# 2014 Dec 20
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# Tests focusing on the fts5 xSetAuxdata() and xGetAuxdata() APIs.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] fts5_common.tcl]
set testprefix fts5auxdata

# If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 is defined, omit this file.
ifcapable !fts5 {

do_execsql_test 1.0 {
  INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(1, 'a', 'b1');
  INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(2, 'a', 'b2');
  INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(3, 'a', 'b3');
  INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(4, 'a', 'b4');
  INSERT INTO f1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(5, 'a', 'b5');

proc aux_function_1 {cmd tn} {
  switch [$cmd xRowid] {
    1 {
      do_test $tn.1 [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {}
      $cmd xSetAuxdata "one"

    2 {
      do_test $tn.2 [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {one}
      $cmd xSetAuxdata "two"

    3 {
      do_test $tn.3 [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {two}

    4 {
      do_test $tn.4 [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 1 ] {two}

    5 {
      do_test $tn.5 [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {}

sqlite3_fts5_create_function db aux_function_1 aux_function_1
db eval { 
  SELECT aux_function_1(f1, 1) FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'a'
  ORDER BY rowid ASC

proc aux_function_2 {cmd tn inst} {
  if {$inst == "A"} {
    switch [$cmd xRowid] {
      1 {
        do_test $tn.1.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {}
        $cmd xSetAuxdata "one $inst"
      2 {
        do_test $tn.2.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] "one $inst"
        $cmd xSetAuxdata "two $inst"
      3 {
        do_test $tn.3.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] "two $inst"
      4 {
        do_test $tn.4.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 1 ] "two $inst"
      5 {
        do_test $tn.5.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {}
  } else {
    switch [$cmd xRowid] {
      1 {
        do_test $tn.1.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] "one A"
      2 {
        do_test $tn.2.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] "two A"
      3 {
        do_test $tn.3.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] "two A"
      4 {
        do_test $tn.4.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {}
      5 {
        do_test $tn.5.$inst [list $cmd xGetAuxdata 0 ] {}

sqlite3_fts5_create_function db aux_function_2 aux_function_2
db eval { 
  SELECT aux_function_2(f1, 2, 'A'), aux_function_2(f1, 2, 'B') 
  FROM f1 WHERE f1 MATCH 'a'
  ORDER BY rowid ASC
