# 2014 November 24
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
# focus of this script is testing the FTS5 module.
# Specifically, this function tests the %_config table.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl]
set testprefix fts5al

# If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is defined, omit this file.
ifcapable !fts5 {

foreach_detail_mode $testprefix {

do_execsql_test 1.1 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft1 USING fts5(x, detail=%DETAIL%);
  SELECT * FROM ft1_config;
} {version 4}

do_execsql_test 1.2 {
  INSERT INTO ft1(ft1, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 32);
  SELECT * FROM ft1_config;
} {pgsz 32 version 4}

do_execsql_test 1.3 {
  INSERT INTO ft1(ft1, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 64);
  SELECT * FROM ft1_config;
} {pgsz 64 version 4}

# Test the logic for parsing the rank() function definition.
foreach {tn defn} {
  1 "fname()"
  2 "fname(1)"
  3 "fname(1,2)"
  4 "fname(null,NULL,nUlL)"
  5 "  fname    (   null  ,   NULL  ,  nUlL  )  "
  6 "fname('abc')"
  7 "fname('a''bc')"
  8 "fname('''abc')"
  9 "fname('abc''')"

  7 "fname(  'a''bc'  )"
  8 "fname('''abc'  )"
  9 "fname(  'abc''' )"

  10 "fname(X'1234ab')"

  11 "myfunc(1.2)"
  12 "myfunc(-1.0)"
  13 "myfunc(.01,'abc')"
} {
  do_execsql_test 2.1.$tn {
    INSERT INTO ft1(ft1, rank) VALUES('rank', $defn);

foreach {tn defn} {
  1 ""
  2 "fname"
  3 "fname(X'234ab')"
  4 "myfunc(-1.,'abc')"
} {
  do_test 2.2.$tn {
    catchsql { INSERT INTO ft1(ft1, rank) VALUES('rank', $defn) }
  } {1 {SQL logic error}}

# Assorted tests of the tcl interface for creating extension functions.

do_execsql_test 3.1 {
  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('q w e r t y');
  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('y t r e w q');

proc argtest {cmd args} { return $args }
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db argtest argtest

do_execsql_test 3.2.1 {
  SELECT argtest(t1, 123) FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'q'
} {123 123}

do_execsql_test 3.2.2 {
  SELECT argtest(t1, 123, 456) FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'q'
} {{123 456} {123 456}}

proc rowidtest {cmd} { $cmd xRowid }
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db rowidtest rowidtest

do_execsql_test 3.3.1 {
  SELECT rowidtest(t1) FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'q'
} {1 2}

proc insttest {cmd} {
  set res [list]
  for {set i 0} {$i < [$cmd xInstCount]} {incr i} {
    lappend res [$cmd xInst $i]
  set res
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db insttest insttest

do_execsql_test 3.4.1 {
  SELECT insttest(t1) FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'q'
} {
  {{0 0 0}}
  {{0 0 5}} 

if {[detail_is_full]} {
  do_execsql_test 3.4.2 {
    SELECT insttest(t1) FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'r+e OR w'
  } {
    {{1 0 1}}
    {{0 0 2} {1 0 4}} 

proc coltest {cmd} {
  list [$cmd xColumnSize 0] [$cmd xColumnText 0]
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db coltest coltest

do_execsql_test 3.5.1 {
  SELECT coltest(t1) FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'q'
} {
  {6 {q w e r t y}}
  {6 {y t r e w q}} 

# Tests for remapping the "rank" column.
#   4.1.*: Mapped to a function with no arguments.
#   4.2.*: Mapped to a function with one or more arguments.

