## --format-bsd is the default output format of llvm-nm. Show that the default ## and bsd output (including its aliases) match to confirm this. # RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t.o # RUN: llvm-nm %t.o --format=bsd > %t.formatbsd.txt # RUN: llvm-nm %t.o -f bsd > %t.fbsd.txt # RUN: llvm-nm %t.o -B > %t.b.txt # RUN: llvm-nm %t.o > %t.default.txt # RUN: cmp %t.formatbsd.txt %t.default.txt # RUN: cmp %t.formatbsd.txt %t.fbsd.txt # RUN: cmp %t.formatbsd.txt %t.b.txt ## Verify that some output is actually printed. # RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file=%t.default.txt # CHECK: 0000000000000000 T sym1 # CHECK-NEXT: 0000000000000000 W sym2 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Sections: - Name: .text Type: SHT_PROGBITS Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ] Symbols: - Name: sym1 Section: .text Binding: STB_GLOBAL - Name: sym2 Section: .text Binding: STB_WEAK