# 2009 April 10
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.
# This file implements tests to verify that ticket #3793 has been
# fixed.  

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl

ifcapable !shared_cache||!attach {
set ::enable_shared_cache [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache 1]

do_test tkt3793-1.1 {
  db close
  sqlite3 db "file:test.db" -uri 1
  sqlite3 db1 "file:test.db?cache=private" -uri 1
  sqlite3 db2 "file:test.db?cache=shared" -uri 1
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50));
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(50,50), randstr(50,50) FROM t1;
} {}

proc busyhandler {db args} { set ::busyconnection $db ; return 1 }
db2 busy {busyhandler db2}
db1 busy {busyhandler db1}

# Establish a read-lock on the database file using connection [db].
do_test tkt3793-1.2 {
  execsql {
    SELECT count(*) FROM t1;
} {1024}

# Set the size of the cache shared by [db1] and [db2] to 10. Then update
# more than 10 pages of table t1. At this point the shared-cache will
# hold a RESERVED lock on the database file. Even though there are now
# more than 10 dirty pages in memory, it cannot upgrade to an EXCLUSIVE 
# lock because of the read-lock held by [db].
do_test tkt3793-1.3 {
  execsql {
    PRAGMA cache_size = 10;
    UPDATE t1 SET b = randstr(50,50);
  } db1
} {}

set x 0

# Run one SELECT query on the shared-cache using [db1], then from within 
# the callback run another via [db2]. Because of the large number of dirty
# pages within the cache, each time a new page is read from the database
# SQLite will attempt to upgrade to an EXCLUSIVE lock, and hence invoke
# the busy-handler. The tests here verify that the correct busy-handler
# function is invoked (the busy-handler associated with the database
# connection that called sqlite3_step()). When bug #3793 existed, sometimes
# the [db2] busy-handler was invoked from within the call to sqlite3_step()
# associated with [db1]. 
# Note: Before the bug was fixed, if [db2] was opened with the "-fullmutex 1"
# option, then this test case would cause an assert() to fail.
ifcapable threadsafe {
  set ::busyconnection db1
  db1 eval {SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY a LIMIT 20} {
    do_test tkt3793-2.[incr x] { set ::busyconnection } db1
    set ::busyconnection db2
    db2 eval { SELECT count(*) FROM t2 }
    do_test tkt3793-2.[incr x] { set ::busyconnection } db2
    set ::busyconnection db1
do_test tkt3793-3 {
  db1 close
  db2 close
} {}

sqlite3_enable_shared_cache $::enable_shared_cache