# 2011 March 29
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
source $testdir/lock_common.tcl
source $testdir/malloc_common.tcl

if {[llength [info commands test_syscall]]==0} {

if {[test_syscall defaultvfs] != "unix"} {
set testprefix syscall

# Tests for the xSetSystemCall method.
do_test 1.1.1 {
  list [catch { test_syscall reset open } msg] $msg
} {0 {}}
do_test 1.1.2 {
  list [catch { test_syscall reset nosuchcall } msg] $msg
do_test 1.1.3 {
  list [catch { test_syscall reset open } msg] $msg
} {0 {}}
do_test 1.1.4 {
  list [catch { test_syscall reset ""} msg] $msg

do_test 1.2 { test_syscall reset } {}

do_test 1.3.1 { test_syscall install {open getcwd access} } {}
do_test 1.3.2 { test_syscall reset } {}

# Tests for the xGetSystemCall method.
do_test 2.1.1 { test_syscall exists open } 1
do_test 2.1.2 { test_syscall exists nosuchcall } 0

# Tests for the xNextSystemCall method.
foreach s {
    open close access getcwd stat fstat ftruncate
    fcntl read pread write pwrite fchmod fallocate
    pread64 pwrite64 unlink openDirectory mkdir rmdir 
    statvfs fchown geteuid umask mmap munmap mremap
    getpagesize readlink lstat ioctl
} {
  if {[test_syscall exists $s]} {lappend syscall_list $s}
do_test 3.1 { lsort [test_syscall list] } [lsort $syscall_list]

# This test verifies that if a call to open() fails and errno is set to
# EINTR, the call is retried. If it succeeds, execution continues as if
# nothing happened. 
test_syscall reset
forcedelete test.db2
do_execsql_test 4.1 {
  CREATE TABLE t1(x, y);
  ATTACH 'test.db2' AS aux;
  CREATE TABLE aux.t2(x, y);

test_syscall install open
foreach jrnl [list wal delete] {
  for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
    test_syscall fault $i 0
    test_syscall errno open EINTR
    do_test 4.2.$jrnl.$i {
      sqlite3 db test.db
      execsql { ATTACH 'test.db2' AS aux }
      execsql "PRAGMA main.journal_mode = $jrnl"
      execsql "PRAGMA aux.journal_mode = $jrnl"
      execsql {
          INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5, 6);
          INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(7, 8);

      db close
      sqlite3 db test.db
      execsql { ATTACH 'test.db2' AS aux }
      execsql {
        SELECT * FROM t1;
        SELECT * FROM t2;
    } {1 2 5 6 3 4 7 8}

# This test verifies that closing database handles does not drop locks
# held by other database handles in the same process on the same file.
# The os_unix.c module has to take precautions to prevent this as the
# close() system call drops locks held by other file-descriptors on the
# same file. From the Linux man page:
#   close() closes a file descriptor, so that it no longer refers to any file
#   and may be reused. Any record locks (see fcntl(2)) held on the file it 
#   was associated with, and owned by the process, are removed (regardless 
#   of the file descriptor that was used to obtain the lock).
catch { db close }
forcedelete test.db test.db2

do_multiclient_test tn {
  code1 {
    sqlite3 dbX1 test.db
    sqlite3 dbX2 test.db

  do_test syscall-5.$tn.1 {
    sql1 {
      CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);
      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2);
        INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3, 4);
  } {}

  do_test syscall-5.$tn.2 { sql2 { SELECT * FROM t1 } } {1 2}
  do_test syscall-5.$tn.3 { 
    csql2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5, 6) }
  } {1 {database is locked}}

  do_test syscall-5.$tn.4 { 
    code1 {
      dbX1 close
      dbX2 close
  } {}

  do_test syscall-5.$tn.5 { 
    csql2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5, 6) }
  } {1 {database is locked}}

  do_test syscall-5.$tn.6 { sql1 { COMMIT } } {}

  do_test syscall-5.$tn.7 { 
    csql2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5, 6) }
  } {0 {}}

catch {db close}
do_test 6.1 {
  sqlite3 db1 test.db1
  sqlite3 db2 test.db2
  sqlite3 db3 test.db3
  sqlite3 dbM ""

  db2 close
  db3 close
  dbM close
  db1 close
} {}

do_test 6.2 {
  sqlite3 db test.db
  execsql {
    PRAGMA temp_store = file;

    PRAGMA main.cache_size = 10;
    PRAGMA temp.cache_size = 10;
    CREATE TABLE temp.tt(a, b);
    INSERT INTO tt VALUES(randomblob(500), randomblob(600));
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;
    INSERT INTO tt SELECT randomblob(500), randomblob(600) FROM tt;

  db close
} {}

# Test that a database file a single byte in size is treated as an empty
# file. Whereas a file 2 bytes or larger might be considered corrupt.
catch { db close }
forcedelete test.db test.db2

proc create_db_file {nByte} {
  set fd [open test.db w]
  fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding binary
  puts -nonewline $fd [string range "xSQLite" 1 $nByte]
  close $fd

foreach {nByte res} {
  1      {0 {}}
  2      {1 {file is not a database}}
  3      {1 {file is not a database}}
} {
  do_test 7.$nByte {
    create_db_file $nByte
    list [catch {
      sqlite3 db test.db
      execsql { CREATE TABLE t1(a, b) }
    } msg] $msg
  } $res
  catch { db close }

catch { db close }
forcedelete test.db test.db2

do_test 8.1 {
  sqlite3 db test.db
  file_control_chunksize_test db main 4096
  file size test.db
} {0}
foreach {tn hint size} {
  1  1000    4096 
  2  1000    4096 
  3  3000    4096 
  4  4096    4096 
  5  4197    8192 
} {
  do_test 8.2.$tn {
    file_control_sizehint_test db main $hint
    file size test.db
  } $size

do_test 8.3 {
  db close
  forcedelete test.db test.db2
  sqlite3 db test.db
  file_control_chunksize_test db main 16
  file size test.db
} {0}
foreach {tn hint size} {
  1  5       16 
  2  13      16 
  3  45      48 
  4  48      48 
  5  49      64 
} {
  do_test 8.4.$tn {
    file_control_sizehint_test db main $hint
    file size test.db
  } $size

test_syscall reset