# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t # RUN: llvm-objdump -D --triple=thumbv8.1m.main-none-eabi %t | FileCheck %s ## This is a test case with "random" data/instructions, checking that ## llvm-objdump handles such instructions cleanly. Disassembly of instructions ## can fail when it e.g. is not given the right set of architecture features, ## for example when the source is compiled with: ## ## clang -march=..+ext1+ext2 ## ## and disassembly is attempted with: ## ## llvm-objdump --mattr=+ext1 # CHECK: 00000000 <.text>: # CHECK-NEXT: 0: f3cb 8bf7 <unknown> # CHECK-NEXT: 4: be <unknown> --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS32 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Machine: EM_ARM Sections: - Name: .text Type: SHT_PROGBITS Content: "cbf3f78bbe"