// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=osx.cocoa.SelfInit -analyzer-config ipa=dynamic -fno-builtin %s -verify
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=osx.cocoa.SelfInit -fno-builtin %s -verify
@class NSZone, NSCoder;
@protocol NSCopying - copyWithZone: zone;
@protocol NSMutableCopying - mutableCopyWithZone: zone;
@protocol NSCoding - encodeWithCoder: aCoder;
//#import "Foundation/NSObject.h"
typedef unsigned NSUInteger;
typedef long NSInteger;
@class NSMethodSignature, NSCoder, NSString, NSEnumerator;
extern NSString * const NSBundleDidLoadNotification;
extern NSString * const NSConnectionReplyMode;
void ;
extern void *somePtr;
@class MyObj;
extern id ;
// Test for radar://10973514 : self should not be invalidated by a method call.
// Test radar:11235991 - passing self to a call to super.
// Test for radar://11125870: init constructing a special instance.
typedef signed char BOOL;
// Test for radar://12838705.