Compiler projects using llvm
import lit.formats = 'top-level-suite'
config.suffixes = ['.txt']
config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest()

# We intentionally don't set the source root or exec root directories here,
# because this suite gets reused for testing the exec root behavior (in
# ../exec-discovery).
#config.test_source_root = None
#config.test_exec_root = None

# Check that arbitrary config values are copied (tested by subdir/lit.local.cfg).
config.an_extra_variable = False

# Check that available_features are printed by --show-suites (and in the right order)
config.available_features = ['feature2', 'feature1']

# Check that substitutions are printed by --show-suites (and in the right order)
config.substitutions = [('%key2', 'value2'), ('%key1', 'value1')]