal;
  float dist;
  int32_t children[2];
  int32_t pad;
} tnode_t;

extern tnode_t *tnodes;

int32_t total_transfer;

static long total_mem;

static int32_t first_transfer = 1;

#define MAX_TRACE_BUF ((MAX_PATCHES_QBSP + 7) / 8)

#define TRACE_BYTE(x) (((x) + 7) >> 3)
#define TRACE_BIT(x) ((x)&0x1F)

static byte trace_buf[MAX_TRACE_BUF + 1];
static byte trace_tmp[MAX_TRACE_BUF + 1];
static int32_t trace_buf_size;

int32_t CompressBytes(int32_t size, byte *source, byte *dest) {
  int32_t j;
  int32_t rep;
  byte *dest_p;

  dest_p = dest + 1;

  for(j = 0; j < size; j++) {
    *dest_p++ = source[j];

    if((dest_p - dest - 1) >= size) {
      memcpy(dest + 1, source, size);
      dest[0] = 0;
      return size + 1;


    rep = 1;
    for(j++; j < size; j++)
      if(source[j] || rep == 255)
    *dest_p++ = rep;

    if((dest_p - dest - 1) >= size) {
      memcpy(dest + 1, source, size);
      dest[0] = 0;
      return size + 1;


  dest[0] = 1;
  return dest_p - dest;

void DecompressBytes(int32_t size, byte *in, byte *decompressed) {
  int32_t c;
  byte *out;

  if(in[0] == 0) // not compressed
    memcpy(decompressed, in + 1, size);

  out = decompressed;

  do {
    if(*in) {
      *out++ = *in++;

    c = in[1];
      Error("DecompressBytes: 0 repeat");
    in += 2;
    while(c) {
      *out++ = 0;
  } while(out - decompressed < size);

static int32_t trace_bytes = 0;

#ifdef WIN32
static inline int32_t lowestCommonNode(int32_t nodeNum1, int32_t nodeNum2)
static inline int32_t lowestCommonNode(int32_t nodeNum1, int32_t nodeNum2)
  int32_t child1, tmp, headNode = 0;

  if(nodeNum1 > nodeNum2) {
    tmp = nodeNum1;
    nodeNum1 = nodeNum2;
    nodeNum2 = tmp;

  // headNode is guaranteed to be <= nodeNum1 and nodeNum1 is < nodeNum2
  if(headNode == nodeNum1)
    return headNode;

  if(use_qbsp) {
    dnode_tx *node;
    child1 = (node = dnodesX + headNode)->children[1];
    if(nodeNum2 < child1)
      // Both nodeNum1 and nodeNum2 are less than child1.
      // In this case, child0 is always a node, not a leaf, so we don't need
      // to check to make sure.
      headNode = node->children[0];
    else if(nodeNum1 < child1)
      // Child1 sits between nodeNum1 and nodeNum2.
      // This means that headNode is the lowest node which contains both
      // nodeNum1 and nodeNum2.
      return headNode;
    else if(child1 > 0)
      // Both nodeNum1 and nodeNum2 are greater than child1.
      // If child1 is a node, that means it contains both nodeNum1 and
      // nodeNum2.
      headNode = child1;
      // Child1 is a leaf, therefore by process of elimination child0 must be
      // a node and must contain boste nodeNum1 and nodeNum2.
      headNode = node->children[0];
    // goto instead of while(1) because it makes the CPU branch predict easier
  } else {
    dnode_t *node;
    child1 = (node = dnodes + headNode)->children[1];
    if(nodeNum2 < child1)
      headNode = node->children[0];
    else if(nodeNum1 < child1)
      return headNode;
    else if(child1 > 0)
      headNode = child1;
      headNode = node->children[0];

  goto re_test;

void MakeTransfers(int32_t i) {
  int32_t j;
  vec3_t delta;
  vec_t dist, inv_dist = 0, scale;
  float trans;
  int32_t itrans;
  patch_t *patch, *patch2;
  float total, inv_total;
  dplane_t plane;
  vec3_t origin;
  float *transfers; //[MAX_PATCHES_QBSP];
  int32_t s;
  int32_t itotal;
  byte pvs[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS_QBSP + 7) / 8];
  int32_t cluster;
  int32_t calc_trace, test_trace;

  patch = patches + i;
  total = 0;

  VectorCopy(patch->origin, origin);
  plane = *patch->plane;
  if(!PvsForOrigin(patch->origin, pvs))

  if(patch->area == 0)
  // find out which patches will collect light from patch
  patch->numtransfers = 0;
  calc_trace = (save_trace && memory && first_transfer);
  test_trace = (save_trace && memory && !first_transfer);

  if(calc_trace) {
    memset(trace_buf, 0, trace_buf_size);
  } else if(test_trace) {
    DecompressBytes(trace_buf_size, patch->trace_hit, trace_buf);

  transfers = malloc(sizeof(*transfers) * num_patches);

  for(j = 0, patch2 = patches; j < num_patches; j++, patch2++) {
    transfers[j] = 0;

    if(j == i)

    if(patch2->area == 0)

