# 2021-03-06
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements tests for the appendvfs extension.
# Tests performed:
# avfs-1.0. Test that an appendvfs DB can be added to an empty (ZLF) file.
# avfs-1.1. Test that the DB can be read with correct content upon reopen.
# avfs-1.2. Test that an appendvfs DB can be added to a simple text file.
# avfs-1.3. Test that the DB can be read with correct content upon reopen.
# avfs-1.4. Test that appended DB is aligned to default page boundary.
# avfs-2.1. Test that the simple text file retains its initial text.
# avfs-3.1. Test that the appendvfs can grow and shrink, remaining intact.
# avfs-3.2. Test that appendvfs is intact after grow/shrink/close/reopen.
# avfs-3.3. Test that appendvfs can grow by many pages and be written.
# avfs-3.4. Test that grown appendvfs can be reopened and appear intact.
# avfs-3.5. Test that much grown appendvfs can shrink and reopen intact.
# avfs-4.1. Test shell's ability to append to a non-appendvfs file.
# avfs-4.2. Test shell's ability to append to empty or nonexistent file.
# avfs-4.3. Test shell's ability to reopen and alter an appendvfs file.
# avfs-5.1. Test appendvfs refusal to open too-tiny DB appended onto ZLF.
# avfs-5.2. Test appendvfs refusal to open too-tiny DB appended on other.
# ...
# (more to come)

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
set ::testprefix avfs

# Do not attempt this test if SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE is defined. 
ifcapable !vtab {

set CLI [test_find_cli]
db close
# forcedelete test.db

load_static_extension db appendvfs

set ::fa avfs.adb
set ::fza avfs.sdb
forcedelete $::fa $::fza
set ::result {}

proc shellDoesAr {} {
  set shdo "sh_app1.sql"
  forcedelete $shdo
  set fd [open $shdo w]
  puts $fd ".help\n.q"
  close $fd
  set res [catchcmd "-batch -cmd \".read $shdo\""]
  return [regexp {^.archive} [lindex $res 1]]

set ::vf "&vfs=apndvfs"

# Return file offset of appendvfs portion of a file, or {} if none such.
proc fosAvfs {fname} {
  if {[file size $fname] < 25} {
    return {}
  if {[catch {set fd [open $fname rb]}]} {
    return {}
  seek $fd -25 end
  set am [read $fd 17]
  set ao [read $fd 8]
  close $fd
  if {$am ne "Start-Of-SQLite3-"} {
    return {}
  binary scan $ao "W" rvo
  return $rvo

do_test 1.0 {
  set results {}
  set out [open $::fza wb]
  close $out
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fza?mode=rwc$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    PRAGMA page_size=1024;
    PRAGMA cache_size=10;
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('dog'),('cat');
    SELECT group_concat(a) as pets FROM (SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY a);
  } { lappend results $pets }
  adb close
  lappend results [fosAvfs $fza]
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} {cat,dog | 0}

do_test 1.1 {
  set results {}
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fza?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    SELECT group_concat(a) as pets FROM (SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY a DESC);
  } { lappend results $pets }
  adb close
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} {dog,cat}

do_test 1.2 {
  set results {}
  set out [open $::fa wb]
  set ::tlo { "Just some text," "and more text," "ending at 3 lines." }
  puts $out [join $::tlo "\n"]
  close $out
  set adbSz [file size $::fa]
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rwc$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;
    PRAGMA page_size=512;
    PRAGMA cache_size=0;
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('dog'),('cat'),('pig');
    SELECT group_concat(a) as pets FROM (SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY a);
  } { lappend results $pets }
  adb close
  set adaSz [file size $::fa]
  lappend results "Bytes before/after $adbSz/$adaSz"
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} {cat,dog,pig | Bytes before/after 50/5145}

do_test 1.3 {
  set results {}
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    SELECT group_concat(a) as pets FROM (SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY a DESC);
  } { lappend results $pets }
  adb close
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} {pig,dog,cat}

do_test 1.4 {
  set ::result [fosAvfs $fa]
} {4096}

do_test 2.1 {
  set in [open $::fa r]
  set tli {}
  for {set i [llength $::tlo]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
    lappend tli [gets $in]
  close $in
  if { [join $tli ":"] ne [join $::tlo ":"] } {
    set ::result "Appendee changed."
  } else {
    set ::result "Appendee intact."
} {Appendee intact.}

# Set of repeatable random integers for a couple tests.
set ::nrint 50000
proc rint {v} {
  return [::tcl::mathfunc::int [expr $v * 100000]]
array set ::randints [list 0 [rint [::tcl::mathfunc::srand 0]]]
for {set i 1} {$i < $::nrint} {incr i} {
  set ::randints($i) [rint [::tcl::mathfunc::rand]]

do_test 3.1 {
  set results {}
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    DROP TABLE t1;
    PRAGMA cache_size=10;
  for {set i 0} {$i < $::nrint} {incr i} {
    set r $::randints($i)
    set s $::randints([incr i])
    set t $::randints([incr i])
    set u $::randints([incr i])
    set v $::randints([incr i])
    adb eval {
      INSERT INTO ri VALUES ($r),($s),($t),($u),($v)
  adb eval {
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
  } { lappend results $ic }
  set adbSz [file size $::fa]
  set qr {}
  adb eval {
    SELECT count(*) as ic FROM ri;
    DELETE FROM ri WHERE (i % 50) <> 25;
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
    SELECT count(*) as ic FROM ri;
  } { lappend qr $ic }
  adb close
  set adaSz [file size $::fa]
  set adba [expr ($adbSz + 0.1)/$adaSz]
  # lappend results $adba
  set results [concat $results [lrange $qr 0 2]]
  lappend results [expr {$adba > 10.0}]
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} "ok | $::nrint | ok | ok | 1"

do_test 3.2 {
  set results {}
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
  } { lappend results $ic }
  adb close
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} {ok}

