# Usage:
# tclsh soak1.tcl local-makefile.mk ?target? ?scenario?
# This generates many variations on local-makefile.mk (by modifing
# the OPT = lines) and runs them will fulltest, one by one. The
# constructed makefiles are named "soak1.mk".
# If ?target? is provided, that is the makefile target that is run.
# The default is "fulltest"
# If ?scenario? is provided, it is the name of a single scenario to
# be run. All other scenarios are skipped.
set localmake
set target
set scene
set in
set maketxt
close $in
regsub -all {\\\n} $maketxt maketxt
#set makefilename "soak1-[expr {int(rand()*1000000000)}].mk"
set makefilename "soak1.mk"
# Generate a makefile
# Run a test
# Add new scenarios here
scenario 0
scenario 1
scenario 2
scenario 3
scenario 4