; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py ; RUN: opt -slp-vectorizer -S -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu < %s | FileCheck %s ; See https://reviews.llvm.org/D70068 and https://reviews.llvm.org/D70587 for context ; Checks that vector insertvalues into the struct become SLP seeds. define { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } @StructOfVectors(float *%Ptr) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @StructOfVectors( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[PTR:%.*]], i64 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[GEP0]] to <4 x float>* ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* [[TMP1]], align 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = fadd fast <4 x float> [[TMP2]], <float 1.100000e+01, float 1.200000e+01, float 1.300000e+01, float 1.400000e+01> ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> poison, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1> ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> [[TMP3]], <4 x float> poison, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3> ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET0:%.*]] = insertvalue { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } undef, <2 x float> [[TMP4]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET1:%.*]] = insertvalue { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } [[RET0]], <2 x float> [[TMP5]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret { <2 x float>, <2 x float> } [[RET1]] ; %GEP0 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 0 %L0 = load float, float * %GEP0 %GEP1 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 1 %L1 = load float, float * %GEP1 %GEP2 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 2 %L2 = load float, float * %GEP2 %GEP3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 3 %L3 = load float, float * %GEP3 %Fadd0 = fadd fast float %L0, 1.1e+01 %Fadd1 = fadd fast float %L1, 1.2e+01 %Fadd2 = fadd fast float %L2, 1.3e+01 %Fadd3 = fadd fast float %L3, 1.4e+01 %VecIn0 = insertelement <2 x float> undef, float %Fadd0, i64 0 %VecIn1 = insertelement <2 x float> %VecIn0, float %Fadd1, i64 1 %VecIn2 = insertelement <2 x float> undef, float %Fadd2, i64 0 %VecIn3 = insertelement <2 x float> %VecIn2, float %Fadd3, i64 1 %Ret0 = insertvalue {<2 x float>, <2 x float>} undef, <2 x float> %VecIn1, 0 %Ret1 = insertvalue {<2 x float>, <2 x float>} %Ret0, <2 x float> %VecIn3, 1 ret {<2 x float>, <2 x float>} %Ret1 } %StructTy = type { float, float} define [2 x %StructTy] @ArrayOfStruct(float *%Ptr) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @ArrayOfStruct( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[PTR:%.*]], i64 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[GEP0]] to <4 x float>* ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* [[TMP1]], align 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = fadd fast <4 x float> [[TMP2]], <float 1.100000e+01, float 1.200000e+01, float 1.300000e+01, float 1.400000e+01> ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN0:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY:%.*]] undef, float [[TMP4]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN1:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN0]], float [[TMP5]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN2:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY]] undef, float [[TMP6]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN3:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN2]], float [[TMP7]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET0:%.*]] = insertvalue [2 x %StructTy] undef, [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET1:%.*]] = insertvalue [2 x %StructTy] [[RET0]], [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN3]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret [2 x %StructTy] [[RET1]] ; %GEP0 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 0 %L0 = load float, float * %GEP0 %GEP1 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 1 %L1 = load float, float * %GEP1 %GEP2 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 2 %L2 = load float, float * %GEP2 %GEP3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 3 %L3 = load float, float * %GEP3 %Fadd0 = fadd fast float %L0, 1.1e+01 %Fadd1 = fadd fast float %L1, 1.2e+01 %Fadd2 = fadd fast float %L2, 1.3e+01 %Fadd3 = fadd fast float %L3, 1.4e+01 %StructIn0 = insertvalue %StructTy undef, float %Fadd0, 0 %StructIn1 = insertvalue %StructTy %StructIn0, float %Fadd1, 1 %StructIn2 = insertvalue %StructTy undef, float %Fadd2, 0 %StructIn3 = insertvalue %StructTy %StructIn2, float %Fadd3, 1 %Ret0 = insertvalue [2 x %StructTy] undef, %StructTy %StructIn1, 0 %Ret1 = insertvalue [2 x %StructTy] %Ret0, %StructTy %StructIn3, 1 ret [2 x %StructTy] %Ret1 } define {%StructTy, %StructTy} @StructOfStruct(float *%Ptr) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @StructOfStruct( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[PTR:%.