// RUN: %clang_cc1 -no-opaque-pointers -triple mipsel-unknown-linux -o - -emit-llvm %s \
// RUN: | FileCheck %s
// This checks that the frontend will accept inline asm memory constraints.
intfoo(void){// 'R': An address that can be used in a non-macro load or stor'
// This test will result in the higher and lower nibbles being
// switched due to the lwl/lwr instruction pairs.
// CHECK: %{{[0-9]+}} = call i32 asm sideeffect "lwl $0, 1 + $1\0A\09lwr $0, 2 + $1\0A\09", "=r,*R,~{$1}"(i32* elementtype(i32) %{{[0-9,a-f]+}}) #1,
int c =0xffbbccdd;int*p =&c;int out =0;
__asm volatile("lwl %0, 1 + %1\n\t""lwr %0, 2 + %1\n\t":"=r"(out):"R"(*p));return0;}