# avfs-3.3. Test that appendvfs can grow by many pages and be written.
do_test 3.3 {
  set results {}
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  set npages 300
  adb eval { BEGIN }
  while {$npages > 0} {
    adb eval { INSERT INTO ri VALUES (randomblob(1500)) }
    incr npages -1
  adb eval { COMMIT }
  adb eval {
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
  } { lappend results $ic }
  adb close
  set adaSzr [expr [file size $::fa] / 300.0 / 1500 ]
  set okSzr [expr $adaSzr > 1.0 && $adaSzr < 1.3 ]
  lappend results $okSzr
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} {ok | 1}

# avfs-3.4. Test that grown appendvfs can be reopened and appear intact.
do_test 3.4 {
  set results {}
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
  } { lappend results $ic }
  adb close
  set ::result $ic
} {ok}

# avfs-3.5. Test that much grown appendvfs can shrink and reopen intact.
do_test 3.5 {
  set results {}
  set adbsz [file size $::fa]
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    DELETE FROM ri WHERE rowid % 8 <> 0;
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
  } { lappend results $ic }
  adb close
  set adasz [file size $::fa]
  lappend results [expr {$adbsz/$adasz > 5}]
  sqlite3 adb "file:$::fa?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    SELECT integrity_check as ic FROM pragma_integrity_check();
  } { lappend results $ic }
  adb close
  set ::result [join $results " | "]
} {ok | ok | 1 | ok}

set ::cliDoesAr [shellDoesAr]

do_test 4.1 {
  set shdo "sh_app1.sql"
  set shod "sh_app1.adb"
  forcedelete $shdo $shod
  set ofd [open $shdo w]
  if {$::cliDoesAr} {
    puts $ofd ".ar -c"
  } else {
    puts $ofd "pragma page_size=512;"
    puts $ofd "create table sqlar (a);"
  puts $ofd ".tables"
  puts $ofd ".q"
  close $ofd
  set ofd [open $shod wb]
  puts $ofd "Some text."
  close $ofd
  set res [catchcmd "-append -batch -init $shdo $shod" ""]
  lappend res [fosAvfs $shod]
  forcedelete $shdo $shod
  set ::result [join $res " | "]
} {0 | sqlar | 4096}

do_test 4.2 {
  set shdo "sh_app1.sql"
  set shod "sh_app1.adb"
  forcedelete $shdo $shod
  set ofd [open $shdo w]
  if {$::cliDoesAr} {
    puts $ofd ".ar -c"
  } else {
    puts $ofd "pragma page_size=512;"
    puts $ofd "create table sqlar (a);"
  puts $ofd ".tables"
  puts $ofd ".q"
  close $ofd
  set ofd [open $shod wb]
  close $ofd
  set res [catchcmd "-append -batch -init $shdo $shod" ""]
  lappend res [fosAvfs $shod]
  forcedelete $shdo ; # Leave $shod for next test.
  set ::result [join $res " | "]
} {0 | sqlar | 0}

do_test 4.3 {
  set shdo "sh_app1.sql"
  set shod "sh_app1.adb" ; # Same as test 4.2, reusing ADB.
  forcedelete $shdo
  set ofd [open $shdo w]
  if {$::cliDoesAr} {
    puts $ofd ".ar -u $shdo"
    puts $ofd "select count(*) from sqlar where name = '$shdo';"
  } else {
    puts $ofd "insert into sqlar values (1);"
    puts $ofd "select count(*) from sqlar;"
  puts $ofd ".q"
  close $ofd
  set res [catchcmd "-append -batch -init $shdo $shod" ""]
  sqlite3 adb "file:$shod?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1
  adb eval {
    SELECT count(*) as n FROM sqlar
  } { lappend res $n }
  adb close
  forcedelete $shdo $shod;
  set ::result [join $res " | "]
} {0 | 1 | 1}

do_test 5.1 {
  set fake "faketiny.sdb"
  forcedelete $fake
  set ofd [open $fake wb]
  puts -nonewline $ofd "SQLite format 3"
  puts -nonewline $ofd [binary format "c" 0]
  puts -nonewline $ofd "Start-Of-SQLite3-"
  puts -nonewline $ofd [binary format "W" 0]
  close $ofd
  if {[catch {sqlite3 adb "file:$fake?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1}]} {
    set res "Open failed."
  } else {
    adb close
    set res "Opened when should not."
  forcedelete $fake
  set ::result $res
} {Open failed.}

do_test 5.2 {
  set fake "faketiny.sdb"
  forcedelete $fake
  set ofd [open $fake wb]
  set fakeAppendee "Dog ate my homework.\n"
  puts -nonewline $ofd $fakeAppendee
  puts -nonewline $ofd "SQLite format 3"
  puts -nonewline $ofd [binary format "c" 0]
  puts -nonewline $ofd "Start-Of-SQLite3-"
  puts -nonewline $ofd [binary format "W" [string length $fakeAppendee]]
  close $ofd
  if {[catch {sqlite3 adb "file:$fake?mode=rw$::vf" -uri 1}]} {
    set res "Open failed."
  } else {
    adb close
    set res "Opened when should not."
  forcedelete $fake
  set ::result $res
} {Open failed.}

forcedelete $::fa $::fza

unset -nocomplain ::fa ::fza ::tlo ::result ::randints ::nrint ::cliDoesAr
