instance Fractional Nimber where
fromRational _ = error "Cannot map from field of characteristic 0 to characteristic 2"
recip 0 = error "Divide by zero"
recip n@Nimber {getNimber = s} =
let m = 1 + foldl max 0 (S.unions s) -- 2^2^m is the order of the smallest field containing n
sw i j u v = do
a <- v i
b <- v j
if b `testBit` (2 ^ m - 1 - i)
then do M.write v i b
M.write v j a
a' <- u i
b' <- u j
M.write u i b'
M.write u j a'
else sw i (j + 1) u v
pivot :: (Bits a, M.PrimMonad m) => M.MVector (M.PrimState m) a -> M.MVector (M.PrimState m) a -> Int -> m ()
pivot u v i = do sw i i u v
p <- u i
q <- v i
forM_ [i+1..2^m-1] $ \j -> do a <- v j
when (a `testBit` (2^m-1-i)) $ M.modify v (xor q) j >> M.modify u (xor p) j
r = V.create $
tab1 <- M.generate (2 ^ m) (2 ^) -- All two-powers less than 2^2^m
tab2 <- M.generate (2 ^ m) (nimberToNatural . (n *) . fromIntegral . (2 ^)) -- n times all two-powers less than 2^2^m
forM_ [0..2^m-1] $ pivot tab1 tab2
pure tab1
in fromIntegral $ r V.! (2 ^ m - 1)