** If the canonical build process finds the file
** sqlite3_wasm_extra_init.c in the main wasm build directory, it
** arranges to include that file in the build of sqlite3.wasm and
** defines SQLITE_EXTRA_INIT=sqlite3_wasm_extra_init.
** The C file must define the function sqlite3_wasm_extra_init() with
** this signature:
**  int sqlite3_wasm_extra_init(const char *)
** and the sqlite3 library will call it with an argument of NULL one
** time during sqlite3_initialize(). If it returns non-0,
** initialization of the library will fail.

#include "sqlite3.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int sqlite3_wasm_extra_init(const char *z){
  fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s()\n", __FILE__, __func__);
  return 0;