# 2012 March 26
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The
# focus of this script is testing the FTS 'integrity-check' function,
# used to check if the current FTS index accurately reflects the content
# of the table.

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
source $testdir/fts3_common.tcl
set ::testprefix fts4check

# If SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 is defined, omit this file.
ifcapable !fts3 {

# Run the integrity-check on FTS table $tbl using database handle $db. If
# the integrity-check passes, return "ok". Otherwise, throw an exception.
proc fts_integrity {db tbl} {
  $db eval "INSERT INTO $tbl ($tbl) VALUES('integrity-check')"
  return "ok"

# Test cases 1.*
#   1.0: Build a reasonably sized FTS table (5000 rows).
#   1.1: Run the integrity check code to check it passes.
#   1.2: Make a series of minor changes to the underlying FTS data structures
#        (e.g. delete or insert a row from the %_content table). Check that
#        this causes the integrity-check code to fail.

# Build an FTS table and check the integrity-check passes.
do_test 1.0 { fts3_build_db_1 5000 } {}
do_test 1.1 { fts_integrity db t1 } {ok}

# Mess around with the underlying tables. Check that this causes the
# integrity-check test to fail.
foreach {tn disruption} {
  1 {
    INSERT INTO t1_content(docid, c0x, c1y) VALUES(NULL, 'a', 'b');
  2 {
    DELETE FROM t1_content WHERE docid = (SELECT max(docid) FROM t1_content);
  3 {
    DELETE FROM t1_segdir WHERE level=0 AND idx=(
      SELECT max(idx) FROM t1_segdir WHERE level=0
} {
  sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0
  do_execsql_test  1.2.1.$tn "BEGIN; $disruption"
  do_catchsql_test 1.2.2.$tn {
    INSERT INTO t1 (t1) VALUES('integrity-check')
  } {1 {database disk image is malformed}}
  do_execsql_test  1.2.3.$tn "ROLLBACK"

do_test 1.3 { fts_integrity db t1 } {ok}

# Test cases 2.*
#   2.0: Build a reasonably sized FTS table (20000 rows) that includes
#        prefix indexes.
#   2.1: Run the integrity check code to check it passes.
#   2.2: Make a series of minor changes to the underlying FTS data structures
#        (e.g. delete or insert a row from the %_content table). Check that
#        this causes the integrity-check code to fail.

do_test 2.0 { fts3_build_db_2 -extra {prefix="3,1"} 20000 } {}
do_test 2.1 { fts_integrity db t2 } {ok}
foreach {tn disruption} {
  1 {
    INSERT INTO t2_content VALUES(NULL, 'xyz')
  3 {
    DELETE FROM t2_segdir WHERE level=0 AND idx=(
      SELECT max(idx) FROM t2_segdir WHERE level=1024
} {
  sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0
  do_execsql_test  2.2.1.$tn "BEGIN; $disruption"
  do_catchsql_test 2.2.2.$tn {
    INSERT INTO t2 (t2) VALUES('integrity-check')
  } {1 {database disk image is malformed}}
  do_execsql_test  2.2.3.$tn "ROLLBACK"

# Test cases 3.*
#   3.0: Build a reasonably sized FTS table (5000 rows) that includes
#        prefix indexes and uses the languageid= feature.
#   3.1: Run the integrity check code to check it passes.
#   3.2: Make a series of minor changes to the underlying FTS data structures
#        (e.g. delete or insert a row from the %_content table). Check that
#        this causes the integrity-check code to fail.
do_test 3.0 {
  fts3_build_db_1 5000
  execsql {
    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t3 USING fts4(x, y, prefix="2,3", languageid=langid);
  foreach docid [execsql {SELECT docid FROM t1 ORDER BY 1 ASC}] {
    execsql {
      INSERT INTO t3(x, y, langid) 
      SELECT x, y, (docid%9)*4 FROM t1 WHERE docid=$docid;
} {}
do_test 3.1 { fts_integrity db t3 } {ok}

foreach {tn disruption} {
  1 {
    INSERT INTO t3_content(c0x, c1y, langid) VALUES(NULL, 'a', 0);
  2 {
    UPDATE t3_content SET langid=langid+1 WHERE rowid = (
      SELECT max(rowid) FROM t3_content
} {
  sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0
  do_execsql_test  3.2.1.$tn "BEGIN; $disruption"
  do_catchsql_test 3.2.2.$tn {
    INSERT INTO t3 (t3) VALUES('integrity-check')
  } {1 {database disk image is malformed}}
  do_execsql_test  3.2.3.$tn "ROLLBACK"

# Test case 4.*
# Test that the integrity-check works if there are "notindexed" columns.
do_execsql_test 4.0 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t4 USING fts4(a, b, c, notindexed=b);
  INSERT INTO t4 VALUES('text one', 'text two', 'text three');
  INSERT INTO t4(t4) VALUES('integrity-check');

sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0
do_execsql_test 4.1 {
  PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;
  UPDATE sqlite_master 
    SET sql = 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t4 USING fts4(a, b, c)' 
    WHERE name = 't4';

do_test 4.2 {
  db close
  sqlite3 db test.db
  catchsql {
    INSERT INTO t4(t4) VALUES('integrity-check');
} {1 {database disk image is malformed}}

# Test case 5.*
# Test that the integrity-check works if there is uncommitted data.
do_execsql_test 5.0 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t5 USING fts4(a, prefix="1,2,3");
  INSERT INTO t5 VALUES('And down by Kosiosko, where the reed-banks sweep');
  INSERT INTO t5 VALUES('and sway, and the rolling plains are wide, the');
  INSERT INTO t5 VALUES('man from snowy river is a household name today,');
  INSERT INTO t5 VALUES('and the stockmen tell the story of his ride');

do_execsql_test 5.1 {
  INSERT INTO t5(t5) VALUES('integrity-check');
} {}

sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0
do_catchsql_test 5.2 {
  INSERT INTO t5_content VALUES(5, 'his hardy mountain pony');
  INSERT INTO t5(t5) VALUES('integrity-check');
} {1 {database disk image is malformed}}

do_execsql_test 5.3 ROLLBACK

do_execsql_test 5.4 {
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t5 USING fts4(a, prefix="1,2,3");
  INSERT INTO t5(t5) VALUES('integrity-check');
} {}