    // check pvs bit
    if(!nopvs) {
      cluster = patch2->cluster;
      if(cluster == -1)
      if(!(pvs[cluster >> 3] & (1 << (cluster & 7))))
        continue; // not in pvs
    if(test_trace && !(trace_buf[TRACE_BYTE(j)] & TRACE_BIT(j)))

    // calculate vector
    VectorSubtract(patch2->origin, origin, delta);
    dist = VectorNormalize(delta, delta);

    if(dist == 0) {
    } else {
      dist = sqrt(dist);
      inv_dist = 1.0f / dist;
      delta[0] *= inv_dist;
      delta[1] *= inv_dist;
      delta[2] *= inv_dist;

    // relative angles
    float leaving_dot = DotProduct(delta, plane.normal);
    float incoming_dot = -DotProduct(delta, patch2->plane->normal);
    if(leaving_dot * incoming_dot <= 0)

    // check exact transfer
    scale = leaving_dot * incoming_dot;
    trans = scale * patch2->area * inv_dist * inv_dist;

    if(trans > patch_cutoff) {
      if(!test_trace && !noblock && patch2->nodenum != patch->nodenum &&
         TestLine_r(lowestCommonNode(patch->nodenum, patch2->nodenum), patch->origin, patch2->origin)) {
        transfers[j] = 0;

      transfers[j] = trans;

      total += trans;

  // copy the transfers out and normalize
  // total should be somewhere near PI if everything went right
  // because partial occlusion isn't accounted for, and nearby
  // patches have underestimated form factors, it will usually
  // be higher than PI
  if(patch->numtransfers) {
    transfer_t *t;

    if(patch->numtransfers < 0 || patch->numtransfers > MAX_PATCHES_QBSP)
      Error("Weird numtransfers");
    s = patch->numtransfers * sizeof(transfer_t);
    patch->transfers = malloc(s);
    total_mem += s;
      Error("Memory allocation failure");

    // normalize all transfers so all of the light
    // is transfered to the surroundings
    t = patch->transfers;
    itotal = 0;
    inv_total = 65536.0f / total;
    for(j = 0; j < num_patches; j++) {
      if(transfers[j] <= 0)
      itrans = transfers[j] * inv_total;
      itotal += itrans;
      t->transfer = itrans;
      t->patch = j;
      if(calc_trace) {
        trace_buf[TRACE_BYTE(j)] |= TRACE_BIT(j);

  if(calc_trace) {
    j = CompressBytes(trace_buf_size, trace_buf, trace_tmp);
    patch->trace_hit = malloc(j);
    memcpy(patch->trace_hit, trace_tmp, j);

    trace_bytes += j;

  // don't bother locking around this.  not that important.
  total_transfer += patch->numtransfers;

  // cleanup:

void FreeTransfers(void) {
  int32_t i;

  for(i = 0; i < num_patches; i++) {
    if(!memory) {
      patches[i].transfers = NULL;
    } else if(patches[i].trace_hit != NULL) {
      patches[i].trace_hit = NULL;


void WriteWorld(char *name) {
  int32_t i, j;
  FILE *out;
  patch_t *patch;
  winding_t *w;

  out = fopen(name, "w");
    Error("Couldn't open %s", name);

  for(j = 0, patch = patches; j < num_patches; j++, patch++) {
    w = patch->winding;
    fprintf(out, "%i\n", w->numpoints);
    for(i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++) {
      fprintf(out, "%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n", w->p[i][0], w->p[i][1], w->p[i][2], patch->totallight.f[0],
              patch->totallight.f[4], patch->totallight.f[8]);
    fprintf(out, "\n");



float CollectLight(void) {
  int32_t i, j;
  patch_t *patch;
  vec_t total;

  total = 0;

  for(i = 0, patch = patches; i < num_patches; i++, patch++) {
    // skys never collect light, it is just dropped
    if(patch->sky) {
      radiosity[i] = SH1_Clear();

    vec3_t normal;
    VectorCopy(patch->plane->normal, normal);

    struct SH1 illum = SH1_Reflect(illumination[i], normal);

    patch->totallight = SH1_Add(patch->totallight, SH1_Scale(illum, 1.0f / patch->area));

    radiosity[i] = SH1_ColorScale(illum, patch->reflectivity);

    total += radiosity[i].f[0] + radiosity[i].f[4] + radiosity[i].f[8];

  memset(illumination, 0, sizeof(illumination[0]) * num_patches);

  return total;


Send light out to other patches
  Run multi-threaded
int32_t c_progress;
int32_t p_progress;
void ShootLight(int32_t patchnum) {
  int32_t k, l;
  transfer_t *trans;
  int32_t num;
  patch_t *patch;
  // vec3_t send;

