# 2016 August 10
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
# focus of this script is testing the FTS5 module.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl]
set testprefix fts5colset

# If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is not defined, omit this file.
ifcapable !fts5 {

foreach_detail_mode $::testprefix {
  if {[detail_is_none]} continue

  do_execsql_test 1.0 {
    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts5(a, b, c, d, detail=%DETAIL%);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');  -- 1
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('d', 'a', 'b', 'c');  -- 2
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('c', 'd', 'a', 'b');  -- 3
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('b', 'c', 'd', 'a');  -- 4

  foreach {tn q res} {
    1 "a"          {1 2 3 4}
    2 "{a}   : a"  {1}
    3 "-{a}   : a" {2 3 4}
    4 "- {a c} : a" {2 4}
    5 " - {d d c} : a" {1 2}
    6 "- {d c b a} : a" {}
    7 "-{\"a\"} : b" {1 2 3}
    8 "- c : a" {1 2 4}
    9 "-c : a"  {1 2 4}
    10 "-\"c\" : a"  {1 2 4}
  } {
    do_execsql_test 1.$tn {
      SELECT rowid FROM t1($q)
    } $res

  foreach {tn q res} {
    0 {{a} : (a AND ":")}     {}
    1 "{a b c} : (a AND d)"   {2 3}
    2 "{a b c} : (a AND b:d)" {3}
    3 "{a b c} : (a AND d:d)" {}
    4 "{b} : ( {b a} : ( {c b a} : ( {d b c a} : ( d OR c ) ) ) )" {3 4}
    5 "{a} : ( {b a} : ( {c b a} : ( {d b c a} : ( d OR c ) ) ) )" {2 3}
    6 "{a} : ( {b a} : ( {c b} : ( {d b c a} : ( d OR c ) ) ) )" {}
    7 "{a b c} : (b:a AND c:b)" {2}
  } {
    do_execsql_test 2.$tn {
      SELECT rowid FROM t1($q)
    } $res

  foreach {tn w res} {
    0 "a MATCH 'a'" {1}
    1 "b MATCH 'a'" {2}
    2 "b MATCH '{a b c} : a'" {2}
    3 "b MATCH 'a OR b'"      {1 2}
    4 "b MATCH 'a OR a:b'"    {2}
    5 "b MATCH 'a OR b:b'"    {1 2}
  } {
    do_execsql_test 3.$tn "
      SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE $w
    " $res

  do_catchsql_test 4.1 {
    SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE rowid MATCH 'a'
  } {1 {unable to use function MATCH in the requested context}}

# Confirm that the expression parser creates the same expression tree
# for:
#     {a b} : (abc AND def)
#    -{c d} : (abc AND def)
# Assuming that the table columns are (a, b, c, d).
do_execsql_test 5.1 {
  SELECT fts5_expr('abcd AND cdef');
} {{"abcd" AND "cdef"}}
do_execsql_test 5.2 {
  SELECT fts5_expr('{a b} : (abcd AND cdef)', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
} {{{a b} : "abcd" AND {a b} : "cdef"}}
do_execsql_test 5.3 {
  SELECT fts5_expr('-{c d} : (abcd AND cdef)', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
} {{{a b} : "abcd" AND {a b} : "cdef"}}