*]], i64 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[GEP0]] to <4 x float>* ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* [[TMP1]], align 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = fadd fast <4 x float> [[TMP2]], <float 1.100000e+01, float 1.200000e+01, float 1.300000e+01, float 1.400000e+01> ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN0:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY:%.*]] undef, float [[TMP4]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN1:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN0]], float [[TMP5]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN2:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY]] undef, float [[TMP6]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x float> [[TMP3]], i32 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN3:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN2]], float [[TMP7]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET0:%.*]] = insertvalue { [[STRUCTTY]], [[STRUCTTY]] } undef, [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET1:%.*]] = insertvalue { [[STRUCTTY]], [[STRUCTTY]] } [[RET0]], [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN3]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret { [[STRUCTTY]], [[STRUCTTY]] } [[RET1]] ; %GEP0 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 0 %L0 = load float, float * %GEP0 %GEP1 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 1 %L1 = load float, float * %GEP1 %GEP2 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 2 %L2 = load float, float * %GEP2 %GEP3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 3 %L3 = load float, float * %GEP3 %Fadd0 = fadd fast float %L0, 1.1e+01 %Fadd1 = fadd fast float %L1, 1.2e+01 %Fadd2 = fadd fast float %L2, 1.3e+01 %Fadd3 = fadd fast float %L3, 1.4e+01 %StructIn0 = insertvalue %StructTy undef, float %Fadd0, 0 %StructIn1 = insertvalue %StructTy %StructIn0, float %Fadd1, 1 %StructIn2 = insertvalue %StructTy undef, float %Fadd2, 0 %StructIn3 = insertvalue %StructTy %StructIn2, float %Fadd3, 1 %Ret0 = insertvalue {%StructTy, %StructTy} undef, %StructTy %StructIn1, 0 %Ret1 = insertvalue {%StructTy, %StructTy} %Ret0, %StructTy %StructIn3, 1 ret {%StructTy, %StructTy} %Ret1 } define {%StructTy, float, float} @NonHomogeneousStruct(float *%Ptr) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @NonHomogeneousStruct( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[PTR:%.*]], i64 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[L0:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP0]], align 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[PTR]], i64 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[L1:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP1]], align 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[PTR]], i64 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[L2:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP2]], align 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[PTR]], i64 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[L3:%.*]] = load float, float* [[GEP3]], align 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FADD0:%.*]] = fadd fast float [[L0]], 1.100000e+01 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FADD1:%.*]] = fadd fast float [[L1]], 1.200000e+01 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FADD2:%.*]] = fadd fast float [[L2]], 1.300000e+01 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FADD3:%.*]] = fadd fast float [[L3]], 1.400000e+01 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN0:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY:%.*]] undef, float [[FADD0]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN1:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN0]], float [[FADD1]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET0:%.*]] = insertvalue { [[STRUCTTY]], float, float } undef, [[STRUCTTY]] [[STRUCTIN1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET1:%.*]] = insertvalue { [[STRUCTTY]], float, float } [[RET0]], float [[FADD2]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET2:%.*]] = insertvalue { [[STRUCTTY]], float, float } [[RET1]], float [[FADD3]], 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret { [[STRUCTTY]], float, float } [[RET2]] ; %GEP0 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 0 %L0 = load float, float * %GEP0 %GEP1 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 1 %L1 = load float, float * %GEP1 %GEP2 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 2 %L2 = load float, float * %GEP2 %GEP3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %Ptr, i64 3 %L3 = load float, float * %GEP3 %Fadd0 = fadd fast float %L0, 1.1e+01 %Fadd1 = fadd fast float %L1, 1.2e+01 %Fadd2 = fadd fast float %L2, 1.3e+01 %Fadd3 = fadd fast float %L3, 1.4e+01 %StructIn0 = insertvalue %StructTy undef, float %Fadd0, 0 %StructIn1 = insertvalue %StructTy %StructIn0, float %Fadd1, 1 %Ret0 = insertvalue {%StructTy, float, float} undef, %StructTy %StructIn1, 0 %Ret1 = insertvalue {%StructTy, float, float} %Ret0, float %Fadd2, 1 %Ret2 = insertvalue {%StructTy, float, float} %Ret1, float %Fadd3, 2 ret {%StructTy, float, float} %Ret2 } %Struct1Ty = type { i16, i16 } %Struct2Ty = type { %Struct1Ty, %Struct1Ty} define {%Struct2Ty, %Struct2Ty} @StructOfStructOfStruct(i16 *%Ptr) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @StructOfStructOfStruct( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[GEP0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* [[PTR:%.