// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-none-linux-gnu -target-feature +neon \
// RUN: -disable-O0-optnone -fallow-half-arguments-and-returns -emit-llvm -o - %s \
// RUN: | opt -S -mem2reg | FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: aarch64-registered-target || arm-registered-target
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq <8 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <4 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <1 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_u64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <1 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_p64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <1 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq <16 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <16 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <8 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <4 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_u8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq <8 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <4 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_u8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq <16 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <16 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <8 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <4 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_u64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oeq <2 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x double> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oeq <1 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oeq <4 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqz_p8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq <8 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_p8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq <16 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <16 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oeq <2 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vceqzq_p64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCEQZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCEQZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgez_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp sge <8 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgez_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sge <4 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgez_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sge <2 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgez_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sge <1 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgezq_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp sge <16 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <16 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgezq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sge <8 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgezq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sge <4 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgezq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sge <2 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgez_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oge <2 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgez_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x double> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oge <1 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgezq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oge <4 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgezq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oge <2 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCGEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclez_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp sle <8 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclez_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sle <4 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclez_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sle <2 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclez_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sle <1 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclezq_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp sle <16 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <16 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclezq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sle <8 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclezq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sle <4 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclezq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sle <2 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclez_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ole <2 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclez_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x double> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ole <1 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclezq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ole <4 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclezq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ole <2 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLEZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCLEZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtz_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp sgt <8 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtz_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sgt <4 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtz_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sgt <2 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtz_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sgt <1 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtzq_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp sgt <16 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <16 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtzq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sgt <8 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtzq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sgt <4 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtzq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp sgt <2 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtz_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ogt <2 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtz_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x double> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ogt <1 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtzq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ogt <4 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcgtzq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp ogt <2 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCGTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCGTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltz_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp slt <8 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltz_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp slt <4 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltz_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp slt <2 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltz_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp slt <1 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltzq_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp slt <16 x i8> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <16 x i1> [[TMP0]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltzq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp slt <8 x i16> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <8 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltzq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp slt <4 x i32> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltzq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = icmp slt <2 x i64> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltz_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp olt <2 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltz_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x double> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp olt <1 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <1 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <1 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltzq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp olt <4 x float> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <4 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcltzq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp olt <2 x double> %a, zeroinitializer
// CHECK: [[VCLTZ_I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCLTZ_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev16_s8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev16_u8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev16_p8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev16q_s8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6, i32 9, i32 8, i32 11, i32 10, i32 13, i32 12, i32 15, i32 14>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev16q_u8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6, i32 9, i32 8, i32 11, i32 10, i32 13, i32 12, i32 15, i32 14>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev16q_p8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6, i32 9, i32 8, i32 11, i32 10, i32 13, i32 12, i32 15, i32 14>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32_s8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32_s16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32_u8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32_u16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32_p8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32_p16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32q_s8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 11, i32 10, i32 9, i32 8, i32 15, i32 14, i32 13, i32 12>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32q_s16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32q_u8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 11, i32 10, i32 9, i32 8, i32 15, i32 14, i32 13, i32 12>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32q_u16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32q_p8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 11, i32 10, i32 9, i32 8, i32 15, i32 14, i32 13, i32 12>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev32q_p16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2, i32 5, i32 4, i32 7, i32 6>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_s8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_s16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_s32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_u8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_u16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_u32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_p8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_p16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64_f32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> %a, <2 x float> %a, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0>
