Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Id Software, Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "qrad.h"

vec3_t texture_reflectivity[MAX_MAP_TEXINFO_QBSP];

int32_t cluster_neg_one = 0;
int32_t texture_sizes[MAX_MAP_TEXINFO_QBSP][2];



void CalcTextureReflectivity(void) {
  int32_t i, j, k, count;
  int32_t texels, texel;
  qboolean wal_tex;
  float color[3], cur_color[3], tex_a, a;
  char path[1200];
  float *r, *g, *b;
  float c;
  byte *pbuffer = NULL; // mxd. "potentially uninitialized local pointer variable" in VS2017 if uninitialized

  byte *palette_frompak = NULL;
  byte *ptexel;
  byte *palette;
  miptex_t *mt = NULL; // mxd. "potentially uninitialized local pointer variable" in VS2017 if uninitialized
  float *fbuffer, *ftexel;
  int32_t width, height;

  // for TGA RGBA texture images

  wal_tex = false;

  // get the game palette
  // qb: looks in moddir then basedir
  sprintf(path, "%spics/colormap.pcx", moddir);
  if(FileExists(path)) {
    Load256Image(path, NULL, &palette, NULL, NULL);
  } else {
    sprintf(path, "%spics/colormap.pcx", basedir);
    if(FileExists(path)) {
      Load256Image(path, NULL, &palette, NULL, NULL);
    } else if((i = TryLoadFileFromPak("pics/colormap.pcx", (void **)&palette_frompak, moddir)) != -1) {
      // unicat: load from pack files, palette is loaded from the last 768 bytes
      palette = palette_frompak - (i - 768);
    } else {
      Error("unable to load pics/colormap.pcx");

  // always set index 0 even if no textures
  texture_reflectivity[0][0] = 0.5;
  texture_reflectivity[0][1] = 0.5;
  texture_reflectivity[0][2] = 0.5;

  for(i = 0; i < numtexinfo; i++) {
    // default
    texture_reflectivity[i][0] = 0.5f;
    texture_reflectivity[i][1] = 0.5f;
    texture_reflectivity[i][2] = 0.5f;

    // see if an earlier texinfo already got the value
    for(j = 0; j < i; j++) {
      if(!strcmp(texinfo[i].texture, texinfo[j].texture)) {
        VectorCopy(texture_reflectivity[j], texture_reflectivity[i]);
        texture_sizes[i][0] = texture_sizes[j][0];
        texture_sizes[i][1] = texture_sizes[j][1];
    if(j != i)

    // buffer is RGBA  (A  set to 255 for 24 bit format)
    // qb: looks in moddir then basedir
    sprintf(path, "%stextures/%s.tga", moddir, texinfo[i].texture);
    if(FileExists(path)) // LoadTGA expects file to exist
      LoadTGA(path, &pbuffer, &width, &height); // load rgba data
      qprintf("load %s\n", path);
    } else {
      // look for wal file in moddir
      sprintf(path, "%stextures/%s.wal", moddir, texinfo[i].texture);
      qprintf("attempting %s\n", path);

      // load the miptex to get the flags and values
      if(FileExists(path)) // qb: linux segfault if not exist
        if(TryLoadFile(path, (void **)&mt, false) != -1)
          wal_tex = true;
      } else {
        // look for TGA in basedir            sprintf(path, "%stextures/%s.tga", basedir, texinfo[i].texture);
        if(FileExists(path)) {
          LoadTGA(path, &pbuffer, &width, &height); // load rgba data
          qprintf("load %s\n", path);
        } else {
          // look for wal file in base dir
          sprintf(path, "%stextures/%s.wal", basedir, texinfo[i].texture);
          qprintf("load %s\n", path);

          // load the miptex to get the flags and values
          if(FileExists(path)) // qb: linux segfault if not exist
            if(TryLoadFile(path, (void **)&mt, false) != -1)
              wal_tex = true;
          } else {
            qprintf("NOT FOUND %s\n", path);

