// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fsyntax-only %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -o %t %s
// Declare malloc here explicitly so we don't depend on system headers.
void * ;
int no_vars ; // expected-warning {{attribute only applies to functions}}
void ; // expected-warning {{attribute only applies to return values that are pointers}}
int ; // expected-warning {{attribute only applies to return values that are pointers}}
int * ; // no-warning
typedef int * iptr;
iptr ; // no-warning
void *; // expected-warning{{attribute only applies to functions}}
int ; // expected-warning{{attribute only applies to functions}}
void * // no-warning
// RUN: grep 'define .*noalias .* @xalloc(' %t %t
void * malloc_like;
void *
// RUN: grep 'define .*noalias .* @xalloc2(' %t %t