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_s8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 15, i32 14, i32 13, i32 12, i32 11, i32 10, i32 9, i32 8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_s16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_s32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_u8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 15, i32 14, i32 13, i32 12, i32 11, i32 10, i32 9, i32 8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_u16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_u32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_p8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i32> <i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4, i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 15, i32 14, i32 13, i32 12, i32 11, i32 10, i32 9, i32 8>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_p16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 3, i32 2, i32 1, i32 0, i32 7, i32 6, i32 5, i32 4>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrev64q_f32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> %a, <4 x float> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 2>
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddl_s8(
// CHECK: [[VPADDL_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v4i16.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VPADDL_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddl_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v2i32.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddl_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <1 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v1i64.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddl_u8(
// CHECK: [[VPADDL_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v4i16.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VPADDL_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddl_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v2i32.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddl_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <1 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v1i64.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddlq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VPADDL_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v8i16.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VPADDL_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddlq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v4i32.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddlq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v2i64.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddlq_u8(
// CHECK: [[VPADDL_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v8i16.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VPADDL_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddlq_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v4i32.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpaddlq_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADDL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v2i64.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VPADDL1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadal_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v4i16.v8i8(<8 x i8> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = add <4 x i16> [[VPADAL_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadal_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v2i32.v4i16(<4 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <2 x i32> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadal_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <1 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v1i64.v2i32(<2 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <1 x i64> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadal_u8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v4i16.v8i8(<8 x i8> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = add <4 x i16> [[VPADAL_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadal_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v2i32.v4i16(<4 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <2 x i32> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadal_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <1 x i64> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <1 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v1i64.v2i32(<2 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <1 x i64> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <1 x i64> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadalq_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v8i16.v16i8(<16 x i8> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = add <8 x i16> [[VPADAL_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadalq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v4i32.v8i16(<8 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadalq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v2i64.v4i32(<4 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <2 x i64> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadalq_u8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v8i16.v16i8(<16 x i8> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = add <8 x i16> [[VPADAL_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadalq_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v4i32.v8i16(<8 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vpadalq_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VPADAL1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v2i64.v4i32(<4 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = add <2 x i64> [[VPADAL1_I]], %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[TMP2]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqabs_s8(
// CHECK: [[VQABS_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VQABS_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqabsq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VQABSQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VQABSQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqabs_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQABS_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQABS_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQABS_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VQABS_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqabsq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQABSQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQABSQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> [[VQABSQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VQABSQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqabs_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQABS_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQABS_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQABS_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VQABS_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqabsq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQABSQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQABSQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> [[VQABSQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VQABSQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqabsq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQABSQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v2i64(<2 x i64> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQABSQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> [[VQABSQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VQABSQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqneg_s8(
// CHECK: [[VQNEG_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VQNEG_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqnegq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VQNEGQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VQNEGQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqneg_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQNEG_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQNEG_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQNEG_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VQNEG_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqnegq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQNEGQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQNEGQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> [[VQNEGQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VQNEGQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqneg_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQNEG_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQNEG_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQNEG_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VQNEG_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqnegq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQNEGQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQNEGQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> [[VQNEGQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VQNEGQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqnegq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQNEGQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v2i64(<2 x i64> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQNEGQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> [[VQNEGQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VQNEGQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vneg_s8(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = sub <8 x i8> zeroinitializer, %a
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vnegq_s8(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = sub <16 x i8> zeroinitializer, %a
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vneg_s16(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = sub <4 x i16> zeroinitializer, %a
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vnegq_s16(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = sub <8 x i16> zeroinitializer, %a
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vneg_s32(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = sub <2 x i32> zeroinitializer, %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vnegq_s32(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = sub <4 x i32> zeroinitializer, %a
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vnegq_s64(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = sub <2 x i64> zeroinitializer, %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vneg_f32(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = fneg <2 x float> %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vnegq_f32(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = fneg <4 x float> %a
