# 2017 Jun 24
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# Test that partial indexes work with bound variables.

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
set testprefix index9

proc sqluses {sql} {
  array unset ::T
  uplevel [list db eval "EXPLAIN $sql" a {
    if {$a(opcode)=="OpenRead"} { set ::T($a(p2)) 1 }

  set in [join [array names ::T] ,]
  db eval "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE rootpage IN ($in) ORDER BY 1"

proc do_sqluses_test {tn sql objects} {
  uplevel [list do_test $tn [list sqluses $sql] $objects]

do_execsql_test 1.0 {
  CREATE TABLE t1(x, y);
  CREATE INDEX t1x ON t1(x) WHERE y=45;
unset -nocomplain a
set y [expr 45]
do_sqluses_test 1.1 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE x=? AND y=$y } {t1 t1x}
set y [expr 45.1]
do_sqluses_test 1.2 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE x=? AND y=$y } {t1}
set y [expr 44]
do_sqluses_test 1.3 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE x=? AND y=$y } {t1}
unset -nocomplain y
do_sqluses_test 1.4 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE x=? AND y=$y } {t1}
set y [string range "45" 0 end]
do_sqluses_test 1.5 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE x=? AND y=$y } {t1}

do_execsql_test 2.0 {
  CREATE INDEX t1x2 ON t1(x) WHERE y=-20111000111
do_sqluses_test 2.1 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
set y [expr -20111000111]
do_sqluses_test 2.2 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1 t1x2}
set y [expr -20111000110]
do_sqluses_test 2.3 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
set y [expr -20111000112]
do_sqluses_test 2.4 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}

do_execsql_test 3.0 {
  CREATE INDEX t1x3 ON t1(x) WHERE y=9223372036854775807
set y [expr 9223372036854775807]
do_sqluses_test 3.1 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1 t1x3}
set y [expr 9223372036854775808]
do_sqluses_test 3.2 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
set y [expr 9223372036854775806]
do_sqluses_test 3.3 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
db cache flush
sqlite3_db_config db QPSG 1
set y [expr 9223372036854775807]
do_sqluses_test 3.4 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
set y [expr 9223372036854775808]
do_sqluses_test 3.5 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
sqlite3_db_config db QPSG 0
db cache flush

do_execsql_test 4.0 {
  CREATE INDEX t1x4 ON t1(x) WHERE y=-9223372036854775808
set y [expr -9223372036854775808]
do_sqluses_test 4.1 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1 t1x4}
set y [expr -9223372036854775807]
do_sqluses_test 4.2 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
set y [expr -9223372036854775809]
do_sqluses_test 4.3 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y=$y ORDER BY x } {t1}
set y [expr -9223372036854775808]
do_sqluses_test 4.4 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE $y=y ORDER BY x } {t1 t1x4}
db cache flush
sqlite3_db_config db QPSG 1
do_sqluses_test 4.5 { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE $y=y ORDER BY x } {t1}
sqlite3_db_config db QPSG 0
db cache flush
