# 2017 March 02
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] rbu_common.tcl]
if_no_rbu_support { finish_test ; return }
set ::testprefix rbucrash2

# Set up a target database and an rbu update database. The target
# db is the usual "test.db", the rbu db is "test.db2".
forcedelete test.db2
do_execsql_test 1.0 {
  CREATE TABLE t1(a, b, c, PRIMARY KEY(a), UNIQUE(b));
  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2, 3);
  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(4, 5, 6);
  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(7, 8, 9);

  ATTACH 'test.db2' AS rbu;
  CREATE TABLE rbu.data_t1(a, b, c, rbu_control);
  INSERT INTO data_t1 VALUES('one', randomblob(3500), NULL, 0);
  INSERT INTO data_t1 VALUES('two', randomblob(3500), NULL, 0);
  INSERT INTO data_t1 VALUES('three', randomblob(3500), NULL, 0);
  INSERT INTO data_t1 VALUES('four', randomblob(3500), NULL, 0);
  INSERT INTO data_t1 VALUES('five', randomblob(3500), NULL, 0);
  INSERT INTO data_t1 VALUES('six', randomblob(3500), NULL, 0);

proc do_rbu_crash_test2 {tn script} {

  foreach {f blksz} {
    test.db   512
    test.db2  512
    test.db   4096
    test.db2  4096
  } {
    set bDone 0
    for {set iDelay 1} {$bDone==0} {incr iDelay} {
      forcedelete test.db2 test.db2-journal test.db test.db-oal test.db-wal
      set res [
        crashsql -file $f -delay $iDelay -tclbody $script -dflt 1 -opendb {} \
            -blocksize $blksz {}
      set bDone 1
      if {$res == "1 {child process exited abnormally}"} {
        set bDone 0
      } elseif {$res != "0 {}"} {
        error "unexected catchsql result: $res"
      sqlite3rbu rbu test.db test.db2
      while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {}
      rbu close
      sqlite3 db test.db
      do_execsql_test $tn.delay=$iDelay.f=$f.blksz=$blksz {
        PRAGMA integrity_check;
      } {ok}
      db close

for {set x 1} {$x < 10} {incr x} {
  do_rbu_crash_test2 1.$x {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db test.db2
    while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {
      rbu savestate
    rbu close

for {set x 1} {$x < 2} {incr x} {
  do_rbu_crash_test2 2.$x {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db test.db2
    while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {
      rbu close
      sqlite3rbu rbu test.db test.db2
    rbu close