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vnegq_f64(
// CHECK: [[SUB_I:%.*]] = fneg <2 x double> %a
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[SUB_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabs_s8(
// CHECK: [[VABS_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VABS_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabsq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VABS_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VABS_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabs_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabsq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabs_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabsq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabsq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v2i64(<2 x i64> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabs_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x float> @llvm.fabs.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabsq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.fabs.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vabsq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VABS1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.fabs.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VABS1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vuqadd_s8(
// CHECK: [[VUQADD_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> %b)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VUQADD_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vuqaddq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VUQADD_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %b)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VUQADD_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vuqadd_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VUQADD2_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VUQADD2_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vuqaddq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VUQADD2_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VUQADD2_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vuqadd_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VUQADD2_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VUQADD2_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vuqaddq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VUQADD2_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VUQADD2_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vuqaddq_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VUQADD2_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v2i64(<2 x i64> %a, <2 x i64> %b)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VUQADD2_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcls_s8(
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCLS_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcls_u8(
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCLS_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclsq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCLSQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclsq_u8(
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCLSQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcls_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VCLS_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCLS_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcls_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VCLS_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCLS_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclsq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclsq_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcls_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VCLS_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLS_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcls_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLS_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VCLS_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLS_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclsq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclsq_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCLSQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLSQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclz_s8(
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.ctlz.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCLZ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclzq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.ctlz.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCLZQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclz_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.ctlz.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VCLZ_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCLZ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclzq_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.ctlz.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclz_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.ctlz.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VCLZ_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLZ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclzq_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.ctlz.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclz_u8(
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.ctlz.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCLZ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclzq_u8(
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.ctlz.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCLZQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclz_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.ctlz.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VCLZ_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VCLZ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclzq_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i16> @llvm.ctlz.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclz_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.ctlz.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VCLZ_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCLZ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vclzq_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.ctlz.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a, i1 false)
// CHECK: [[VCLZQ_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCLZQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcnt_s8(
// CHECK: [[VCNT_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.ctpop.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCNT_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcntq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VCNTQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.ctpop.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCNTQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcnt_u8(
// CHECK: [[VCNT_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.ctpop.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCNT_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcntq_u8(
// CHECK: [[VCNTQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.ctpop.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCNTQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcnt_p8(
// CHECK: [[VCNT_V_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.ctpop.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VCNT_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcntq_p8(
// CHECK: [[VCNTQ_V_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.ctpop.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VCNTQ_V_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvn_s8(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <8 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvnq_s8(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <16 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvn_s16(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <4 x i16> %a, <i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvnq_s16(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <8 x i16> %a, <i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvn_s32(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <2 x i32> %a, <i32 -1, i32 -1>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvnq_s32(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <4 x i32> %a, <i32 -1, i32 -1, i32 -1, i32 -1>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvn_u8(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <8 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvnq_u8(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <16 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvn_u16(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <4 x i16> %a, <i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvnq_u16(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <8 x i16> %a, <i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1, i16 -1>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvn_u32(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <2 x i32> %a, <i32 -1, i32 -1>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvnq_u32(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <4 x i32> %a, <i32 -1, i32 -1, i32 -1, i32 -1>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvn_p8(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <8 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmvnq_p8(
// CHECK: [[NEG_I:%.*]] = xor <16 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1, i8 -1>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[NEG_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrbit_s8(
// CHECK: [[VRBIT_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.bitreverse.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VRBIT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrbitq_s8(
// CHECK: [[VRBIT_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.bitreverse.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VRBIT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrbit_u8(
// CHECK: [[VRBIT_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.bitreverse.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VRBIT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrbitq_u8(
// CHECK: [[VRBIT_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.bitreverse.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VRBIT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrbit_p8(
// CHECK: [[VRBIT_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.bitreverse.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VRBIT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrbitq_p8(
