## Test that debug sections (but not linking or names) are stripped with --strip-debug # RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t # RUN: llvm-strip --strip-debug %t # RUN: obj2yaml %t | FileCheck --implicit-check-not=.debug %s # CHECK: Sections: # CHECK-NEXT: - Type: TYPE # CHECK: Name: linking # CHECK: Name: name # CHECK-NEXT: FunctionNames: # CHECK: Name: producers --- !WASM FileHeader: Version: 0x00000001 Sections: - Type: TYPE Signatures: - Index: 0 ParamTypes: [] ReturnTypes: [] - Type: FUNCTION FunctionTypes: [ 0 ] - Type: CODE Functions: - Index: 0 Locals: [] Body: 0B - Type: CUSTOM Name: .debug_info Payload: CAFE1234 - Type: CUSTOM Name: linking Version: 2 SymbolTable: - Index: 0 Kind: FUNCTION Name: foo Flags: [ BINDING_LOCAL ] Function: 0 - Type: CUSTOM Name: name FunctionNames: - Index: 0 Name: foo - Type: CUSTOM Name: producers Tools: - Name: clang Version: 9.0.0 - Type: CUSTOM Name: .debug_line Payload: DEADBEEF