// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-linux-gnu -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: @defn ={{.*}} global i32 undef
int defn ;
// CHECK: @_ZL11defn_static = internal global i32 undef
static int defn_static ;
// CHECK: @_ZZ4funcvE4data = internal global i32 undef
// CHECK: @ut ={{.*}} global %class.trivial undef
trivial ut ;
// CHECK: @arr ={{.*}} global [32 x double] undef
double arr ;
// Defining as arr2[] [[clang..]] raises the error: attribute cannot be applied to types
// CHECK: @arr2 ={{.*}} global [4 x double] undef
double arr2 ;
// CHECK: @templ_int ={{.*}} global %struct.templ undef
templ<int> templ_int ;
// CHECK: @templ_trivial ={{.*}} global %struct.templ.0 undef
templ<trivial> templ_trivial ;
// CHECK: @templ_incomplete ={{.*}} global %struct.templ.1 undef
templ<incomplete> templ_incomplete ;