# 2008 Jan 22
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# $Id: filectrl.test,v 1.2 2008/11/21 00:10:35 aswift Exp $

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl

do_test filectrl-1.1 {
  file_control_test db
} {}
do_test filectrl-1.2 {
  db eval {CREATE TEMP TABLE x(y);}
  file_control_test db
} {}
do_test filectrl-1.3 {
  db close
  sqlite3 db :memory:
  file_control_test db
} {}
do_test filectrl-1.4 {
  sqlite3 db test.db
  file_control_lasterrno_test db
} {}
do_test filectrl-1.5 {
  db close
  sqlite3 db test_control_lockproxy.db
  file_control_lockproxy_test db [get_pwd]
} {}
do_test filectrl-1.6 {
  sqlite3 db test.db
  set fn [file_control_tempfilename db]
  set fn
} {/etilqs_/}
db close
forcedelete .test_control_lockproxy.db-conch test.proxy
forcedelete test.db test2.db

if {$tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} {
  do_test filectrl-2.1 {
    sqlite3 db test2.db
    set size [file size test2.db]
    set handle [file_control_win32_get_handle db]
    db close
    forcedelete test2.db
    list $size $handle [expr {$handle != 0}]
  } {/^0 \{0 [0-9A-Fa-f]+\} 1$/}

  do_test filectrl-2.2 {
    sqlite3 db test2.db
    execsql {
      CREATE TABLE t1(x);
      INSERT INTO t1 (x) VALUES(RANDOMBLOB(1048576));
    set size [file size test2.db]
    set handle [file_control_win32_get_handle db]
    db close
    forcedelete test2.db
    list $size $handle [expr {$handle != 0}]
  } {/^1\d+ \{0 [0-9A-Fa-f]+\} 1$/}