// CHECK: [[VRBIT_I:%.*]] = call <16 x i8> @llvm.bitreverse.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[VRBIT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I:%.*]] = trunc <8 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VMOVN_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I:%.*]] = trunc <4 x i32> %a to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VMOVN_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I:%.*]] = trunc <2 x i64> %a to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VMOVN_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I:%.*]] = trunc <8 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VMOVN_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I:%.*]] = trunc <4 x i32> %a to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VMOVN_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_u64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I:%.*]] = trunc <2 x i64> %a to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VMOVN_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_high_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I_I:%.*]] = trunc <8 x i16> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> [[VMOVN_I_I]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_high_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I_I:%.*]] = trunc <4 x i32> %b to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> [[VMOVN_I_I]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_high_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I_I:%.*]] = trunc <2 x i64> %b to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> [[VMOVN_I_I]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_high_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I_I:%.*]] = trunc <8 x i16> %b to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> [[VMOVN_I_I]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_high_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I_I:%.*]] = trunc <4 x i32> %b to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> [[VMOVN_I_I]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vmovn_high_u64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VMOVN_I_I:%.*]] = trunc <2 x i64> %b to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> [[VMOVN_I_I]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovun_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun.v8i8(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovun_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun.v4i16(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovun_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun.v2i32(<2 x i64> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovun_high_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun.v8i8(<8 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovun_high_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun.v4i16(<4 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V2_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovun_high_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun.v2i32(<2 x i64> %b)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVUN_V2_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> [[VQMOVUN_V1_I_I]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v8i8(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v4i16(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v2i32(<2 x i64> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_high_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v8i8(<8 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_high_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v4i16(<4 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_high_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v2i32(<2 x i64> %b)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v8i8(<8 x i16> %a)
// CHECK: ret <8 x i8> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v4i16(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_u64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v2i32(<2 x i64> %a)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_high_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <8 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v8i8(<8 x i16> %b)
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> %a, <8 x i8> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]], <16 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
// CHECK: ret <16 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_high_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v4i16(<4 x i32> %b)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vqmovn_high_u64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v2i32(<2 x i64> %b)
// CHECK: [[VQMOVN_V2_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> [[VQMOVN_V1_I_I]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_n_s8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = sext <8 x i8> %a to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <8 x i16> [[TMP0]], <i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_n_s16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext <4 x i16> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <4 x i32> [[TMP2]], <i32 16, i32 16, i32 16, i32 16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_n_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext <2 x i32> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <2 x i64> [[TMP2]], <i64 32, i64 32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_n_u8(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = zext <8 x i8> %a to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <8 x i16> [[TMP0]], <i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_n_u16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext <4 x i16> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <4 x i32> [[TMP2]], <i32 16, i32 16, i32 16, i32 16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_n_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext <2 x i32> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <2 x i64> [[TMP2]], <i64 32, i64 32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_high_n_s8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = sext <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <8 x i16> [[TMP0]], <i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_high_n_s16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext <4 x i16> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <4 x i32> [[TMP2]], <i32 16, i32 16, i32 16, i32 16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_high_n_s32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = sext <2 x i32> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <2 x i64> [[TMP2]], <i64 32, i64 32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_high_n_u8(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <16 x i8> %a, <16 x i8> %a, <8 x i32> <i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 12, i32 13, i32 14, i32 15>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = zext <8 x i8> [[SHUFFLE_I]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <8 x i16> [[TMP0]], <i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8, i16 8>
// CHECK: ret <8 x i16> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_high_n_u16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> %a, <8 x i16> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[SHUFFLE_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext <4 x i16> [[TMP1]] to <4 x i32>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <4 x i32> [[TMP2]], <i32 16, i32 16, i32 16, i32 16>
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vshll_high_n_u32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <2 x i32>
// CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = zext <2 x i32> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: [[VSHLL_N:%.*]] = shl <2 x i64> [[TMP2]], <i64 32, i64 32>
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VSHLL_N]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_f16_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F16_F321_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2hf(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F16_F322_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VCVT_F16_F321_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[VCVT_F16_F322_I]] to <4 x half>
// CHECK: ret <4 x half> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_high_f16_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F16_F321_I_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2hf(<4 x float> %b)
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F16_F322_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i16> [[VCVT_F16_F321_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[VCVT_F16_F322_I_I]] to <4 x half>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x half> %a, <4 x half> [[TMP1]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: ret <8 x half> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_f32_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = fptrunc <2 x double> %a to <2 x float>
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VCVT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_high_f32_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I_I:%.*]] = fptrunc <2 x double> %b to <2 x float>
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> %a, <2 x float> [[VCVT_I_I]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtx_f32_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTX_F32_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtxn.v2f32.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VCVTX_F32_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtx_high_f32_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %b to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTX_F32_V1_I_I:%.*]] = call <2 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtxn.v2f32.v2f64(<2 x double> %b)
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> %a, <2 x float> [[VCVTX_F32_V1_I_I]], <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_f32_f16(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x half> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F32_F16_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F32_F161_I:%.*]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvthf2fp(<4 x i16> [[VCVT_F32_F16_I]])
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F32_F162_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> [[VCVT_F32_F161_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VCVT_F32_F161_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_high_f32_f16(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x half> %a, <8 x half> %a, <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 5, i32 6, i32 7>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x half> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F32_F16_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i8> [[TMP0]] to <4 x i16>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F32_F161_I_I:%.*]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvthf2fp(<4 x i16> [[VCVT_F32_F16_I_I]])
