# Run this TCL script using "testfixture" to get a report that shows
# the sequence of database pages used by a particular table or index.
# This information is used for fragmentation analysis.
# Get the name of the database to analyze
set file_to_analyze
set objname
# Open the database
sqlite3 db
set DB
# This proc is a wrapper around the btree_cursor_info command. The
# second argument is an open btree cursor returned by [btree_cursor].
# The first argument is the name of an array variable that exists in
# the scope of the caller. If the third argument is non-zero, then
# info is returned for the page that lies $up entries upwards in the
# tree-structure. (i.e. $up==1 returns the parent page, $up==2 the
# grandparent etc.)
# The following entries in that array are filled in with information retrieved
# using [btree_cursor_info]:
# $arrayvar(page_no) = The page number
# $arrayvar(entry_no) = The entry number
# $arrayvar(page_entries) = Total number of entries on this page
# $arrayvar(cell_size) = Cell size (local payload + header)
# $arrayvar(page_freebytes) = Number of free bytes on this page
# $arrayvar(page_freeblocks) = Number of free blocks on the page
# $arrayvar(payload_bytes) = Total payload size (local + overflow)
# $arrayvar(header_bytes) = Header size in bytes
# $arrayvar(local_payload_bytes) = Local payload size
# $arrayvar(parent) = Parent page number
# Determine the page-size of the database. This global variable is used
# throughout the script.
set pageSize
# Find the root page of table or index to be analyzed. Also find out
# if the object is a table or an index.
if else
# The cursor $csr is pointing to an entry. Print out information
# about the page that $up levels above that page that contains
# the entry. If $up==0 use the page that contains the entry.
# If information about the page has been printed already, then
# this is a no-op.
# Loop through the object and print out page numbers
set csr
exit 0