# RUN: llc %s -o - -experimental-debug-variable-locations \ # RUN: -start-before=x86-flags-copy-lowering -stop-after=virtregrewriter \ # RUN: -mtriple x86_64-unknown-unknown \ # RUN: | FileCheck %s # # This test is for stack spill folding -- the SETCC near the start of the MIR # below show be morphed into an SETCCm by the register allocator, making it # store to %stack.0. We should track this fact in the substitution table, by # adding a substitution to the memory-operand operand number. # # This is a single operand spill -- there's a separate test for tied def ones. # # Ideally this test would be shorter; however, it needs to be sufficiently # complex to force the register allocator to spill something, so there's a # limit. # # CHECK: debugValueSubstitutions: # CHECK-NEXT: - { srcinst: 1, srcop: 0, dstinst: 2, dstop: 1000000, subreg: 0 } # CHECK-LABEL: bb.0: # CHECK: SETCCm %stack.0, {{.*}} debug-instr-number 2 --- | target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" define internal fastcc void @beans(i32 %Kind) unnamed_addr align 2 !dbg !7 { ret void } !llvm.dbg.cu = !{!0} !llvm.module.flags = !{!3, !4, !5} !llvm.ident = !{!6} !0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !1, producer: "clang", isOptimized: false, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !2, splitDebugInlining: false, nameTableKind: None) !1 = !DIFile(filename: "test.c", directory: ".") !2 = !{} !3 = !{i32 7, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4} !4 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3} !5 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4} !6 = !{!"clang"} !7 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", scope: !1, file: !1, line: 3, type: !8, scopeLine: 3, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition, unit: !0, retainedNodes: !2) !8 = !DISubroutineType(types: !9) !9 = !{!10, !11, !11} !10 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed) !11 = !DIBasicType(name: "short", size: 16, encoding: DW_ATE_signed) !12 = !DILocalVariable(name: "bar", arg: 1, scope: !7, file: !1, line: 3, type: !11) !13 = !DILocation(line: 0, scope: !7) !14 = !DILocalVariable(name: "baz", arg: 2, scope: !7, file: !1, line: 3, type: !11) !15 = distinct !DILexicalBlock(scope: !7, file: !1, line: 8, column: 7) ... --- name: beans alignment: 16 tracksRegLiveness: true registers: - { id: 0, class: gr8 } - { id: 1, class: gr8 } - { id: 2, class: gr8 } - { id: 3, class: gr32 } - { id: 4, class: gr64 } - { id: 5, class: gr8 } - { id: 6, class: gr32 } - { id: 7, class: gr32 } - { id: 8, class: gr32 } - { id: 9, class: gr32 } - { id: 10, class: gr32 } - { id: 11, class: gr64 } - { id: 12, class: gr64 } - { id: 13, class: gr32 } - { id: 14, class: gr8 } - { id: 15, class: gr8 } - { id: 16, class: gr32 } - { id: 17, class: gr64 } - { id: 18, class: gr8 } - { id: 19, class: gr8 } - { id: 20, class: gr32 } - { id: 21, class: gr64 } - { id: 22, class: gr32 } - { id: 23, class: gr32 } - { id: 24, class: gr64 } - { id: 25, class: gr32 } - { id: 26, class: gr64 } - { id: 27, class: gr8 } - { id: 28, class: gr64_nosp } - { id: 29, class: gr32 } - { id: 30, class: gr8 } - { id: 31, class: gr8 } - { id: 32, class: gr64 } - { id: 33, class: gr8 } - { id: 34, class: gr64 } - { id: 35, class: gr64 } - { id: 36, class: gr8 } - { id: 37, class: gr64 } - { id: 38, class: gr8 } - { id: 39, class: gr32 } - { id: 40, class: gr32 } - { id: 41, class: gr8 } - { id: 42, class: gr8 } - { id: 43, class: gr8 } liveins: - { reg: '$edi', virtual-reg: '%7' } frameInfo: maxAlignment: 1 hasCalls: true machineFunctionInfo: {} jumpTable: kind: block-address entries: - id: 0 blocks: [ '%bb.11', '%bb.7', '%bb.11', '%bb.7', '%bb.12', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.13', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.7', '%bb.8' ] body: | bb.0: successors: %bb.2(0x20000000), %bb.14(0x60000000) liveins: $edi %7:gr32 = COPY $edi CMP32ri8 %7, 4, implicit-def $eflags %0:gr8 = SETCCr 4, implicit $eflags, debug-instr-number 1 CMP32ri8 %7, 2, implicit-def $eflags %1:gr8 = SETCCr 4, implicit $eflags CMP32ri8 %7, 1, implicit-def $eflags %2:gr8 = SETCCr 4, implicit $eflags %11:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF %12:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF %5:gr8 = MOV8rm %12, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, debug-location !13 :: (load (s8) from `i8* undef`, align 8) %13:gr32 = MOV32r0 implicit-def dead $eflags %14:gr8 = COPY %13.sub_8bit TEST8rr %14, %14, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.2, 5, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 JMP_1 %bb.14, debug-location !13 