*]], i64 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast i16* [[GEP0]] to <8 x i16>* ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* [[TMP1]], align 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = add <8 x i16> [[TMP2]], <i16 1, i16 2, i16 3, i16 4, i16 5, i16 6, i16 7, i16 8> ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN0:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY:%.*]] undef, i16 [[TMP4]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN1:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN0]], i16 [[TMP5]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN2:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY]] undef, i16 [[TMP6]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 3 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN3:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN2]], i16 [[TMP7]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 4 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN4:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY]] undef, i16 [[TMP8]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 5 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN5:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN4]], i16 [[TMP9]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 6 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN6:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY]] undef, i16 [[TMP10]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = extractelement <8 x i16> [[TMP3]], i32 7 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCTIN7:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN6]], i16 [[TMP11]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCT2IN0:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT2TY:%.*]] undef, [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCT2IN1:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT2TY]] [[STRUCT2IN0]], [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN3]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCT2IN2:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT2TY]] undef, [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN5]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRUCT2IN3:%.*]] = insertvalue [[STRUCT2TY]] [[STRUCT2IN2]], [[STRUCT1TY]] [[STRUCTIN7]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET0:%.*]] = insertvalue { [[STRUCT2TY]], [[STRUCT2TY]] } undef, [[STRUCT2TY]] [[STRUCT2IN1]], 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET1:%.*]] = insertvalue { [[STRUCT2TY]], [[STRUCT2TY]] } [[RET0]], [[STRUCT2TY]] [[STRUCT2IN3]], 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret { [[STRUCT2TY]], [[STRUCT2TY]] } [[RET1]] ; %GEP0 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 0 %L0 = load i16, i16 * %GEP0 %GEP1 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 1 %L1 = load i16, i16 * %GEP1 %GEP2 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 2 %L2 = load i16, i16 * %GEP2 %GEP3 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 3 %L3 = load i16, i16 * %GEP3 %GEP4 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 4 %L4 = load i16, i16 * %GEP4 %GEP5 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 5 %L5 = load i16, i16 * %GEP5 %GEP6 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 6 %L6 = load i16, i16 * %GEP6 %GEP7 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %Ptr, i64 7 %L7 = load i16, i16 * %GEP7 %Fadd0 = add i16 %L0, 1 %Fadd1 = add i16 %L1, 2 %Fadd2 = add i16 %L2, 3 %Fadd3 = add i16 %L3, 4 %Fadd4 = add i16 %L4, 5 %Fadd5 = add i16 %L5, 6 %Fadd6 = add i16 %L6, 7 %Fadd7 = add i16 %L7, 8 %StructIn0 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty undef, i16 %Fadd0, 0 %StructIn1 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty %StructIn0, i16 %Fadd1, 1 %StructIn2 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty undef, i16 %Fadd2, 0 %StructIn3 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty %StructIn2, i16 %Fadd3, 1 %StructIn4 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty undef, i16 %Fadd4, 0 %StructIn5 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty %StructIn4, i16 %Fadd5, 1 %StructIn6 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty undef, i16 %Fadd6, 0 %StructIn7 = insertvalue %Struct1Ty %StructIn6, i16 %Fadd7, 1 %Struct2In0 = insertvalue %Struct2Ty undef, %Struct1Ty %StructIn1, 0 %Struct2In1 = insertvalue %Struct2Ty %Struct2In0, %Struct1Ty %StructIn3, 1 %Struct2In2 = insertvalue %Struct2Ty undef, %Struct1Ty %StructIn5, 0 %Struct2In3 = insertvalue %Struct2Ty %Struct2In2, %Struct1Ty %StructIn7, 1 %Ret0 = insertvalue {%Struct2Ty, %Struct2Ty} undef, %Struct2Ty %Struct2In1, 0 %Ret1 = insertvalue {%Struct2Ty, %Struct2Ty} %Ret0, %Struct2Ty %Struct2In3, 1 ret {%Struct2Ty, %Struct2Ty} %Ret1 }