  // this is the amount of light we are distributing
  // prescale it so that multiplying by the 16 bit
  // transfer values gives a proper output value
  struct SH1 send = SH1_Scale(radiosity[patchnum], 1.0f / 0x10000);

  patch = &patches[patchnum];
  if(memory) {
    c_progress = 10 * patchnum / num_patches;

    if(c_progress != p_progress) {
      printf("%i...", c_progress);
      p_progress = c_progress;


  trans = patch->transfers;
  num = patch->numtransfers;

  for(k = 0; k < num; k++, trans++) {
    vec3_t direction, color;
    VectorSubtract(patches[trans->patch].origin, patch->origin, direction);
    VectorNormalize(direction, direction);
    SH1_Sample(send, direction, color);
    illumination[trans->patch] =
        SH1_Add(illumination[trans->patch], SH1_Scale(SH1_FromDirectionalLight(direction, color), trans->transfer));
    // for (l = 0; l < 3; l++)
    //     illumination[trans->patch][l] += send[l] * trans->transfer;
  if(memory) {
    patches[patchnum].transfers = NULL;

void BounceLight(void) {
  int32_t i, j, start = 0, stop;
  float added;
  char name[64];
  patch_t *p;

  for(i = 0; i < num_patches; i++) {
    p = &patches[i];
    // for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    //			p->totallight[j] = p->samplelight[j];
    // radiosity[i][j] = p->samplelight[j] * p->reflectivity[j] * p->area;
    // }
    radiosity[i] = SH1_Scale(SH1_ColorScale(p->samplelight, p->reflectivity), p->area);

    trace_buf_size = (num_patches + 7) / 8;

  for(i = 0; i < numbounce; i++) {
    if(memory) {
      p_progress = -1;
      start = I_FloatTime();
      printf("[%d remaining]  ", numbounce - i);
      total_mem = 0;
    RunThreadsOnIndividual(num_patches, false, ShootLight);
    first_transfer = 0;
    if(memory) {
      stop = I_FloatTime();
      printf(" (%i)\n", stop - start);
    added = CollectLight();

    qprintf("bounce:%i added:%f\n", i, added);
    if(dumppatches && (i == 0 || i == numbounce - 1)) {
      sprintf(name, "bounce%i.txt", i);


void CheckPatches(void) {
  int32_t i;
  patch_t *patch;

  for(i = 0; i < num_patches; i++) {
    patch = &patches[i];
    if(patch->totallight.f[0] < 0 || patch->totallight.f[4] < 0 || patch->totallight.f[8] < 0)
      Error("negative patch totallight\n");

void RadWorld(void) {
  if(numnodes == 0 || numfaces == 0)
    Error("Empty map");
  MakeParents(0, -1);

  // turn each face into a single patch

  // subdivide patches to a maximum dimension

  BuildFaceExtents(); // qb: from quetoo
  // create directlights out of patches and lights
  PairEdges(); // qb: moved here for phong

  // build initial facelights
  RunThreadsOnIndividual(numfaces, true, BuildFacelights);

  if(numbounce > 0) {
    // build transfer lists
    if(!memory) {
      RunThreadsOnIndividual(num_patches, true, MakeTransfers);
      qprintf("transfer lists: %5.1f megs\n", (float)total_transfer * sizeof(transfer_t) / (1024 * 1024));
    numthreads = 1;

    // spread light around


  } else
    numthreads = 1;

  if(memory) {
    printf("Non-memory conservation would require %4.1f\n", (float)(total_mem - trace_bytes) / 1048576.0f);
    printf("    megabytes more memory then currently used\n");

  // blend bounced light into direct light and save

  lightdatasize = 0;
  RunThreadsOnIndividual(numfaces, true, FinalLightFace);


light modelfile
void RAD_ProcessArgument(const char *arg) {
  double start, end;
  char *name;
  char *tgamedir = "";
  char *tbasedir = "";
  char *tmoddir = "";

  patches = malloc(sizeof(*patches) * MAX_PATCHES_QBSP);

  start = I_FloatTime();

  strcpy(source, ExpandArg(arg));

  DefaultExtension(source, ".bsp");

  //	ReadLightFile ();
  name = (char *)malloc(strlen(inbase) + strlen(source) + 1);
  sprintf(name, "%s%s", inbase, source);
  printf("reading %s\n", name);
  dlightdata_ptr = dlightdata;
  if(use_qbsp) {
    maxdata = MAX_MAP_LIGHTING_QBSP;
    step = QBSP_LMSTEP;

  if(!visdatasize) {
    printf("No vis information, direct lighting only.\n");
    numbounce = 0;
    ambient = 0.1;


  if(smoothing_threshold > 0.0) {
    printf("Smoothing edges found: %i\n", num_smoothing);

  sprintf(name, "%s%s", outbase, source);
  printf("writing %s\n", name);

  end = I_FloatTime();
  printf("%5.0f seconds elapsed\n", end - start);
  printf("%i bytes light data used of %i max.\n", lightdatasize, maxdata);

  printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END 4rad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n\n");

  patches = NULL;