# 2017 March 16
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.
# Specificly, it tests that "PRAGMA synchronous" appears to work.

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
set testprefix sync2

# These tests are only applicable when pager pragma are
# enabled. Also, since every test uses an ATTACHed database, they
# are only run when ATTACH is enabled.
ifcapable !pager_pragmas||!attach||!dirsync {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform)!="unix" 
  || [permutation] == "journaltest"
  || [permutation] == "inmemory_journal"
  || [atomic_batch_write test.db] 
} {

proc execsql_sync {sql} {
  set s $::sqlite_sync_count
  set res [execsql $sql]
  concat [expr $::sqlite_sync_count-$s] $res

proc do_execsql_sync_test {tn sql res} {
  uplevel [list do_test $tn [list execsql_sync $sql] [list {*}$res]]

# Tests for journal mode.
sqlite3 db test.db
do_execsql_test 1.0 {
  CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);

do_execsql_sync_test 1.1 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3, 4) } 4

# synchronous=normal. So, 1 sync on the directory, 1 on the journal, 1 
# on the db file. 3 in total.
do_execsql_test      1.2.1 { PRAGMA main.synchronous = NORMAL }
do_execsql_test      1.2.2 { PRAGMA main.synchronous }     1
do_execsql_sync_test 1.2.3 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5, 6) } 3

# synchronous=off. No syncs.
do_execsql_test      1.3.1 { PRAGMA main.synchronous = OFF }
do_execsql_test      1.3.2 { PRAGMA main.synchronous }     0
do_execsql_sync_test 1.3.3 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(7, 8) } 0
# synchronous=full, journal_mode=delete. So, 1 sync on the directory,
# 2 on the journal, 1 on the db file. 4 in total.
do_execsql_test      1.4.1 { PRAGMA main.synchronous = FULL }
do_execsql_test      1.4.2 { PRAGMA main.synchronous }      2
do_execsql_sync_test 1.4.3 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(9, 10) } 4

# Tests for wal mode.
do_execsql_test      1.5 { PRAGMA journal_mode = wal } {wal}

# sync=full, journal_mode=wal. One sync on the directory, two on the 
# wal file.
do_execsql_sync_test 1.6 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(11, 12) } 3

# One sync on the wal file.
do_execsql_sync_test 1.7 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(13, 14) } 1

# No syncs.
do_execsql_test      1.8.1 { PRAGMA main.synchronous = NORMAL }
do_execsql_test      1.8.2 { PRAGMA main.synchronous }          1
do_execsql_sync_test 1.8.3 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(15, 16) }    0

# One sync on wal file, one on the db file.
do_execsql_sync_test 1.9   { PRAGMA wal_checkpoint }  {2 0 3 3}

# No syncs.
do_execsql_test      1.10.1 { PRAGMA main.synchronous = OFF }
do_execsql_test      1.10.2 { PRAGMA main.synchronous }          0
do_execsql_sync_test 1.10.3 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(17, 18) }    0

# Tests for the compile time settings SQLITE_DEFAULT_SYNCHRONOUS and
# SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_SYNCHRONOUS. These tests only run if the former
# is set to "2" and the latter to "1". This is not the default, but
# it is currently the recommended configuration.
#   https://sqlite.org/compile.html#recommended_compile_time_options

  db close
  sqlite3 db test.db

  # Wal mode, sync=normal. The first transaction does one sync on directory,
  # one on the wal file. The second does no syncs.
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.11.1 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(19, 20) } 2
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.11.2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(21, 22) } 0
  do_execsql_test 1.11.3      { PRAGMA main.synchronous }       1

  # One sync on wal file, one on the db file.
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.12   { PRAGMA wal_checkpoint }  {2 0 2 2}

  # First transaction syncs the wal file once, the second not at all.
  # one on the wal file. The second does no syncs.
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.13.1 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(22, 23) } 1
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.13.2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(24, 25) } 0

  do_execsql_test 1.14 { PRAGMA journal_mode = delete } {delete}
  # Delete mode, sync=full. The first transaction does one sync on 
  # directory, two on the journal file, one on the db. The second does 
  # the same.
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.15.1 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(26, 27) } 4
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.15.2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(28, 29) } 4
  do_execsql_test 1.15.3      { PRAGMA main.synchronous }       2

  # Switch back to wal mode.
  do_execsql_test 1.16 { PRAGMA journal_mode = wal } {wal}

  do_execsql_sync_test 1.17.1 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(30, 31) } 2
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.17.2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(32, 33) } 0
  do_execsql_test 1.17.3      { PRAGMA main.synchronous }       1

  # Now set synchronous=off, then switch back to delete mode. Check
  # that the db handle is still using synchronous=off.
  do_execsql_test 1.18.3      { PRAGMA main.synchronous=off }
  do_execsql_test 1.18 { PRAGMA journal_mode = delete } {delete}

  do_execsql_sync_test 1.19.1 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(34, 35) } 0
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.19.2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(36, 37) } 0
  do_execsql_test 1.19.3      { PRAGMA main.synchronous }       0

  # Close and reopen the db. Back to synchronous=normal.
  db close
  sqlite3 db test.db
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.20.1 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(38, 39) } 4
  do_execsql_sync_test 1.20.2 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(40, 41) } 4
  do_execsql_test 1.20.3      { PRAGMA main.synchronous }       2