    // Calculate the "average color" for the texture

    if(wal_tex) {
      texels = LittleLong(mt->width) * LittleLong(mt->height);
      color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0;

      for(j = 0; j < texels; j++) {
        texel = ((byte *)mt)[LittleLong(mt->offsets[0]) + j];
        for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
          color[k] += palette[texel * 3 + k];
    } else {
      texels = width * height;
      if(texels <= 0) {
        qprintf("tex %i (%s) no rgba data (file broken?)\n", i, path);
        continue; // empty texture, possible bad file

      color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0.0f;
      ptexel = pbuffer;
      // fbuffer                        = malloc(texels * 4 * sizeof(float));
      // ftexel                         = fbuffer;

      for(count = texels; count--;) {
        cur_color[0] = (float)(*ptexel++); // r
        cur_color[1] = (float)(*ptexel++); // g
        cur_color[2] = (float)(*ptexel++); // b
        tex_a = (float)(*ptexel++);

        if(texinfo[i].flags & (SURF_WARP | SURF_NODRAW)) {
          a = 0.0;
        } else if((texinfo[i].flags & SURF_TRANS33) && (texinfo[i].flags & SURF_TRANS66)) {
          a = tex_a / 511.0;
        } else if(texinfo[i].flags & SURF_TRANS33) {
          a = tex_a / 765.0;
        } else if(texinfo[i].flags & SURF_TRANS66) {
          a = tex_a / 382.5;
        } else {
          a = 1.0;

        for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
          color[j] += cur_color[j] * a;


    for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      // average RGB for the texture to 0.0..1.0 range
      c = color[j] / (float)texels / 255.0f;
      texture_reflectivity[i][j] = c;

// reflectivity saturation
#define Pr .299
#define Pg .587
#define Pb .114

    //  public-domain function by Darel Rex Finley
    //  The passed-in RGB values can be on any desired scale, such as 0 to
    //  to 1, or 0 to 255.  (But use the same scale for all three!)
    //  The "saturation" parameter works like this:
    //    0.0 creates a black-and-white image.
    //    0.5 reduces the color saturation by half.
    //    1.0 causes no change.
    //    2.0 doubles the color saturation.
    //  Note:  A "change" value greater than 1.0 may project your RGB values
    //  beyond their normal range, in which case you probably should truncate
    //  them to the desired range before trying to use them in an image.

    r = &texture_reflectivity[i][0];
    g = &texture_reflectivity[i][1];
    b = &texture_reflectivity[i][2];

    float P = sqrt((*r) * (*r) * Pr + (*g) * (*g) * Pg + (*b) * (*b) * Pb);

    *r = BOUND(0, P + (*r - P) * saturation, 255);
    *g = BOUND(0, P + (*g - P) * saturation, 255);
    *b = BOUND(0, P + (*b - P) * saturation, 255);

    qprintf("tex %i (%s) avg rgb [ %f, %f, %f ]\n", i, path, texture_reflectivity[i][0], texture_reflectivity[i][1],

  if(palette_frompak) {
  } else {




winding_t *WindingFromFaceX(dface_tx *f) {
  int32_t i;
  int32_t se;
  dvertex_t *dv;
  int32_t v;
  winding_t *w;

  w = AllocWinding(f->numedges);
  w->numpoints = f->numedges;

  for(i = 0; i < f->numedges; i++) {
    se = dsurfedges[f->firstedge + i];

    if(se < 0)
      v = dedgesX[-se].v[1];
      v = dedgesX[se].v[0];

    dv = &dvertexes[v];
    VectorCopy(dv->point, w->p[i]);


  return w;

winding_t *WindingFromFace(dface_t *f) {
  int32_t i;
  int32_t se;
  dvertex_t *dv;
  int32_t v;
  winding_t *w;

  w = AllocWinding(f->numedges);
  w->numpoints = f->numedges;

  for(i = 0; i < f->numedges; i++) {
    se = dsurfedges[f->firstedge + i];
    if(se < 0)
      v = dedges[-se].v[1];
      v = dedges[se].v[0];

    dv = &dvertexes[v];
    VectorCopy(dv->point, w->p[i]);


  return w;

struct SH1 BaseLightForFaceX(dface_tx *f) {
  texinfo_t *tx;

