Compiler projects using llvm
RUN: llvm-profdata merge --sample --text -output=%t.proftext %S/Inputs/cs-sample-preinline.proftext --gen-cs-nested-profile=1 -generate-merged-base-profiles=0
RUN: FileCheck %s < %t.proftext --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace
RUN: llvm-profdata merge --sample --text -output=%t.probe.proftext %S/Inputs/cs-sample-preinline-probe.proftext --gen-cs-nested-profile=1 -generate-merged-base-profiles=0
RUN: FileCheck %s < %t.probe.proftext --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace -check-prefix=PROBE
RUN: llvm-profdata merge --sample --extbinary -output=%t.profbin %S/Inputs/cs-sample-preinline.proftext --gen-cs-nested-profile=1 -generate-merged-base-profiles=0
RUN: llvm-profdata merge --sample --text -output=%t2.proftext %t.profbin
RUN: FileCheck %s < %t2.proftext --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace
RUN: llvm-profdata show --sample -show-sec-info-only %t.profbin | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PREINLINE
RUN: llvm-profdata merge --sample --text -output=%t3.proftext %S/Inputs/cs-sample-preinline.proftext --gen-cs-nested-profile=1 -generate-merged-base-profiles=1
RUN: FileCheck %s < %t3.proftext --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace -check-prefix=RECOUNT
RUN: llvm-profdata merge --sample --extbinary -output=%t2.profbin %S/Inputs/cs-sample-preinline.proftext --gen-cs-nested-profile=1 -generate-merged-base-profiles=1
RUN: llvm-profdata show -sample -detailed-summary %S/Inputs/cs-sample-preinline.proftext | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=SUMMARY
RUN: llvm-profdata show -sample -detailed-summary %t2.profbin | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=SUMMARY-NEST
RUN: llvm-profdata show -sample -detailed-summary %t3.proftext | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=SUMMARY-NEST

; CHECK:main:1968621:12
; CHECK-NEXT: 2: 24
; CHECK-NEXT: 3: 17 _Z5funcAi:7
; CHECK-NEXT: 3.1: 10 _Z5funcBi:11
; CHECK-NEXT: 3: _Z5funcAi:1467388
; CHECK-NEXT:  0: 10
; CHECK-NEXT:  3: 24
; CHECK-NEXT:  1: _Z8funcLeafi:1467299
; CHECK-NEXT:   0: 6
; CHECK-NEXT:   1: 6
; CHECK-NEXT:   3: 287884
; CHECK-NEXT:   4: 287864 _Z3fibi:315608
; CHECK-NEXT:   15: 23
; CHECK-NEXT:   !Attributes: 2
; CHECK-NEXT:  !Attributes: 2
; CHECK-NEXT: 3.1: _Z5funcBi:500954
; CHECK-NEXT:  0: 19
; CHECK-NEXT:  3: 12
; CHECK-NEXT:  1: _Z8funcLeafi:500853
; CHECK-NEXT:   0: 15
; CHECK-NEXT:   1: 15
; CHECK-NEXT:   3: 74946
; CHECK-NEXT:   4: 74941 _Z3fibi:82359
; CHECK-NEXT:   10: 23324
; CHECK-NEXT:   11: 23327 _Z3fibi:25228
; CHECK-NEXT:   15: 11
; CHECK-NEXT:   !Attributes: 2
; CHECK-NEXT:  !Attributes: 2
; CHECK-NEXT:_Z5funcBi:240:13
; CHECK-NEXT: 0: 13
; CHECK-NEXT: 1: 13

; RECOUNT:main:1968621:12
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 3: 17 _Z5funcAi:7
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 3.1: 10 _Z5funcBi:11
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 3: _Z5funcAi:1467388
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  0: 10
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  3: 24
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  1: _Z8funcLeafi:1467299
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   0: 6
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   1: 6
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   3: 287884
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   4: 287864 _Z3fibi:315608
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   15: 23
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   !Attributes: 6
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  !Attributes: 6
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 3.1: _Z5funcBi:500954
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  0: 19
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  3: 12
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  1: _Z8funcLeafi:500853
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   0: 15
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   1: 15
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   3: 74946
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   4: 74941 _Z3fibi:82359
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   10: 23324
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   11: 23327 _Z3fibi:25228
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   15: 11
; RECOUNT-NEXT:   !Attributes: 6
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  !Attributes: 6
; RECOUNT-NEXT:_Z8funcLeafi:1968152:31
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 3: 362830
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 4: 362805 _Z3fibi:397967
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 10: 23324
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 11: 23327 _Z3fibi:25228
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 15: 34
; RECOUNT-NEXT: !Attributes: 2
; RECOUNT-NEXT:_Z5funcAi:1467388:11
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 1: _Z8funcLeafi:1467299
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  3: 287884
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  4: 287864 _Z3fibi:315608
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  15: 23
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  !Attributes: 6
; RECOUNT-NEXT: !Attributes: 2
; RECOUNT-NEXT:_Z5funcBi:501194:32
; RECOUNT-NEXT: 1: _Z8funcLeafi:500853
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  0: 15
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  1: 15
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  3: 74946
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  4: 74941 _Z3fibi:82359
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  10: 23324
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  11: 23327 _Z3fibi:25228
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  15: 11
; RECOUNT-NEXT:  !Attributes: 6

