# 2015 Jan 13
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file focuses on the code in fts5_config.c, which is largely concerned
# with parsing the various configuration and CREATE TABLE options.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl]
set testprefix fts5config

# If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is defined, omit this file.
ifcapable !fts5 {

# Try different types of quote characters.
do_execsql_test 1.0 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts5('a', "b", [c], `d`);
  PRAGMA table_info = t1;
} {
  0 a {} 0 {} 0 
  1 b {} 0 {} 0 
  2 c {} 0 {} 0 
  3 d {} 0 {} 0

# Syntax errors in the prefix= option.
foreach {tn opt} {
  1 {prefix=x}  
  2 {prefix='x'}
  3 {prefix='$'}
  4 {prefix='1,2,'}
  5 {prefix=',1'}
  6 {prefix='1,2,3...'}
  7 {prefix='1,2,3xyz'}
} {
  set res [list 1 {malformed prefix=... directive}]
  do_catchsql_test 2.$tn "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE f1 USING fts5(x, $opt)" $res

# Syntax errors in the 'rank' option.
foreach {tn val} {
  1 "f1(xyz)"
  2 "f1(zyx)"
  3 "f1(nzz)"
  4 "f1(x'!!')"
  5 "f1(x':;')"
  6 "f1(x'[]')"
  7 "f1(x'{}')"
  8 "f1('abc)"
} {
  do_catchsql_test 3.$tn {
    INSERT INTO t1(t1, rank) VALUES('rank', $val);
  } {1 {SQL logic error}}

# The parsing of SQL literals specified as part of 'rank' options.
do_execsql_test 4.0 {
  INSERT INTO zzz VALUES('a b c');
proc first {cmd A} { return $A }
sqlite3_fts5_create_function db first first

foreach {tn arg} {
  1 "123"
  2 "'01234567890ABCDEF'"
  3 "x'0123'"
  4 "x'ABCD'"
  5 "x'0123456789ABCDEF'"
  6 "x'0123456789abcdef'"
  7 "22.5"
  8 "-91.5"
  9 "-.5"
  10 "''''"
  11 "+.5"
} {
  set func [string map {' ''} "first($arg)"]
  do_execsql_test 4.1.$tn "
    INSERT INTO zzz(zzz, rank) VALUES('rank', '$func');
    SELECT rank IS $arg FROM zzz WHERE zzz MATCH 'a + b + c'
  " 1

do_execsql_test 4.2 {
  INSERT INTO zzz(zzz, rank) VALUES('rank', 'f1()');
} {}

# Misquoting in tokenize= and other options. 
do_catchsql_test 5.1 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xx USING fts5(x, tokenize="porter 'ascii");
} {1 {parse error in tokenize directive}} 

do_catchsql_test 5.2 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xx USING fts5(x, [y[]);
} {0 {}}

do_catchsql_test 5.3 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE yy USING fts5(x, [y]]);
} {1 {unrecognized token: "]"}}

# Errors in prefix= directives.
do_catchsql_test 6.2 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, prefix='1, 2, 1001');
} {1 {prefix length out of range (max 999)}}
do_catchsql_test 6.3 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TAbLE abc USING fts5(a, prefix='1, 2, 0000');
} {1 {prefix length out of range (max 999)}}
do_catchsql_test 6.4 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, prefix='1  , 1000000');
} {1 {prefix length out of range (max 999)}}

# Duplicate tokenize= and other options.
do_catchsql_test 7.1 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, tokenize=porter, tokenize=ascii);
} {1 {multiple tokenize=... directives}}
do_catchsql_test 7.2 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, content=porter, content=ascii);
} {1 {multiple content=... directives}}
do_catchsql_test 7.3 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, content_rowid=porter, content_rowid=a);
} {1 {multiple content_rowid=... directives}}

# Unrecognized option.
do_catchsql_test 8.0 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, nosuchoption=123);
} {1 {unrecognized option: "nosuchoption"}}
do_catchsql_test 8.1 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, "nosuchoption"=123);
} {1 {parse error in ""nosuchoption"=123"}}

# Errors in:
#   9.1.* 'pgsz' options.
#   9.2.* 'automerge' options.
#   9.3.* 'crisismerge' options.
#   9.4.* a non-existant option.
#   9.5.* 'hashsize' options.
do_execsql_test 9.0 {
} {}
do_catchsql_test 9.1.1 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('pgsz', -5);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_catchsql_test 9.1.2 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 50000000);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_catchsql_test 9.1.3 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 66.67);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}

do_catchsql_test 9.2.1 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('automerge', -5);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_catchsql_test 9.2.2 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('automerge', 50000000);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_catchsql_test 9.2.3 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('automerge', 66.67);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_execsql_test 9.2.4 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('automerge', 1);
} {}

do_catchsql_test 9.3.1 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('crisismerge', -5);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_catchsql_test 9.3.2 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('crisismerge', 66.67);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_execsql_test 9.3.3 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('crisismerge', 1);
} {}
do_execsql_test 9.3.4 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('crisismerge', 50000000);
} {}

do_catchsql_test 9.4.1 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('nosuchoption', 1);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}

do_catchsql_test 9.5.1 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('hashsize', 'not an integer');
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_catchsql_test 9.5.2 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('hashsize', -500000);
} {1 {SQL logic error}}
do_catchsql_test 9.5.3 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('hashsize', 500000);
} {0 {}}

# Too many prefix indexes. Maximum allowed is 31.
foreach {tn spec} {
  1 {prefix="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32"}
  2 {prefix="1 2 3 4", prefix="5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32"}
} {
  set sql "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xyz USING fts5(x, $spec)"
  do_catchsql_test 10.$tn $sql {1 {too many prefix indexes (max 31)}}

# errors in the detail= option.
foreach {tn opt} {
  1 {detail=x}  
  2 {detail='x'}
  3 {detail='$'}
  4 {detail='1,2,'}
  5 {detail=',1'}
  6 {detail=''}
} {
  set res [list 1 {malformed detail=... directive}]
  do_catchsql_test 11.$tn "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE f1 USING fts5(x, $opt)" $res

do_catchsql_test 12.1 {
  INSERT INTO t1(t1, rank) VALUES('rank', NULL);;
} {1 {SQL logic error}}

# errors in the 'usermerge' option
do_execsql_test 13.0 {
foreach {tn val} {
  1     -1
  2     4.2
  3     17
  4     1
} {
  set sql "INSERT INTO tt(tt, rank) VALUES('usermerge', $val)"
  do_catchsql_test 13.$tn $sql {1 {SQL logic error}}