// CHECK: [[VCVT_F32_F162_I_I:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> [[VCVT_F32_F161_I_I]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VCVT_F32_F161_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_f64_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = fpext <2 x float> %a to <2 x double>
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VCVT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_high_f64_f32(
// CHECK: [[SHUFFLE_I_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> %a, <4 x float> %a, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]] to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I_I:%.*]] = fpext <2 x float> [[SHUFFLE_I_I]] to <2 x double>
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VCVT_I_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrndnq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRNDN1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.roundeven.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRNDN1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrndaq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRNDA1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.round.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRNDA1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrndpq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRNDP1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.ceil.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRNDP1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrndmq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRNDM1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.floor.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRNDM1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrndxq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRNDX1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.rint.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRNDX1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrndq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRNDZ1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.trunc.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRNDZ1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrndiq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRNDI1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.nearbyint.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRNDI1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzs.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzs.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_s64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzs.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzu.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzu.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_u64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzu.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[TMP1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtn_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTN1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTN1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtnq_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTN1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTN1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtnq_s64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTN1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTN1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtn_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTN1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTN1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtnq_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTN1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTN1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtnq_u64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTN1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTN1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtp_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTP1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTP1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtpq_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTP1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTP1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtpq_s64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTP1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTP1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtp_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTP1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTP1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtpq_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTP1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTP1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtpq_u64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTP1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTP1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtm_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTM1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTM1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtmq_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTM1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTM1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtmq_s64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTM1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTM1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtm_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTM1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTM1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtmq_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTM1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTM1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtmq_u64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTM1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTM1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvta_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTA1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTA1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtaq_s32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTA1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTA1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtaq_s64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTA1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTA1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvta_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTA1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau.v2i32.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VCVTA1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtaq_u32_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTA1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau.v4i32.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VCVTA1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtaq_u64_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVTA1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau.v2i64.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i64> [[VCVTA1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrsqrte_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRSQRTE_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VRSQRTE_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrsqrteq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRSQRTEQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VRSQRTEQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrsqrteq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRSQRTEQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRSQRTEQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrecpe_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRECPE_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VRECPE_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrecpeq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRECPEQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VRECPEQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrecpeq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRECPEQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VRECPEQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrecpe_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRECPE_V1_I:%.*]] = call <2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.urecpe.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x i32> [[VRECPE_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vrecpeq_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VRECPEQ_V1_I:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.neon.urecpe.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x i32> [[VRECPEQ_V1_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vsqrt_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x float> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VSQRT_I:%.*]] = call <2 x float> @llvm.sqrt.v2f32(<2 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VSQRT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vsqrtq_f32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x float> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VSQRT_I:%.*]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.sqrt.v4f32(<4 x float> %a)
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VSQRT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vsqrtq_f64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x double> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VSQRT_I:%.*]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.sqrt.v2f64(<2 x double> %a)
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VSQRT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_f32_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = sitofp <2 x i32> %a to <2 x float>
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VCVT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvt_f32_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i32> %a to <8 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = uitofp <2 x i32> %a to <2 x float>
// CHECK: ret <2 x float> [[VCVT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_f32_s32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = sitofp <4 x i32> %a to <4 x float>
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VCVT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_f32_u32(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <4 x i32> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = uitofp <4 x i32> %a to <4 x float>
// CHECK: ret <4 x float> [[VCVT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_f64_s64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = sitofp <2 x i64> %a to <2 x double>
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VCVT_I]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_vcvtq_f64_u64(
// CHECK: [[TMP0:%.*]] = bitcast <2 x i64> %a to <16 x i8>
// CHECK: [[VCVT_I:%.*]] = uitofp <2 x i64> %a to <2 x double>
// CHECK: ret <2 x double> [[VCVT_I]]