# 2022 November 22
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
set testprefix basexx

if {[catch {load_static_extension db basexx} error]} {
  puts "Skipping basexx tests, hit load error: $error"
  finish_test; return

# Empty blobs encode to empty strings.
do_execsql_test 100 {
  SELECT base64(x'')||base85(x'');
} {{}}

# Empty strings decode to empty blobs.
do_execsql_test 101 {
  SELECT hex(x'01'||base64('')||base85('')||x'02');
} {0102}

# Basic base64 encoding
do_execsql_test 102 {
  SELECT base64(x'000102030405');
  SELECT base64(x'0001020304');
  SELECT base64(x'00010203');
} {AAECAw==

# Basic base64 decoding with pad chars
do_execsql_test 103 {
  SELECT hex(base64('AAECAwQF'));
  SELECT hex(base64('AAECAwQ='));
  SELECT hex(base64('AAECAw=='));
} {000102030405 0001020304 00010203}

# Basic base64 decoding without pad chars and with whitespace
do_execsql_test 104 {
  SELECT hex(base64(' AAECAwQF '));
  SELECT hex(base64(' AAECAwQ'));
  SELECT hex(base64('AAECAw '));
} {000102030405 0001020304 00010203}

# Basic base85 encoding
do_execsql_test 105 {
  SELECT base85(x'000102030405');
  SELECT base85(x'0001020304');
  SELECT base85(x'00010203');
} {{##/2,#2/
} {##/2,#*
} {##/2,

# Basic base85 decoding with and without whitespace
do_execsql_test 106 {
  SELECT hex(base85('##/2,#2/'));
  SELECT hex(base85('##/2,#*'));
  SELECT hex(base85('##/2,'));
  SELECT hex(base85(' ##/2,#2/ '));
  SELECT hex(base85(' ##/2,#*'));
  SELECT hex(base85('##/2, '));
} {000102030405 0001020304 00010203 000102030405 0001020304 00010203}

# Round-trip some random blobs.
do_execsql_test 107 {
  CREATE TEMP TABLE rb( len int, b blob ) STRICT;
  INSERT INTO rb(len) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(150),(151),(152),(153),(1054);
  UPDATE rb SET b = randomblob(len);
  SELECT len, base64(base64(b))=b, base85(base85(b))=b
  FROM rb ORDER BY len;
} {1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 150 1 1 151 1 1 152 1 1 153 1 1 1054 1 1}

# Same round-trip but with space or junk prepended and/or appended or not.
do_execsql_test 108 {
  CREATE TEMP TABLE junk(j text, rank int);
  INSERT INTO junk VALUES ('',0),(' ',1),('~',2);
  SELECT len, base64(j.j||base64(b)||j.j)=b, base85(j.j||base85(b)||j.j)=b
  FROM rb r, junk j WHERE j.rank=(r.len+r.len/25)%3 ORDER BY len;
} {1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 150 1 1 151 1 1 152 1 1 153 1 1 1054 1 1}

# Exercise the fail-on-too-large result feature.

set inLimit [sqlite3_limit db SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH -1]
sqlite3_limit db SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH 1300

do_catchsql_test 109 {
  SELECT len, base64(b) FROM rb WHERE len>200;
} {1 {blob expanded to base64 too big}}

do_catchsql_test 110 {
  SELECT len, base85(b) FROM rb WHERE len>200;
} {1 {blob expanded to base85 too big}}

do_catchsql_test 111 {
  SELECT length(base85(b))=1335 FROM rb WHERE len=1054;
} {1 {blob expanded to base85 too big}}

sqlite3_limit db SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH $inLimit

# Exercise is_base85(t)

do_execsql_test 112 {
  SELECT is_base85(' '||base85(x'123456')||char(10)),
  is_base85('!'), is_base85('"'), is_base85(''''), is_base85('('),
  is_base85(')'), is_base85(char(123)), is_base85('|'), is_base85(char(125)),
  is_base85('~'), is_base85(char(127));
} {1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}

do_execsql_test 113 {
  SELECT is_base85(NULL) IS NULL;
} {1}

do_catchsql_test 114 {
  SELECT is_base85(1);
} {1 {is_base85 accepts only text or NULL}}

do_catchsql_test 115 {
  SELECT is_base85(1.1);
} {1 {is_base85 accepts only text or NULL}}

do_catchsql_test 116 {
  SELECT is_base85(x'00');
} {1 {is_base85 accepts only text or NULL}}

# Round-trip many bigger random blobs.

do_execsql_test 117 {
  CREATE TABLE bs(b blob, num);
  INSERT INTO bs SELECT randomblob(4000 + n%3), n 
   FROM ( 
     WITH RECURSIVE seq(n) AS (
      FROM seq WHERE n<100
     ) SELECT n FROM seq);
  SELECT num FROM bs WHERE base64(base64(b))!=b;
  SELECT num FROM bs WHERE base85(base85(b))!=b;
} {}
