Compiler projects using llvm
//===---------------------- ExecuteStage.h ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file defines the execution stage of a default instruction pipeline.
/// The ExecuteStage is responsible for managing the hardware scheduler
/// and issuing notifications that an instruction has been executed.


#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/MCA/HardwareUnits/Scheduler.h"
#include "llvm/MCA/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/MCA/Stages/Stage.h"

namespace llvm {
namespace mca {

class ExecuteStage final : public Stage {
  Scheduler &HWS;

  unsigned NumDispatchedOpcodes;
  unsigned NumIssuedOpcodes;

  // True if this stage should notify listeners of HWPressureEvents.
  bool EnablePressureEvents;

  Error issueInstruction(InstRef &IR);

  // Called at the beginning of each cycle to issue already dispatched
  // instructions to the underlying pipelines.
  Error issueReadyInstructions();

  // Used to notify instructions eliminated at register renaming stage.
  Error handleInstructionEliminated(InstRef &IR);

  ExecuteStage(const ExecuteStage &Other) = delete;
  ExecuteStage &operator=(const ExecuteStage &Other) = delete;

  ExecuteStage(Scheduler &S) : ExecuteStage(S, false) {}
  ExecuteStage(Scheduler &S, bool ShouldPerformBottleneckAnalysis)
      : HWS(S), NumDispatchedOpcodes(0), NumIssuedOpcodes(0),
        EnablePressureEvents(ShouldPerformBottleneckAnalysis) {}

  // This stage works under the assumption that the Pipeline will eventually
  // execute a retire stage. We don't need to check if pipelines and/or
  // schedulers have instructions to process, because those instructions are
  // also tracked by the retire control unit. That means,
  // RetireControlUnit::hasWorkToComplete() is responsible for checking if there
  // are still instructions in-flight in the out-of-order backend.
  bool hasWorkToComplete() const override { return false; }
  bool isAvailable(const InstRef &IR) const override;

  // Notifies the scheduler that a new cycle just started.
  // This method notifies the scheduler that a new cycle started.
  // This method is also responsible for notifying listeners about instructions
  // state changes, and processor resources freed by the scheduler.
  // Instructions that transitioned to the 'Executed' state are automatically
  // moved to the next stage (i.e. RetireStage).
  Error cycleStart() override;
  Error cycleEnd() override;
  Error execute(InstRef &IR) override;

  void notifyInstructionIssued(const InstRef &IR,
                               MutableArrayRef<ResourceUse> Used) const;
  void notifyInstructionExecuted(const InstRef &IR) const;
  void notifyInstructionPending(const InstRef &IR) const;
  void notifyInstructionReady(const InstRef &IR) const;
  void notifyResourceAvailable(const ResourceRef &RR) const;

  // Notify listeners that buffered resources have been consumed or freed.
  void notifyReservedOrReleasedBuffers(const InstRef &IR, bool Reserved) const;

} // namespace mca
} // namespace llvm