; PROBE:main:1968621:12
; PROBE-NEXT: 2: 24
; PROBE-NEXT: 3: 17 _Z5funcAi:7
; PROBE-NEXT: 3.1: 10 _Z5funcBi:11
; PROBE-NEXT: 3: _Z5funcAi:1467388
; PROBE-NEXT:  0: 10
; PROBE-NEXT:  3: 24
; PROBE-NEXT:  1: _Z8funcLeafi:1467299
; PROBE-NEXT:   0: 6
; PROBE-NEXT:   1: 6
; PROBE-NEXT:   3: 287884
; PROBE-NEXT:   4: 287864 _Z3fibi:315608
; PROBE-NEXT:   15: 23
; PROBE-NEXT:   !CFGChecksum: 281479271677951
; PROBE-NEXT:   !Attributes: 2
; PROBE-NEXT:  !CFGChecksum: 844530426352218
; PROBE-NEXT:  !Attributes: 2
; PROBE-NEXT: 3.1: _Z5funcBi:500954
; PROBE-NEXT:  0: 19
; PROBE-NEXT:  3: 12
; PROBE-NEXT:  1: _Z8funcLeafi:500853
; PROBE-NEXT:   0: 15
; PROBE-NEXT:   1: 15
; PROBE-NEXT:   3: 74946
; PROBE-NEXT:   4: 74941 _Z3fibi:82359
; PROBE-NEXT:   10: 23324
; PROBE-NEXT:   11: 23327 _Z3fibi:25228
; PROBE-NEXT:   15: 11
; PROBE-NEXT:   !CFGChecksum: 281479271677951
; PROBE-NEXT:   !Attributes: 2
; PROBE-NEXT:  !CFGChecksum: 563022570642068
; PROBE-NEXT:  !Attributes: 2
; PROBE-NEXT: !CFGChecksum: 563125815542069
; PROBE-NEXT:_Z5funcBi:240:13
; PROBE-NEXT: 0: 13
; PROBE-NEXT: 1: 13
; PROBE-NEXT: !CFGChecksum: 563022570642068

; PREINLINE: ProfileSummarySection {{.*}} Flags: {preInlined}

; SUMMARY:      Total functions: 4
; SUMMARY-NEXT: Maximum function count: 32
; SUMMARY-NEXT: Maximum block count: 362830
; SUMMARY-NEXT: Total number of blocks: 16
; SUMMARY-NEXT: Total count: 772562
; SUMMARY-NEXT: Detailed summary:
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 1 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 10 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 20 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 30 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 40 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 50 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 60 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 70 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 80 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 90 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 3 blocks with count >= 23327 account for 95 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 4 blocks with count >= 23324 account for 99 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 4 blocks with count >= 23324 account for 99.9 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 11 blocks with count >= 24 account for 99.99 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 16 blocks with count >= 10 account for 99.999 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEXT: 16 blocks with count >= 10 account for 99.9999 percentage of the total counts.

; SUMMARY-NEST:      Total functions: 4
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: Maximum function count: 32
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: Maximum block count: 362830
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: Total number of blocks: 15
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: Total count: 772504
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: Detailed summary:
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 1 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 10 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 20 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 30 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 1 blocks with count >= 362830 account for 40 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 50 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 60 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 70 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 80 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 2 blocks with count >= 362805 account for 90 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 3 blocks with count >= 23327 account for 95 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 4 blocks with count >= 23324 account for 99 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 4 blocks with count >= 23324 account for 99.9 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 10 blocks with count >= 21 account for 99.99 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 15 blocks with count >= 10 account for 99.999 percentage of the total counts.
; SUMMARY-NEST-NEXT: 15 blocks with count >= 10 account for 99.9999 percentage of the total counts.