bb.14: successors: %bb.2(0x2aaaaaab), %bb.1(0x55555555) CMP8ri %5, 70, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.2, 5, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 JMP_1 %bb.1, debug-location !13 bb.1: bb.2: successors: %bb.4(0x20000000), %bb.15(0x60000000) %4:gr64 = MOV64rm %11, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, debug-location !13 :: (load (s64) from `%"class.llvm::Instruction"** undef`) ADJCALLSTACKDOWN64 0, 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, debug-location !13 %16:gr32 = IMPLICIT_DEF $edi = COPY %16, debug-location !13 %17:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF CALL64r killed %17, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $edi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp, implicit-def $al, debug-location !13 ADJCALLSTACKUP64 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, debug-location !13 %18:gr8 = COPY $al, debug-location !13 TEST8ri %18, 1, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.4, 5, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 JMP_1 %bb.15, debug-location !13 bb.15: successors: %bb.4(0x2aaaaaab), %bb.3(0x55555555) CMP8ri %5, 70, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.4, 4, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 JMP_1 %bb.3, debug-location !13 bb.3: bb.4: successors: %bb.5, %bb.6 %21:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF %20:gr32 = MOVZX32rm8 killed %21, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, debug-location !13 :: (load (s8) from `i32* undef`, align 8) %6:gr32 = nsw DEC32r %20, implicit-def dead $eflags, debug-location !13 CMP32ri8 %6, 5, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.6, 7, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 JMP_1 %bb.5, debug-location !13 bb.5: %24:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF %23:gr32 = MOVZX32rm8 %24, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, debug-location !13 :: (load (s8) from `i8* undef`, align 8) %25:gr32 = nsw ADD32ri8 %23, -22, implicit-def dead $eflags, debug-location !13 ADJCALLSTACKDOWN64 0, 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, debug-location !13 $edi = COPY %25, debug-location !13 %26:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF CALL64r %26, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $edi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp, implicit-def $al, debug-location !13 ADJCALLSTACKUP64 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, debug-location !13 bb.6: successors: %bb.7(0x0aaaaaab), %bb.16(0x75555555) %31:gr8 = IMPLICIT_DEF CMP8ri %31, 40, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.7, 7, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 bb.16: successors: %bb.11(0x2e8ba2ea), %bb.7(0x0ba2e8ba), %bb.12(0x1745d174), %bb.13(0x1745d174), %bb.8(0x1745d174) %29:gr32 = MOV32r0 implicit-def dead $eflags %28:gr64_nosp = SUBREG_TO_REG 0, %29, %subreg.sub_32bit JMP64m $noreg, 8, %28, %jump-table.0, $noreg :: (load (s64) from jump-table) bb.7: %43:gr8 = IMPLICIT_DEF $al = COPY %43 RET 0, $al bb.8: successors: %bb.10(0x20000000), %bb.17(0x60000000) CMP32ri8 %6, 5, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.10, 7, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 JMP_1 %bb.17, debug-location !13 bb.17: successors: %bb.10(0x2aaaaaab), %bb.9(0x55555555) %3:gr32 = ADD32ri8 %7, -7, implicit-def dead $eflags CMP32ri8 %3, 3, implicit-def $eflags, debug-location !13 JCC_1 %bb.10, 2, implicit $eflags, debug-location !13 JMP_1 %bb.9, debug-location !13 bb.9: %41:gr8 = IMPLICIT_DEF $al = COPY %41 RET 0, $al bb.10: %42:gr8 = IMPLICIT_DEF $al = COPY %42 RET 0, $al bb.11: %37:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF MOV8mr killed %37, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, %2, debug-location !13 :: (store (s8) into `i8* undef`, align 8) %38:gr8 = IMPLICIT_DEF $al = COPY %38 RET 0, $al bb.12: %34:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF MOV8mr %34, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, %1, debug-location !13 :: (store (s8) into `i8* undef`, align 8) %35:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF MOV64mr %35, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, %4, debug-location !13 :: (store (s64) into `%"class.llvm::Instruction"** undef`) %36:gr8 = IMPLICIT_DEF $al = COPY %36 RET 0, $al bb.13: DBG_INSTR_REF 1, 0, !12, !DIExpression(), debug-location !13 %32:gr64 = IMPLICIT_DEF MOV8mr killed %32, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, %0, debug-location !13 :: (store (s8) into `i8* undef`, align 8) %33:gr8 = IMPLICIT_DEF $al = COPY %33 RET 0, $al ...