# 2014 November 24
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
# focus of this script is testing the FTS5 module.
# Specifically, the auxiliary function "highlight".

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl]
set testprefix fts5ak

# If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is defined, omit this file.
ifcapable !fts5 {

foreach_detail_mode $testprefix {

do_execsql_test 1.1 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft1 USING fts5(x, detail=%DETAIL%);
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('i d d a g i b g d d');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('h d b j c c g a c a');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('e j a e f h b f h h');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('j f h d g h i b d f');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('d c j d c j b c g e');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('i a d e g j g d a a');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('j f c e d a h j d b');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('i c c f a d g h j e');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('i d i g c d c h b f');
  INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('g d a e h a b c f j');

  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft2 USING fts5(x, detail=%DETAIL%);
  INSERT INTO ft2 VALUES('a b c d e f g h i j');

do_execsql_test 1.2 {
  SELECT highlight(ft1, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft1 WHERE ft1 MATCH 'e';
} {
  {[e] j a [e] f h b f h h}
  {d c j d c j b c g [e]}
  {i a d [e] g j g d a a}
  {j f c [e] d a h j d b}
  {i c c f a d g h j [e]}
  {g d a [e] h a b c f j}

do_execsql_test 1.3 {
  SELECT highlight(ft1, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft1 WHERE ft1 MATCH 'e e e'
} {
  {[e] j a [e] f h b f h h}
  {d c j d c j b c g [e]}
  {i a d [e] g j g d a a}
  {j f c [e] d a h j d b}
  {i c c f a d g h j [e]}
  {g d a [e] h a b c f j}

do_execsql_test 1.4 {
  SELECT highlight(ft2, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft2 WHERE ft2 MATCH 'f d'
} {
  {a b c [d] e [f] g h i j}

do_execsql_test 1.5 {
  SELECT highlight(ft2, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft2 WHERE ft2 MATCH 'd f'
} {
  {a b c [d] e [f] g h i j}

# Tests below this point require detail=full.
if {[detail_is_full]==0} continue

do_execsql_test 2.1 {
  SELECT highlight(ft1, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft1 WHERE ft1 MATCH 'h + d';
} {
  {[h d] b j c c g a c a}
  {j f [h d] g h i b d f} 

do_execsql_test 2.2 {
  SELECT highlight(ft1, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft1 WHERE ft1 MATCH 'd + d';
} {
  {i [d d] a g i b g [d d]}

do_execsql_test 2.3 {
  SELECT highlight(ft1, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft1 WHERE ft1 MATCH 'd + d d + d';
} {
  {i [d d] a g i b g [d d]}

do_execsql_test 2.4 {
  SELECT highlight(ft2, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft2 WHERE ft2 MATCH 'b+c+d c+d+e'
} {{a [b c d e] f g h i j}}

do_execsql_test 2.5 {
  SELECT highlight(ft2, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft2 WHERE ft2 MATCH 'b+c+d e+f+g'
} {
  {a [b c d] [e f g] h i j}

do_execsql_test 2.6 {
  SELECT highlight(ft2, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft2 WHERE ft2 MATCH 'b+c+d c'
} {
  {a [b c d] e f g h i j}

do_execsql_test 2.7 {
  SELECT highlight(ft2, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft2 WHERE ft2 MATCH 'b+c c+d+e'
} {
  {a [b c d e] f g h i j}

# The example from the docs.
do_execsql_test 3.1 {
  -- Assuming this:
  INSERT INTO ft VALUES('a b c x c d e');
  INSERT INTO ft VALUES('a b c c d e');
  INSERT INTO ft VALUES('a b c d e');

  -- The following SELECT statement returns these three rows:
  --   '[a b c] x [c d e]'
  --   '[a b c] [c d e]'
  --   '[a b c d e]'
  SELECT highlight(ft, 0, '[', ']') FROM ft WHERE ft MATCH 'a+b+c AND c+d+e';
} {
  {[a b c] x [c d e]}
  {[a b c] [c d e]}
  {[a b c d e]}

do_execsql_test 3.2 {
  SELECT highlight(ft, 0, NULL, NULL) FROM ft WHERE ft MATCH 'a+b+c AND c+d+e';
} {
  {a b c x c d e}
  {a b c c d e}
  {a b c d e}


# 2023-04-06 https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/cae4367d9b
# This is not a test of FTS5, but rather a test of the of what happens to
# prepared statements that encounter SQLITE_SCHEMA while other prepared
# statements are running.  The original problem POC used FTS5, and so
# is seems reasonable to put the test here.
# The vdbeaux24.test module in TH3 also tests this same behavior but
# without requiring FTS5 or an other extension.
db null NULL
do_execsql_test 4.0 {
  WITH cte(a) AS (
     SELECT a FROM t5
      WHERE ((0,0) IN (SELECT 0, LAG(0) OVER (PARTITION BY 0) FROM t6), 0)
               < (a,0)
  SELECT max(a) FROM cte;
