# 2019-05-24
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# Test cases for rounding behavior of floating point values.

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
set testprefix round1

expr srand(0)
unset -nocomplain iTest
for {set iTest 1} {$iTest<=50000} {incr iTest} {
   set x1 [expr int(rand()*100000)]
   set x2 [expr int(rand()*100000)+1000*int(rand()*10000)]
   set n [expr int(rand()*8)+1]
   set x3 [string range [format %09d $x2] [expr {9-$n}] end]
   set r $x1.$x3
   set ans [string trimright $r 0]
   if {[string match *. $ans]} {set ans ${ans}0}
   do_test $iTest/$n/${r}4=>$ans {
     set x [db one "SELECT round(${r}4,$n)"]
   } $ans
   set x4 [string range [format %09d [expr {$x2+1}]] [expr {9-$n}] end]
   if {[string trim $x3 9]==""} {incr x1}
   set r2 $x1.$x4
   set ans [string trimright $r2 0]
   if {[string match *. $ans]} {set ans ${ans}0}
   do_test $iTest/$n/${r}5=>$ans {
     set x [db one "SELECT round(${r}5,$n)"]
   } $ans
