Compiler projects using llvm
//===-- AMDGPUAsmUtils.h - AsmParser/InstPrinter common ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception


#include "SIDefines.h"

#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"

namespace llvm {

class StringLiteral;
class MCSubtargetInfo;

namespace AMDGPU {

const int OPR_ID_UNKNOWN = -1;
const int OPR_ID_UNSUPPORTED = -2;
const int OPR_ID_DUPLICATE = -3;
const int OPR_VAL_INVALID = -4;

template <class T> struct CustomOperand {
  StringLiteral Name;
  int Encoding = 0;
  bool (*Cond)(T Context) = nullptr;

struct CustomOperandVal {
  StringLiteral Name;
  unsigned Max;
  unsigned Default;
  unsigned Shift;
  unsigned Width;
  bool (*Cond)(const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) = nullptr;
  unsigned Mask = (1 << Width) - 1;

  unsigned decode(unsigned Code) const { return (Code >> Shift) & Mask; }

  unsigned encode(unsigned Val) const { return (Val & Mask) << Shift; }

  unsigned getMask() const { return Mask << Shift; }

  bool isValid(unsigned Val) const { return Val <= Max; }

  bool isSupported(const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) const {
    return !Cond || Cond(STI);

namespace DepCtr {

extern const CustomOperandVal DepCtrInfo[];
extern const int DEP_CTR_SIZE;

} // namespace DepCtr

namespace SendMsg { // Symbolic names for the sendmsg(...) syntax.

extern const CustomOperand<const MCSubtargetInfo &> Msg[];
extern const int MSG_SIZE;

extern const char *const OpSysSymbolic[OP_SYS_LAST_];
extern const char *const OpGsSymbolic[OP_GS_LAST_];

} // namespace SendMsg

namespace Hwreg { // Symbolic names for the hwreg(...) syntax.

extern const CustomOperand<const MCSubtargetInfo &> Opr[];
extern const int OPR_SIZE;

} // namespace Hwreg

namespace MTBUFFormat {

extern StringLiteral const DfmtSymbolic[];
extern StringLiteral const NfmtSymbolicGFX10[];
extern StringLiteral const NfmtSymbolicSICI[];
extern StringLiteral const NfmtSymbolicVI[];
extern StringLiteral const UfmtSymbolicGFX10[];
extern StringLiteral const UfmtSymbolicGFX11[];
extern unsigned const DfmtNfmt2UFmtGFX10[];
extern unsigned const DfmtNfmt2UFmtGFX11[];

} // namespace MTBUFFormat

namespace Swizzle { // Symbolic names for the swizzle(...) syntax.

extern const char* const IdSymbolic[];

} // namespace Swizzle

namespace VGPRIndexMode { // Symbolic names for the gpr_idx(...) syntax.

extern const char* const IdSymbolic[];

} // namespace VGPRIndexMode

} // namespace AMDGPU
} // namespace llvm
