# This script constructs the "sqlite3.h" header file from the following
# sources:
#   1) The src/sqlite.h.in source file.  This is the template for sqlite3.h.
#   2) The VERSION file containing the current SQLite version number.
#   3) The manifest file from the fossil SCM.  This gives use the date.
#   4) The manifest.uuid file from the fossil SCM.  This gives the SHA1 hash.
# Run this script by specifying the root directory of the source tree
# on the command-line.
# This script performs processing on src/sqlite.h.in. It:
#   1) Adds SQLITE_EXTERN in front of the declaration of global variables,
#   2) Adds SQLITE_API in front of the declaration of API functions,
#   3) Replaces the string --VERS-- with the current library version,
#      formatted as a string (e.g. "3.6.17"), and
#   4) Replaces the string --VERSION-NUMBER-- with current library version,
#      formatted as an integer (e.g. "3006017").
#   5) Replaces the string --SOURCE-ID-- with the date and time and sha1
#      hash of the fossil-scm manifest for the source tree.
#   6) Adds the SQLITE_CALLBACK calling convention macro in front of all
#      callback declarations.
# This script outputs to stdout.
# Example usage:
#   tclsh mksqlite3h.tcl ../sqlite >sqlite3.h

# Get the source tree root directory from the command-line
set TOP [lindex $argv 0]

# Enable use of SQLITE_APICALL macros at the right points?
set useapicall 0

# Include sqlite3recover.h?
set enable_recover 0

if {[lsearch -regexp [lrange $argv 1 end] {^-+useapicall}] != -1} {
  set useapicall 1
if {[lsearch -regexp [lrange $argv 1 end] {^-+enable-recover}] != -1} {
  set enable_recover 1

# Get the SQLite version number (ex: 3.6.18) from the $TOP/VERSION file.
set in [open $TOP/VERSION]
set zVersion [string trim [read $in]]
close $in
set nVersion [eval format "%d%03d%03d" [split $zVersion .]]

# Get the source-id
set PWD [pwd]
cd $TOP
set zSourceId [exec $PWD/mksourceid manifest]
cd $PWD

# Set up patterns for recognizing API declarations.
set varpattern {^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9 *]+sqlite3_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+(\[|;| =)}
set declpattern1 {^ *([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9 ]+ \**)(sqlite3_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\(.*)$}

set declpattern2 \
    {^ *([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9 ]+ \**)(sqlite3session_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\(.*)$}

set declpattern3 \
    {^ *([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9 ]+ \**)(sqlite3changeset_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\(.*)$}

set declpattern4 \
    {^ *([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9 ]+ \**)(sqlite3changegroup_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\(.*)$}

set declpattern5 \
    {^ *([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9 ]+ \**)(sqlite3rebaser_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\(.*)$}

# Force the output to use unix line endings, even on Windows.
fconfigure stdout -translation lf

set filelist [subst {
if {$enable_recover} {
  lappend filelist "$TOP/ext/recover/sqlite3recover.h"

# These are the functions that accept a variable number of arguments.  They
# always need to use the "cdecl" calling convention even when another calling
# convention (e.g. "stcall") is being used for the rest of the library.
set cdecllist {

# Process the source files.
foreach file $filelist {
  set in [open $file]
  if {![regexp {sqlite\.h\.in} $file]} {
    puts "/******** Begin file [file tail $file] *********/"
  while {![eof $in]} {

    set line [string trimright [gets $in]]

    # File sqlite3rtree.h contains a line "#include <sqlite3.h>". Omit this
    # line when copying sqlite3rtree.h into sqlite3.h.
    if {[string match {*#include*[<"]sqlite3.h[>"]*} $line]} continue

    regsub -- --VERS--           $line $zVersion line
    regsub -- --VERSION-NUMBER-- $line $nVersion line
    regsub -- --SOURCE-ID--      $line "$zSourceId" line

    if {[regexp $varpattern $line] && ![regexp {^ *typedef} $line]} {
      set line "SQLITE_API $line"
    } else {
      if {[regexp $declpattern1 $line all rettype funcname rest] || \
          [regexp $declpattern2 $line all rettype funcname rest] || \
          [regexp $declpattern3 $line all rettype funcname rest] || \
          [regexp $declpattern4 $line all rettype funcname rest] || \
          [regexp $declpattern5 $line all rettype funcname rest]} {
        set line SQLITE_API
        append line " " [string trim $rettype]
        if {[string index $rettype end] ne "*"} {
          append line " "
        if {$useapicall} {
          if {[lsearch -exact $cdecllist $funcname] >= 0} {
            append line SQLITE_CDECL " "
          } else {
            append line SQLITE_APICALL " "
        append line $funcname $rest
    if {$useapicall} {
      set line [string map [list (*sqlite3_syscall_ptr) \
          "(SQLITE_SYSAPI *sqlite3_syscall_ptr)"] $line]
      regsub {\(\*} $line {(SQLITE_CALLBACK *} line
    puts $line
  close $in
  if {![regexp {sqlite\.h\.in} $file]} {
    puts "/******** End of [file tail $file] *********/"