# 2015 February 16
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.

source [file join [file dirname [info script]] rbu_common.tcl]
if_no_rbu_support { finish_test ; return }
source $testdir/lock_common.tcl
set ::testprefix rbu12

set setup_sql {
  INSERT INTO xx VALUES(1, 2, 3);

  ATTACH 'rbu.db' AS rbu;
    CREATE TABLE rbu.data_xx(a, b, c, rbu_control);
    INSERT INTO data_xx VALUES(4, 5, 6, 0);
    INSERT INTO data_xx VALUES(7, 8, 9, 0);
    CREATE TABLE rbu.data_xy(a, b, c, rbu_control);
    INSERT INTO data_xy VALUES(10, 11, 12, 0);
  DETACH rbu;

do_multiclient_test tn {

  # Initialize a target (test.db) and rbu (rbu.db) database.
  forcedelete rbu.db
  sql1 $setup_sql

  # Using connection 2, open a read transaction on the target database.
  # RBU will still be able to generate "test.db-oal", but it will not be
  # able to rename it to "test.db-wal".
  do_test 1.$tn.1 {
    sql2 { BEGIN; SELECT * FROM xx; }
  } {1 2 3}
  do_test 1.$tn.2 {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    while 1 {
      set res [rbu step]
      if {$res!="SQLITE_OK"} break
    set res

  do_test 1.$tn.3 { sql2 { SELECT * FROM xx; } } {1 2 3}
  do_test 1.$tn.4 { sql2 { SELECT * FROM xy; } } {}
  do_test 1.$tn.5 {
    list [file exists test.db-wal] [file exists test.db-oal]
  } {0 1}
  do_test 1.$tn.6 { sql2 COMMIT } {}

  # The rbu object that hit the SQLITE_BUSY error above cannot be reused.
  # It is stuck in a permanent SQLITE_BUSY state at this point.
  do_test 1.$tn.7 { rbu step } {SQLITE_BUSY}
  do_test 1.$tn.8 { 
    list [catch { rbu close } msg] $msg 

  do_test 1.$tn.9.1 { sql2 { BEGIN EXCLUSIVE } } {}
  do_test 1.$tn.9.2 {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    rbu step
  do_test 1.$tn.9.3 {
    list [catch { rbu close } msg] $msg 
  } {1 {SQLITE_BUSY - database is locked}}
  do_test 1.$tn.9.4 { sql2 COMMIT } {}

  sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
  do_test 1.$tn.10.1 { sql2 { BEGIN EXCLUSIVE } } {}
  do_test 1.$tn.10.2 {
    rbu step
  do_test 1.$tn.10.3 {
    list [catch { rbu close } msg] $msg 
  do_test 1.$tn.10.4 { sql2 COMMIT } {}

  # A new rbu object can finish the work though.
  do_test 1.$tn.11 {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    rbu step
  do_test 1.$tn.12 {
    list [file exists test.db-wal] [file exists test.db-oal]
  } {1 0}
  do_test 1.$tn.13 {
    while 1 {
      set res [rbu step]
      if {$res!="SQLITE_OK"} break
    set res

  do_test 1.$tn.14 {
    rbu close

do_multiclient_test tn {

  # Initialize a target (test.db) and rbu (rbu.db) database.
  forcedelete rbu.db
  sql1 $setup_sql

  do_test 2.$tn.1 {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    while {[file exists test.db-wal]==0} {
      if {[rbu step]!="SQLITE_OK"} {error "problem here...."}
    rbu close

  do_test 2.$tn.2 { sql2 { BEGIN IMMEDIATE } } {}

  do_test 2.$tn.3 { 
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    rbu step 

  do_test 2.$tn.4 { list [catch { rbu close } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_BUSY}

  do_test 2.$tn.5 { 
    sql2 { SELECT * FROM xx ; COMMIT }
  } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}

  do_test 2.$tn.6 {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    rbu step
    rbu close

  do_test 2.$tn.7 { sql2 { BEGIN EXCLUSIVE } } {}

  do_test 2.$tn.8 { 
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    rbu step 
  do_test 2.$tn.9 { list [catch { rbu close } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_BUSY}
  do_test 2.$tn.10 { 
    sql2 { SELECT * FROM xx ; COMMIT }
  } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}

  do_test 2.$tn.11 {
    sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
    while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} {}
    rbu close


# Test that "PRAGMA data_version" works when an RBU client writes the
# database.
do_multiclient_test tn {

  # Initialize a target (test.db) and rbu (rbu.db) database.
  forcedelete rbu.db
  sql1 $setup_sql

  # Check the initial database contains table "xx" with a single row.
  # Also save the current values of "PRAGMA data-version" for [db1] 
  # and [db2].
  do_test 2.$tn.1 {
    list [sql1 { SELECT count(*) FROM xx }] [sql2 { SELECT count(*) FROM xx }]
  } {1 1}
  set V1 [sql1 {PRAGMA data_version}] 
  set V2 [sql2 {PRAGMA data_version}]

  # Check the values of data-version have not magically changed.
  do_test 2.$tn.2 {
    list [sql1 {PRAGMA data_version}] [sql2 {PRAGMA data_version}]
  } [list $V1 $V2]

  # Start stepping the RBU. From the point of view of [db1] and [db2], the 
  # data-version values remain unchanged until the database contents are
  # modified. At which point the values are incremented.
  sqlite3rbu rbu test.db rbu.db
  set x 0
  while {[db one {SELECT count(*) FROM xx}]==1} {
    do_test 2.$tn.3.[incr x] {
      list [sql1 {PRAGMA data_version}] [sql2 {PRAGMA data_version}]
    } [list $V1 $V2]
    rbu step
  do_test 2.$tn.5.1 { expr {$V1 < [sql1 {PRAGMA data_version}]} } 1
  do_test 2.$tn.5.2 { expr {$V2 < [sql2 {PRAGMA data_version}]} } 1

  # Check the db contents is as expected.
  do_test 2.$tn.4 {
    list [sql1 {SELECT count(*) FROM xx}] [sql2 {SELECT count(*) FROM xx}]
  } {3 3}

  set V1 [sql1 {PRAGMA data_version}] 
  set V2 [sql2 {PRAGMA data_version}]

  # Finish applying the RBU (i.e. do the incremental checkpoint). Check that
  # this does not cause the data-version values to change.
  while {[rbu step]=="SQLITE_OK"} { }
  rbu close

  do_test 2.$tn.6 {
    list [sql1 {PRAGMA data_version}] [sql2 {PRAGMA data_version}]
  } [list $V1 $V2]