  // check for light emited by texture
  tx = &texinfo[f->texinfo];
  if(!(tx->flags & SURF_LIGHT) || tx->value == 0) {
    if(tx->flags & SURF_LIGHT) {
      printf("Surface light has 0 intensity.\n");
    return SH1_Clear();

  // non-standard use, get a more diffuse baselight from short direction vector
  vec3_t normal, color;
  VectorScale((f->side ? backplanes[f->planenum].normal : dplanes[f->planenum].normal), -0.25, normal);
  VectorScale(texture_reflectivity[f->texinfo], tx->value, color);

  return SH1_FromDirectionalLight(normal, color);

struct SH1 BaseLightForFaceI(dface_t *f) {
  texinfo_t *tx;

  // check for light emited by texture
  tx = &texinfo[f->texinfo];
  if(!(tx->flags & SURF_LIGHT) || tx->value == 0) {
    if(tx->flags & SURF_LIGHT) {
      printf("Surface light has 0 intensity.\n");
    return SH1_Clear();

  // non-standard use, get a more diffuse baselight from short direction vector
  vec3_t normal, color;
  VectorScale(f->side ? backplanes[f->planenum].normal : dplanes[f->planenum].normal, 0.25, normal);
  VectorScale(texture_reflectivity[f->texinfo], tx->value, color);

  return SH1_FromDirectionalLight(normal, color);

qboolean IsSkyX(dface_tx *f) {
  texinfo_t *tx;

  tx = &texinfo[f->texinfo];
  if(tx->flags & SURF_SKY)
    return true;
  return false;

qboolean IsSkyI(dface_t *f) {
  texinfo_t *tx;

  tx = &texinfo[f->texinfo];
  if(tx->flags & SURF_SKY)
    return true;
  return false;

float totalarea;
void MakePatchForFace(int32_t fn, winding_t *w) {
  float area;
  patch_t *patch;
  dplane_t *pl;
  int32_t i;
  vec3_t color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};

  area = WindingArea(w);
  totalarea += area;

  patch = &patches[num_patches];
  if(use_qbsp) {
    if(num_patches == MAX_PATCHES_QBSP)
      Error("Exceeded MAX_PATCHES_QBSP %i", MAX_PATCHES_QBSP);
  } else if(num_patches == MAX_PATCHES)
    Error("Exceeded MAX_PATCHES %i", MAX_PATCHES);
  patch->next = face_patches[fn];
  face_patches[fn] = patch;

  patch->winding = w;

  if(use_qbsp) {
    dface_tx *f;
    dleaf_tx *leaf;

    f = &dfacesX[fn];
      patch->plane = &backplanes[f->planenum];
      patch->plane = &dplanes[f->planenum];
    if(face_offset[fn][0] || face_offset[fn][1] || face_offset[fn][2]) {
      // origin offset faces must create new planes
      if(use_qbsp) {
        if(numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES_QBSP)
          Error("numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES_QBSP");
      } else if(numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES)
        Error("numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES");

      pl = &dplanes[numplanes + fakeplanes];

      *pl = *(patch->plane);
      pl->dist += DotProduct(face_offset[fn], pl->normal);
      patch->plane = pl;

    WindingCenter(w, patch->origin);
    VectorAdd(patch->origin, patch->plane->normal, patch->origin);
    leaf = RadPointInLeafX(patch->origin);
    patch->cluster = leaf->cluster;

    if(patch->cluster == -1) {
      // qprintf ("patch->cluster == -1\n");

    patch->faceNumber = fn; // qb: for patch sorting
    patch->area = area;
    if(patch->area <= 1)
      patch->area = 1;
    patch->sky = IsSkyX(f);

    VectorCopy(texture_reflectivity[f->texinfo], patch->reflectivity);

    // non-bmodel patches can emit light
    if(fn < dmodels[0].numfaces) {
      ColorNormalize(patch->reflectivity, color);

      patch->baselight = SH1_ColorScale(BaseLightForFaceX(f), color);

