
  The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of a
  legal notice, here is a blessing:

  *   May you do good and not evil.
  *   May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
  *   May you share freely, never taking more than you give.


  Demonstration of the sqlite3 Worker API #1 Promiser: a Promise-based
  proxy for for the sqlite3 Worker #1 API.
'use strict';
  const T = self.SqliteTestUtil;
  const eOutput = document.querySelector('#test-output');
  const warn = console.warn.bind(console);
  const error = console.error.bind(console);
  const log = console.log.bind(console);
  const logHtml = async function(cssClass,...args){
    log.apply(this, args);
    const ln = document.createElement('div');
    if(cssClass) ln.classList.add(cssClass);
    ln.append(document.createTextNode(args.join(' ')));

  let startTime;
  const testCount = async ()=>{
    logHtml("","Total test count:",T.counter+". Total time =",(performance.now() - startTime),"ms");

  //why is this triggered even when we catch() a Promise?
  //window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', function(event) {
  //  warn('unhandledrejection',event);

  const promiserConfig = {
    worker: ()=>{
      const w = new Worker("jswasm/sqlite3-worker1.js");
      w.onerror = (event)=>error("worker.onerror",event);
      return w;
    debug: 1 ? undefined : (...args)=>console.debug('worker debug',...args),
    onunhandled: function(ev){
      error("Unhandled worker message:",ev.data);
    onready: function(){
      self.sqlite3TestModule.setStatus(null)/*hide the HTML-side is-loading spinner*/;
    onerror: function(ev){
      error("worker1 error:",ev);
  const workerPromise = self.sqlite3Worker1Promiser(promiserConfig);
  delete self.sqlite3Worker1Promiser;

  const wtest = async function(msgType, msgArgs, callback){
    if(2===arguments.length && 'function'===typeof msgArgs){
      callback = msgArgs;
      msgArgs = undefined;
    const p = 1
          ? workerPromise({type: msgType, args:msgArgs})
          : workerPromise(msgType, msgArgs);
    return callback ? p.then(callback).finally(testCount) : p;

  let sqConfig;
  const runTests = async function(){
    const dbFilename = '/testing2.sqlite3';
    startTime = performance.now();

    await wtest('config-get', (ev)=>{
      const r = ev.result;
      log('sqlite3.config subset:', r);
      T.assert('boolean' === typeof r.bigIntEnabled);
      sqConfig = r;
            "Sending 'open' message and waiting for its response before continuing...");

    await wtest('open', {
      filename: dbFilename,
      simulateError: 0 /* if true, fail the 'open' */,
    }, function(ev){
      const r = ev.result;
      log("then open result",r);
      T.assert(ev.dbId === r.dbId)
        .assert('string' === typeof r.vfs);
      promiserConfig.dbId = ev.dbId;

  const runTests2 = async function(){
    const mustNotReach = ()=>toss("This is not supposed to be reached.");

    await wtest('exec',{
      sql: ["create table t(a,b)",
            "insert into t(a,b) values(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)"
      resultRows: [], columnNames: [],
      countChanges: sqConfig.bigIntEnabled ? 64 : true
    }, function(ev){
      ev = ev.result;
                ? (3n===ev.changeCount)
                : (3===ev.changeCount));

    await wtest('exec',{
      sql: 'select a a, b b from t order by a',
      resultRows: [], columnNames: [],
    }, function(ev){
      ev = ev.result;

    await wtest('exec',{
      sql: 'select a a, b b from t order by a',
      resultRows: [], columnNames: [],
      rowMode: 'object',
      countChanges: true
    }, function(ev){
      ev = ev.result;

    await wtest(
      warn("Intentional error:",e);

    await wtest('exec',{
      sql:'select 1 union all select 3',
      resultRows: []
    }, function(ev){
      ev = ev.result;
      T.assert(2 === ev.resultRows.length)
        .assert(1 === ev.resultRows[0][0])
        .assert(3 === ev.resultRows[1][0])
        .assert(undefined === ev.changeCount);

    const resultRowTest1 = function f(ev){
      if(undefined === f.counter) f.counter = 0;
      if(null === ev.rowNumber){
        /* End of result set. */
        T.assert(undefined === ev.row)
        T.assert(ev.rowNumber > 0);
      log("exec() result row:",ev);
      T.assert(null === ev.rowNumber || 'number' === typeof ev.row.B);
    await wtest('exec',{
      sql: 'select a a, b B from t order by a limit 3',
      callback: resultRowTest1,
      rowMode: 'object'
    }, function(ev){
      resultRowTest1.counter = 0;

    const resultRowTest2 = function f(ev){
      if(null === ev.rowNumber){
        /* End of result set. */
        T.assert(undefined === ev.row)
        T.assert(ev.rowNumber > 0);
        f.counter = ev.rowNumber;
      log("exec() result row:",ev);
      T.assert(null === ev.rowNumber || 'number' === typeof ev.row);
    await wtest('exec',{
      sql: 'select a a from t limit 3',
      callback: resultRowTest2,
      rowMode: 0
    }, function(ev){

    const resultRowTest3 = function f(ev){
      if(null === ev.rowNumber){
        f.counter = ev.rowNumber;
        T.assert('number' === typeof ev.row);
    await wtest('exec',{
      sql: "select 'foo' foo, a bar, 'baz' baz  from t limit 2",
      callback: resultRowTest3,
      columnNames: [],
      rowMode: '$bar'
    }, function(ev){
      log("exec() result row:",ev);

    await wtest('exec',{
        'pragma foreign_keys=0;',
        // ^^^ arbitrary query with no result columns
        'select a, b from t order by a desc; select a from t;'
        // exec() only honors SELECT results from the first
        // statement with result columns (regardless of whether
        // it has any rows).
      rowMode: 1,
      resultRows: []
      const rows = ev.result.resultRows;

    await wtest('exec',{sql: 'delete from t where a>3'});

    await wtest('exec',{
      sql: 'select count(a) from t',
      resultRows: []
      ev = ev.result;

    await wtest('export', function(ev){
      ev = ev.result;
      T.assert('string' === typeof ev.filename)
        .assert(ev.byteArray instanceof Uint8Array)
        .assert(ev.byteArray.length > 1024)
        .assert('application/x-sqlite3' === ev.mimetype);

    /***** close() tests must come last. *****/
    await wtest('close',{},function(ev){
      T.assert('string' === typeof ev.result.filename);

    await wtest('close', (ev)=>{
      T.assert(undefined === ev.result.filename);
    }).finally(()=>logHtml('',"That's all, folks!"));

  log("Init complete, but async init bits may still be running.");