do_execsql_test 4.0 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t2 USING fts5(a, b, detail=%DETAIL%);
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('a s h g s b j m r h', 's b p a d b b a o e');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('r h n t a g r d d i', 'l d n j r c f t o q');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('q k n i k c a a e m', 'c h n j p g s c i t');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('h j g t r e l s g s', 'k q k c i i c k n s');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('b l k h d n n n m i', 'p t i a r b t q o l');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('k r i l j b g i p a', 't q c h a i m g n l');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('a e c q n m o m d g', 'l c t g i s q g q e');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('b o j h f o g b p e', 'r t l h s b g i c p');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('s q k f q b j g h f', 'n m a o p e i e k t');
  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('o q g g q c o k a b', 'r t k p t f t h p c');

proc firstinst {cmd} { 
  foreach {p c o} [$cmd xInst 0] {}
  expr $c*100 + $o
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db firstinst firstinst

do_execsql_test 4.1.1 {
  SELECT rowid, firstinst(t2) FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'a' ORDER BY rowid ASC
} {
  1 0 2 4 3 6   5  103
  6 9 7 0 9 102 10 8

do_execsql_test 4.1.2 {
  SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 
  WHERE t2 MATCH 'a' AND rank MATCH 'firstinst()' 
  ORDER BY rowid ASC
} {
  1 0 2 4 3 6   5  103
  6 9 7 0 9 102 10 8

do_execsql_test 4.1.3 {
  SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 
  WHERE t2 MATCH 'a' AND rank MATCH 'firstinst()'
} {
  5 103  9 102  6 9  10 8  3 6  2 4  1 0  7 0  

do_execsql_test 4.1.4 {
  INSERT INTO t2(t2, rank) VALUES('rank', 'firstinst()');
  SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'a' ORDER BY rowid ASC
} {
  1 0 2 4 3 6   5  103
  6 9 7 0 9 102 10 8

do_execsql_test 4.1.5 {
  SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'a' ORDER BY rank DESC
} {
  5 103  9 102  6 9  10 8  3 6  2 4  1 0  7 0  

do_execsql_test 4.1.6 {
  INSERT INTO t2(t2, rank) VALUES('rank', 'firstinst (    ) ');
  SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'a' ORDER BY rank DESC
} {
  5 103  9 102  6 9  10 8  3 6  2 4   1 0  7 0  

proc rowidplus {cmd ival} { 
  expr [$cmd xRowid] + $ival
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db rowidplus rowidplus

if {[detail_is_full]} {
  do_execsql_test 4.2.1 {
    INSERT INTO t2(t2, rank) VALUES('rank', 'rowidplus(100) ');
    SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'o + q + g'
  } {
    10 110
  do_execsql_test 4.2.2 {
    INSERT INTO t2(t2, rank) VALUES('rank', 'rowidplus(111) ');
    SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 WHERE t2 MATCH 'o + q + g'
  } {
    10 121

  do_execsql_test 4.2.3 {
    SELECT rowid, rank FROM t2 
      WHERE t2 MATCH 'o + q + g' AND rank MATCH 'rowidplus(112)'
  } {
    10 122

proc rowidmod {cmd imod} { 
  expr [$cmd xRowid] % $imod
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db rowidmod rowidmod
do_execsql_test 4.3.1 {
  INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a one');
  INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a two');
  INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a three');
  INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a four');
  INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('a five');
  INSERT INTO t3(t3, rank) VALUES('rank', 'bm25()');

do_execsql_test 4.3.2 {
  WHERE t3 MATCH 'a' AND rank MATCH 'rowidmod(4)' 
} {
  {a four} {a one} {a five} {a two} {a three}

do_execsql_test 4.3.3 {
  SELECT *, rank FROM t3
  WHERE t3 MATCH 'a' AND rank MATCH 'rowidmod(3)' 
} {
  {a three} 0 {a one} 1 {a four} 1 {a two} 2 {a five} 2 

do_execsql_test 4.3.4 {
  SELECT * FROM t3('a', 'rowidmod(4)') ORDER BY rank ASC;
} {
  {a four} {a one} {a five} {a two} {a three}

do_execsql_test 4.3.5 {
  SELECT *, rank FROM t3('a', 'rowidmod(3)') ORDER BY rank ASC
} {
  {a three} 0 {a one} 1 {a four} 1 {a two} 2 {a five} 2 

do_catchsql_test 4.4.3 {
  SELECT *, rank FROM t3 WHERE t3 MATCH 'a' AND rank MATCH 'xyz(3)' 
} {1 {no such function: xyz}}
do_catchsql_test 4.4.4 {
} {1 {parse error in rank function: }}

} ;# foreach_detail_mode