      // VectorCopy(patch->baselight, patch->totallight);
      patch->totallight = patch->baselight;
  } else {
    dface_t *f;
    dleaf_t *leaf;

    f = &dfaces[fn];
      patch->plane = &backplanes[f->planenum];
      patch->plane = &dplanes[f->planenum];
    if(face_offset[fn][0] || face_offset[fn][1] || face_offset[fn][2]) {
      // origin offset faces must create new planes
      if(use_qbsp) {
        if(numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES_QBSP)
          Error("numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES_QBSP");
      } else if(numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES)
        Error("numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES");

      pl = &dplanes[numplanes + fakeplanes];

      *pl = *(patch->plane);
      pl->dist += DotProduct(face_offset[fn], pl->normal);
      patch->plane = pl;

    WindingCenter(w, patch->origin);
    VectorAdd(patch->origin, patch->plane->normal, patch->origin);
    leaf = RadPointInLeaf(patch->origin);
    patch->cluster = leaf->cluster;

    if(patch->cluster == -1) {
      // qprintf ("patch->cluster == -1\n");

    patch->faceNumber = fn; // qb: for patch sorting
    patch->area = area;
    if(patch->area <= 1)
      patch->area = 1;
    patch->sky = IsSkyI(f);

    VectorCopy(texture_reflectivity[f->texinfo], patch->reflectivity);

    // non-bmodel patches can emit light
    if(fn < dmodels[0].numfaces) {
      ColorNormalize(patch->reflectivity, color);

      patch->baselight = SH1_ColorScale(BaseLightForFaceI(f), color);

      // VectorCopy(patch->baselight, patch->totallight);
      patch->totallight = patch->baselight;

entity_t *EntityForModel(int32_t modnum) {
  int32_t i;
  char *s;
  char name[16];

  sprintf(name, "*%i", modnum);
  // search the entities for one using modnum
  for(i = 0; i < num_entities; i++) {
    s = ValueForKey(&entities[i], "model");
    if(!strcmp(s, name))
      return &entities[i];

  return &entities[0];

void MakePatches(void) {
  int32_t i, j, k;
  int32_t fn;
  winding_t *w;
  dmodel_t *mod;
  vec3_t origin;
  entity_t *ent;

  qprintf("%i faces\n", numfaces);

  for(i = 0; i < nummodels; i++) {
    mod = &dmodels[i];
    ent = EntityForModel(i);
    // bmodels with origin brushes need to be offset into their
    // in-use position
    GetVectorForKey(ent, "origin", origin);
    // VectorCopy (vec3_origin, origin);

    for(j = 0; j < mod->numfaces; j++) {
      fn = mod->firstface + j;
      face_entity[fn] = ent;
      VectorCopy(origin, face_offset[fn]);
      if(use_qbsp) {
        dface_tx *f;
        f = &dfacesX[fn];
        w = WindingFromFaceX(f);
      } else {
        dface_t *f;
        f = &dfaces[fn];
        w = WindingFromFace(f);

      for(k = 0; k < w->numpoints; k++) {
        VectorAdd(w->p[k], origin, w->p[k]);
      MakePatchForFace(fn, w);

  qprintf("%i sqaure feet\n", (int32_t)(totalarea / 64));




void FinishSplit(patch_t *patch, patch_t *newp) {
  newp->baselight = patch->baselight;
  newp->totallight = patch->totallight;
  VectorCopy(patch->reflectivity, newp->reflectivity);
  newp->plane = patch->plane;
  newp->sky = patch->sky;

  patch->area = WindingArea(patch->winding);
  newp->area = WindingArea(newp->winding);

  if(patch->area <= 1)
    patch->area = 1;
  if(newp->area <= 1)
    newp->area = 1;

  if(use_qbsp) {
    dleaf_tx *leaf;
    WindingCenter(patch->winding, patch->origin);
    VectorAdd(patch->origin, patch->plane->normal, patch->origin);
    leaf = RadPointInLeafX(patch->origin);
    patch->cluster = leaf->cluster;
    if(patch->cluster == -1)
      qprintf("patch->cluster == -1\n");

