// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=core,alpha.core -verify -fblocks %s
// expected-no-diagnostics
// Delta-reduced header stuff (needed for test cases).
typedef signed char BOOL;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
typedef struct _NSZone NSZone;
@class NSInvocation, NSMethodSignature, NSCoder, NSString, NSEnumerator;
@protocol NSObject - isEqual: object;
- release;
@end @protocol NSCopying - copyWithZone: zone;
@end @protocol NSMutableCopying - mutableCopyWithZone: zone;
@end @protocol NSCoding - encodeWithCoder: aCoder;
@end typedef struct
@protocol NSFastEnumeration - countByEnumeratingWithState: state objects: stackbuf count: len;
@end @interface NSArray : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding, NSFastEnumeration> - count;
@end @interface NSMutableArray : NSArray - addObject: anObject;
- isEqualToString: aString;
// This test case tests that (x != 0) is eagerly evaluated before stored to
// 'y'. This test case complements recoverCastedSymbol (see below) because
// the symbolic expression is stored to 'y' (which is a short instead of an
// int). recoverCastedSymbol() only recovers path-sensitivity when the
// symbolic expression is literally the branch condition.
// From <rdar://problem/6619921>
// In this test case, 'needsAnArray' is a signed char. The analyzer tracks
// a symbolic value for this variable, but in the branch condition it is
// promoted to 'int'. Currently the analyzer doesn't reason well about
// promotions of symbolic values, so this test case tests the logic in
// 'recoverCastedSymbol()' (ExprEngine.cpp) to test that we recover
// path-sensitivity and use the symbol for 'needsAnArray' in the branch
// condition.
// From PR 3836 (http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=3836)
// In this test case, the double '!' works fine with our symbolic constraints,
// but we don't support comparing SymConstraint != SymConstraint. By eagerly
// assuming the truth of !!a or !!b, we can compare these values directly.
// <rdar://problem/7342806>
// This false positive occurred because the symbolic constraint on a short was
// not maintained via sign extension. The analyzer doesn't properly handle
// the sign extension, but now tracks the constraint. This particular
// case relies on -analyzer-options eagerly-assume=true because of the expression
// 'Flag1 != Count > 0'.
void ;
// PR 5627 - http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5627
// This test case depends on using -analyzer-config eagerly-assume=true.
// The 'eagerly-assume=true' causes the path
// to bifurcate when evaluating the function call argument, and a state
// caching bug in ExprEngine::CheckerVisit (and friends) caused the store
// to 'p' to not be evaluated along one path, but then an autotransition caused
// the path to keep on propagating with 'p' still set to an undefined value.
// We would then get a bogus report of returning uninitialized memory.
// Note: CheckerVisit mistakenly cleared an existing node, and the cleared
// node was resurrected by GRStmtNodeBuilder::~GRStmtNodeBuilder(), where
// 'p' was not assigned.
float *;
float *