Compiler projects using llvm
; RUN: llc -O0 %s -o - | FileCheck %s

target triple = "spirv32-unknown-unknown"

; Debug info:
; CHECK: OpName [[FOO:%.+]] "foo"

; Types:
; CHECK: [[VOID:%.+]] = OpTypeVoid
; CHECK: [[FN:%.+]] = OpTypeFunction [[VOID]]

; Functions:
; CHECK: [[FOO]] = OpFunction [[VOID]] None [[FN]]
; CHECK-NOT: OpFunctionParameter
; NOTE: In 2.4, it isn't explicitly written that a function always has a least
;       one block. In fact, 2.4.11 seems to imply that there are at least two
;       blocks in functions with a body, but that doesn't make much sense.
;       However, in order to distinguish between function declaration and
;       definition, a function needs at least one block, hence why this test
;       expects one OpLabel + OpReturn.
; CHECK: OpLabel
; CHECK: OpReturn
; CHECK-NOT: OpLabel
; CHECK: OpFunctionEnd
define void @foo() {
  ret void