    WindingCenter(newp->winding, newp->origin);
    VectorAdd(newp->origin, newp->plane->normal, newp->origin);
    leaf = RadPointInLeafX(newp->origin);
    newp->cluster = leaf->cluster;
    if(newp->cluster == -1)
      qprintf("patch->cluster == -1\n");
  } else {
    dleaf_t *leaf;
    WindingCenter(patch->winding, patch->origin);
    VectorAdd(patch->origin, patch->plane->normal, patch->origin);
    leaf = RadPointInLeaf(patch->origin);
    patch->cluster = leaf->cluster;
    if(patch->cluster == -1)
      qprintf("patch->cluster == -1\n");

    WindingCenter(newp->winding, newp->origin);
    VectorAdd(newp->origin, newp->plane->normal, newp->origin);
    leaf = RadPointInLeaf(newp->origin);
    newp->cluster = leaf->cluster;
    if(newp->cluster == -1)
      qprintf("patch->cluster == -1\n");


Chops the patch only if its local bounds exceed the max size
void SubdividePatch(patch_t *patch) {
  winding_t *w, *o1, *o2;
  vec3_t mins, maxs, total;
  vec3_t split;
  vec_t dist;
  int32_t i, j;
  vec_t v;
  patch_t *newp;

  w = patch->winding;
  mins[0] = mins[1] = mins[2] = BOGUS_RANGE;
  maxs[0] = maxs[1] = maxs[2] = -BOGUS_RANGE;
  for(i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      v = w->p[i][j];
      if(v < mins[j])
        mins[j] = v;
      if(v > maxs[j])
        maxs[j] = v;
  VectorSubtract(maxs, mins, total);
  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    if(total[i] > (subdiv + 1))
  if(i == 3) {
    // no splitting needed

  // split the winding
  VectorCopy(vec3_origin, split);
  split[i] = 1;
  dist = (mins[i] + maxs[i]) * 0.5;
  ClipWindingEpsilon(w, split, dist, ON_EPSILON, &o1, &o2);

  // create a new patch
  if(use_qbsp) {
    if(num_patches == MAX_PATCHES_QBSP)
      Error("Exceeded MAX_PATCHES_QBSP %i", MAX_PATCHES_QBSP);
  } else if(num_patches == MAX_PATCHES)
    Error("Exceeded MAX_PATCHES %i", MAX_PATCHES);

  newp = &patches[num_patches];

  newp->next = patch->next;
  patch->next = newp;

  patch->winding = o1;
  newp->winding = o2;

  FinishSplit(patch, newp);



Chops the patch by a global grid
void DicePatch(patch_t *patch) {
  winding_t *w, *o1, *o2;
  vec3_t mins, maxs;
  vec3_t split;
  vec_t dist;
  int32_t i;
  patch_t *newp;

  w = patch->winding;
  WindingBounds(w, mins, maxs); // 3D AABB for polygon
  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    if(floor((mins[i] + 1) / subdiv) < floor((maxs[i] - 1) / subdiv))
  if(i == 3) {
    // no splitting needed

  // split the winding
  VectorCopy(vec3_origin, split);
  split[i] = 1;
  dist = subdiv * (1 + floor((mins[i] + 1) / subdiv));
  ClipWindingEpsilon(w, split, dist, ON_EPSILON, &o1, &o2);

  // create a new patch
  if(use_qbsp) {
    if(num_patches == MAX_PATCHES_QBSP)
      Error("Exceeded MAX_PATCHES_QBSP %i", MAX_PATCHES_QBSP);
  } else if(num_patches == MAX_PATCHES)
    Error("Exceeded MAX_PATCHES %i", MAX_PATCHES);
  newp = &patches[num_patches];

  newp->next = patch->next;
  patch->next = newp;

  patch->winding = o1;
  newp->winding = o2;

  FinishSplit(patch, newp);


void SubdividePatches(void) {
  int32_t i, num;

  if(subdiv < 1)

  num = num_patches; // because the list will grow
  for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {
  for(i = 0; i < num_patches; i++)
    patches[i].nodenum = PointInNodenum(patches[i].origin);
  printf("%i subdiv patches\n", num_patches);

  qprintf("[? patch->cluster=-1 count is %i  ?in solid leaf?]\n", cluster_neg_one);
