; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=arm64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -global-isel -mtriple=arm64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=GISEL @x1 = external hidden global [2 x i64] @x2 = external hidden global [16777216 x i64] @x3 = external hidden global { [9 x i8*], [8 x i8*] } define i64 @f1() { ; CHECK-LABEL: f1: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: adrp x8, x1+16 ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8, :lo12:x1+16] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; ; GISEL-LABEL: f1: ; GISEL: // %bb.0: ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x8, x1+16 ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8, :lo12:x1+16] ; GISEL-NEXT: ret %l = load i64, i64* getelementptr ([2 x i64], [2 x i64]* @x1, i64 0, i64 2) ret i64 %l } define i64 @f2() { ; CHECK-LABEL: f2: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: adrp x8, x1 ; CHECK-NEXT: add x8, x8, :lo12:x1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8, #24] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; ; GISEL-LABEL: f2: ; GISEL: // %bb.0: ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x8, x1 ; GISEL-NEXT: add x8, x8, :lo12:x1 ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8, #24] ; GISEL-NEXT: ret %l = load i64, i64* getelementptr ([2 x i64], [2 x i64]* @x1, i64 0, i64 3) ret i64 %l } define i64 @f3() { ; CHECK-LABEL: f3: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: adrp x8, x1+1 ; CHECK-NEXT: add x8, x8, :lo12:x1+1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; ; GISEL-LABEL: f3: ; GISEL: // %bb.0: ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x8, x1+1 ; GISEL-NEXT: add x8, x8, :lo12:x1+1 ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8] ; GISEL-NEXT: ret %l = load i64, i64* bitcast (i8* getelementptr (i8, i8* bitcast ([2 x i64]* @x1 to i8*), i64 1) to i64*) ret i64 %l } define [2 x i64] @f4() { ; FIXME: GlobalISel misses the opportunity to form a LDP here. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: f4: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: adrp x8, x2+8 ; CHECK-NEXT: add x8, x8, :lo12:x2+8 ; CHECK-NEXT: ldp x0, x1, [x8] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; ; GISEL-LABEL: f4: ; GISEL: // %bb.0: ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x8, x2+8 ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x9, x2+8 ; GISEL-NEXT: add x9, x9, :lo12:x2+8 ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8, :lo12:x2+8] ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr x1, [x9, #8] ; GISEL-NEXT: ret %l = load [2 x i64], [2 x i64]* bitcast (i8* getelementptr (i8, i8* bitcast ([16777216 x i64]* @x2 to i8*), i64 8) to [2 x i64]*) ret [2 x i64] %l } define i64 @f5() { ; CHECK-LABEL: f5: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: adrp x8, x2+1048568 ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8, :lo12:x2+1048568] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; ; GISEL-LABEL: f5: ; GISEL: // %bb.0: ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x8, x2+1048568 ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr x0, [x8, :lo12:x2+1048568] ; GISEL-NEXT: ret %l = load i64, i64* getelementptr ([16777216 x i64], [16777216 x i64]* @x2, i64 0, i64 131071) ret i64 %l } define i64 @f6() { ; CHECK-LABEL: f6: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: mov w8, #1048576 ; CHECK-NEXT: adrp x9, x2 ; CHECK-NEXT: add x9, x9, :lo12:x2 ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr x0, [x9, x8] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; ; GISEL-LABEL: f6: ; GISEL: // %bb.0: ; GISEL-NEXT: mov w8, #1048576 ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x9, x2 ; GISEL-NEXT: add x9, x9, :lo12:x2 ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr x0, [x9, x8] ; GISEL-NEXT: ret %l = load i64, i64* getelementptr ([16777216 x i64], [16777216 x i64]* @x2, i64 0, i64 131072) ret i64 %l } define i32 @f7() { ; FIXME: GlobalISel doesn't handle vectors well. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: f7: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: // %entry ; CHECK-NEXT: adrp x8, x3+108 ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr w0, [x8, :lo12:x3+108] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret ; ; GISEL-LABEL: f7: ; GISEL: // %bb.0: // %entry ; GISEL-NEXT: adrp x8, x3+88 ; GISEL-NEXT: add x8, x8, :lo12:x3+88 ; GISEL-NEXT: mov v0.d[1], x8 ; GISEL-NEXT: mov d0, v0.d[1] ; GISEL-NEXT: fmov x8, d0 ; GISEL-NEXT: ldr w0, [x8, #20] ; GISEL-NEXT: ret entry: %l = load i32, i32* getelementptr (i32, i32* inttoptr (i64 trunc (i128 lshr (i128 bitcast (<2 x i64> <i64 undef, i64 ptrtoint (i8** getelementptr inbounds ({ [9 x i8*], [8 x i8*] }, { [9 x i8*], [8 x i8*] }* @x3, i64 0, inrange i32 1, i64 2) to i64)> to i128), i128 64) to i64) to i32*), i64 5) ret i32 %l }