# 2017 January 13
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file contains tests for resumption of RBU operations in the
# case where the previous RBU process crashed.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] rbu_common.tcl]
if_no_rbu_support { finish_test ; return }
set ::testprefix rburesume

forcedelete test.db-shm test.db-oal
do_execsql_test 1.0 {
  CREATE INDEX t1a ON t1(a);
  CREATE INDEX t1b ON t1(b);
  CREATE INDEX t1c ON t1(c);
  WITH s(i) AS (
  INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(50), randomblob(75), randomblob(100) FROM s;

do_test 1.1 {
  list [file exists test.db] \
       [file exists test.db-wal] \
       [file exists test.db-shm] \
       [file exists test.db-oal]
} {1 0 0 0}

# Each iteration of the following loop:
#   1. Restores the db to the state it was in following test case 1.0
#   2. Opens an RBU vacuum and steps it $n times.
#   3. Closes the RBU vacuum handled opened in (2).
#   4. Opens a second RBU vacuum handle, resumes and completes the vacuum op. 
# The loop runs until $n is large enough that step (2) vacuums the entire
# database.
for {set n 1} {$n < 5000} {incr n} {
  forcedelete state.db
  sqlite3rbu_vacuum rbu test.db state.db
  for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
    set rc [rbu step]
    if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} break
  rbu close
  if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} break

  do_test 1.2.$n.1 {
    sqlite3rbu_vacuum rbu test.db state.db
    while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {}
    rbu close

  do_test 1.2.$n.2 {
    sqlite3 db2 test.db
    db2 eval { 
      SELECT count(*) FROM t1;
      PRAGMA integrity_check;
  } {50 ok}
  db2 close

# Each iteration of this loop:
#   1. Restores the db to the state it was in following test case 1.0
#   2. Opens an RBU vacuum and steps it $n times.
#   3. Takes a copy of all database files and the state db.
#   4. Opens a second RBU vacuum handle on the copy, resumes and completes the
#      vacuum op. 
# The loop runs until $n is large enough that step (2) vacuums the entire
# database.
for {set n 1} {$n < 5000} {incr n} {
  forcedelete state.db state.db-shm state.db-oal state.db-wal
  sqlite3rbu_vacuum rbu test.db state.db
  for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
    set rc [rbu step]
    if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} break
  if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} {
    rbu close

  foreach f {test.db test.db-oal test.db-wal test.db-vacuum} {
    set f2 [string map [list test.db test.db2] $f]
    if {[file exists $f]} {
      forcecopy $f $f2
    } else {
      forcedelete $f2
  forcecopy state.db state.db2
  rbu close

  do_test 1.3.$n.1 {
    sqlite3rbu_vacuum rbu test.db2 state.db2
    while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {}
    rbu close

  do_test 1.3.$n.2 {
    sqlite3 db2 test.db2
    db2 eval { 
      SELECT count(*) FROM t1;
      PRAGMA integrity_check;
  } {50 ok}
  db2 close

# Each iteration of this loop:
#   1. Restores the db to the state it was in following test case 1.0
#   2. Opens an RBU vacuum and steps it 10 times. Then closes it.
#   2. Opens an RBU vacuum and steps it $n times.
#   3. Takes a copy of all database files and the state db.
#   4. Opens a second RBU vacuum handle on the copy, resumes and completes the
#      vacuum op. 
# The loop runs until $n is large enough that step (3) vacuums the entire
# database.
for {set n 1} {$n < 5000} {incr n} {
  forcedelete state.db state.db-shm state.db-oal state.db-wal

  sqlite3rbu_vacuum rbu test.db state.db
  for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} {
    rbu step
  rbu close

  sqlite3rbu_vacuum rbu test.db state.db
  for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
    set rc [rbu step]
    if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} break
  if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} {
    rbu close

  foreach f {test.db test.db-oal test.db-wal test.db-vacuum} {
    set f2 [string map [list test.db test.db2] $f]
    if {[file exists $f]} {
      forcecopy $f $f2
    } else {
      forcedelete $f2
  forcecopy state.db state.db2
  rbu close

  do_test 1.4.$n.1 {
    sqlite3rbu_vacuum rbu test.db2 state.db2
    while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {}
    rbu close

  do_test 1.4.$n.2 {
    sqlite3 db2 test.db2
    db2 eval { 
      SELECT count(*) FROM t1;
      PRAGMA integrity_check;
  } {50 ok}
  db2 close

forcedelete rbu.db
do_test 2.0 {
  sqlite3 db2 rbu.db
  db2 eval {
    CREATE TABLE data_t1(a, b, c, rbu_control);
    WITH s(i) AS (
    INSERT INTO data_t1 
      SELECT randomblob(50), randomblob(75), randomblob(100), 0 FROM s;
  db2 close
} {}

# Each iteration of this loop:
#   1. Restores the db to the state it was in following test case 1.0
#   2. Opens an RBU handle to apply the RBU update created in test case 2.0.
#   3. Steps the RBU handle $n times.
#   4. Takes a copy of all database files and the state db.
#   5. Opens a second RBU handle on the copy, resumes and completes the
#      RBU op. Checks it worked as expected.
# The loop runs until $n is large enough that step (3) applies the entire
# update.
for {set n 1} {$n < 5000} {incr n} {
  forcedelete state.db state.db-shm state.db-oal state.db-wal
  sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db state.db

  for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
    set rc [rbu step]
    if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} break
  if {$rc == "SQLITE_DONE"} {
    rbu close

  foreach f {test.db test.db-oal test.db-wal test.db-vacuum} {
    set f2 [string map [list test.db test.db2] $f]
    if {[file exists $f]} {
      forcecopy $f $f2
    } else {
      forcedelete $f2
  forcecopy state.db state.db2
  rbu close

  do_test 2.$n.1 {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db2 rbu.db state.db2
    while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {}
    rbu close

  do_test 2.$n.2 {
    sqlite3 db2 test.db2
    db2 eval { 
      SELECT count(*) FROM t1;
      PRAGMA integrity_check;
  } {60 ok}
  db2 close
