# 2015 April 21
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This test is focused on uses of doclist-index records.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl]
set testprefix fts5dlidx

# If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is defined, omit this file.
ifcapable !fts5 {

if { $tcl_platform(wordSize)<8 } {

foreach_detail_mode $testprefix {

proc do_fb_test {tn sql res} {
  set res2 [lsort -integer -decr $res]
  uplevel [list do_execsql_test $tn.1 $sql $res]
  uplevel [list do_execsql_test $tn.2 "$sql ORDER BY rowid DESC" $res2]

# This test populates the FTS5 table with $nEntry entries. Rows are 
# numbered from 0 to ($nEntry-1). The rowid for row $i is:
#   ($iFirst + $i*$nStep)
# Each document is of the form "a b c a b c a b c...". If the row number ($i)
# is an integer multiple of $spc1, then an "x" token is appended to the
# document. If it is *also* a multiple of $spc2, a "y" token is also appended.
proc do_dlidx_test1 {tn spc1 spc2 nEntry iFirst nStep} {

  do_execsql_test $tn.0 { DELETE FROM t1 }

  set xdoc [list]
  set ydoc [list]

  execsql BEGIN
  for {set i 0} {$i < $nEntry} {incr i} {
    set rowid [expr $i * $nStep]
    set doc [string trim [string repeat "a b c " 100]]
    if {($i % $spc1)==0} {
      lappend xdoc $rowid
      append doc " x" 
      if {($i % $spc2)==0} { 
        lappend ydoc $rowid
        append doc " y" 
    execsql { INSERT INTO t1(rowid, x) VALUES($rowid, $doc) }
  execsql COMMIT

  do_test $tn.1 {
    execsql { INSERT INTO t1(t1) VALUES('integrity-check') }
  } {}
  do_fb_test $tn.3.1 { SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'a AND x' } $xdoc
  do_fb_test $tn.3.2 { SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'x AND a' } $xdoc
  do_fb_test $tn.4.1 { SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'a AND y' } $ydoc
  do_fb_test $tn.4.2 { SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'y AND a' } $ydoc
  if {[detail_is_full]} {
    do_fb_test $tn.5.1 { 
      SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'a + b + c + x' } $xdoc
    do_fb_test $tn.5.2 { 
      SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'b + c + x + y' } $ydoc

foreach {tn pgsz} {
  1 32
  2 200
} {
  do_execsql_test $tn.0 { 
    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts5(x, detail=%DETAIL%);
    INSERT INTO t1(t1, rank) VALUES('pgsz', $pgsz);

  do_dlidx_test1 1.$tn.1     10 100 10000 0 1000
  do_dlidx_test1 1.$tn.2     10 10  10000 0 128
  do_dlidx_test1 1.$tn.3     10 10  66    0 36028797018963970
  do_dlidx_test1 1.$tn.4     10 10  50    0 150000000000000000
  do_dlidx_test1 1.$tn.5     10 10  200   0 [expr 1<<55]
  do_dlidx_test1 1.$tn.6      10 10  30    0 [expr 1<<58]

proc do_dlidx_test2 {tn nEntry iFirst nStep} {
  set str [string repeat "a " 500]
  execsql {
    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts5(x, detail=%DETAIL%);
    INSERT INTO t1(t1, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 64);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('b a');

    WITH iii(ii, i) AS (
      SELECT 1,     $iFirst UNION ALL 
      SELECT ii+1, i+$nStep FROM iii WHERE ii<$nEntry
    INSERT INTO t1(rowid,x) SELECT i, $str FROM iii;

  do_execsql_test $tn.1 {
    SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'b AND a'
  } {1}
  do_execsql_test $tn.2 {
    SELECT rowid FROM t1 WHERE t1 MATCH 'b AND a' ORDER BY rowid DESC
  } {1}

do_dlidx_test2 2.1 [expr 20] [expr 1<<57] [expr (1<<57) + 128]


set ::vocab [list \
  IteratorpItercurrentlypointstothefirstrowidofadoclist \
  Thereisadoclistindexassociatedwiththefinaltermonthecurrent \
  pageIfthecurrenttermisthelasttermonthepageloadthe \
  doclistindexfromdiskandinitializeaniteratoratpIterpDlidx \
  IteratorpItercurrentlypointstothefirstrowidofadoclist \
  Thereisadoclistindexassociatedwiththefinaltermonthecurrent \
  pageIfthecurrenttermisthelasttermonthepageloadthe \
  doclistindexfromdiskandinitializeaniteratoratpIterpDlidx \
proc rnddoc {} {
  global vocab
  set nVocab [llength $vocab]
  set ret [list]
  for {set i 0} {$i < 64} {incr i} {
    lappend ret [lindex $vocab [expr $i % $nVocab]]
  set ret
db func rnddoc rnddoc

do_execsql_test 3.1 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE abc USING fts5(a, detail=%DETAIL%);
  INSERT INTO abc(abc, rank) VALUES('pgsz', 32);

  INSERT INTO abc VALUES ( rnddoc() );
  INSERT INTO abc VALUES ( rnddoc() );
  INSERT INTO abc VALUES ( rnddoc() );
  INSERT INTO abc VALUES ( rnddoc() );

  INSERT INTO abc SELECT rnddoc() FROM abc;
  INSERT INTO abc SELECT rnddoc() FROM abc;

do_execsql_test 3.2 {
  SELECT rowid FROM abc WHERE abc 
  MATCH 'IteratorpItercurrentlypointstothefirstrowidofadoclist' 
  ORDER BY rowid DESC;
} {16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1}

do_execsql_test 3.3 {
  INSERT INTO abc(abc) VALUES('integrity-check');
  INSERT INTO abc(abc) VALUES('optimize');
  INSERT INTO abc(abc) VALUES('integrity-check');

set v [lindex $vocab 0]
set i 0
foreach v $vocab {
  do_execsql_test 3.4.[incr i] {
    SELECT rowid FROM abc WHERE abc MATCH $v
  } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16}

} ;# foreach_detail_mode
