** 2010 August 30
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.

#ifndef _SQLITE3RTREE_H_
#define _SQLITE3RTREE_H_

#include <sqlite3.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef struct sqlite3_rtree_geometry sqlite3_rtree_geometry;
typedef struct sqlite3_rtree_query_info sqlite3_rtree_query_info;

/* The double-precision datatype used by RTree depends on the
** SQLITE_RTREE_INT_ONLY compile-time option.
  typedef sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_rtree_dbl;
  typedef double sqlite3_rtree_dbl;

** Register a geometry callback named zGeom that can be used as part of an
** R-Tree geometry query as follows:
**   SELECT ... FROM <rtree> WHERE <rtree col> MATCH $zGeom(... params ...)
int sqlite3_rtree_geometry_callback(
  sqlite3 *db,
  const char *zGeom,
  int (*xGeom)(sqlite3_rtree_geometry*, int, sqlite3_rtree_dbl*,int*),
  void *pContext

** A pointer to a structure of the following type is passed as the first
** argument to callbacks registered using rtree_geometry_callback().
struct sqlite3_rtree_geometry {
  void *pContext;                 /* Copy of pContext passed to s_r_g_c() */
  int nParam;                     /* Size of array aParam[] */
  sqlite3_rtree_dbl *aParam;      /* Parameters passed to SQL geom function */
  void *pUser;                    /* Callback implementation user data */
  void (*xDelUser)(void *);       /* Called by SQLite to clean up pUser */

** Register a 2nd-generation geometry callback named zScore that can be 
** used as part of an R-Tree geometry query as follows:
**   SELECT ... FROM <rtree> WHERE <rtree col> MATCH $zQueryFunc(... params ...)
int sqlite3_rtree_query_callback(
  sqlite3 *db,
  const char *zQueryFunc,
  int (*xQueryFunc)(sqlite3_rtree_query_info*),
  void *pContext,
  void (*xDestructor)(void*)

** A pointer to a structure of the following type is passed as the 
** argument to scored geometry callback registered using
** sqlite3_rtree_query_callback().
** Note that the first 5 fields of this structure are identical to
** sqlite3_rtree_geometry.  This structure is a subclass of
** sqlite3_rtree_geometry.
struct sqlite3_rtree_query_info {
  void *pContext;                   /* pContext from when function registered */
  int nParam;                       /* Number of function parameters */
  sqlite3_rtree_dbl *aParam;        /* value of function parameters */
  void *pUser;                      /* callback can use this, if desired */
  void (*xDelUser)(void*);          /* function to free pUser */
  sqlite3_rtree_dbl *aCoord;        /* Coordinates of node or entry to check */
  unsigned int *anQueue;            /* Number of pending entries in the queue */
  int nCoord;                       /* Number of coordinates */
  int iLevel;                       /* Level of current node or entry */
  int mxLevel;                      /* The largest iLevel value in the tree */
  sqlite3_int64 iRowid;             /* Rowid for current entry */
  sqlite3_rtree_dbl rParentScore;   /* Score of parent node */
  int eParentWithin;                /* Visibility of parent node */
  int eWithin;                      /* OUT: Visibility */
  sqlite3_rtree_dbl rScore;         /* OUT: Write the score here */
  /* The following fields are only available in 3.8.11 and later */
  sqlite3_value **apSqlParam;       /* Original SQL values of parameters */

** Allowed values for sqlite3_rtree_query.eWithin and .eParentWithin.
#define NOT_WITHIN       0   /* Object completely outside of query region */
#define PARTLY_WITHIN    1   /* Object partially overlaps query region */
#define FULLY_WITHIN     2   /* Object fully contained within query region */

#ifdef __cplusplus
}  /* end of the 'extern "C"' block */

#endif  /* ifndef _SQLITE3RTREE_H_ */