Compiler projects using llvm
LLVM notes

This directory contains Google Test 1.10.0, with all elements removed except for
the actual source code, to minimize the addition to the LLVM distribution.

Cleaned up as follows:

# Remove all the unnecessary files and directories
$ rm -f CMakeLists.txt configure* Makefile* CHANGES CONTRIBUTORS README .gitignore
$ rm -rf build-aux cmake codegear m4 make msvc samples scripts test xcode docs
$ rm -f `find . -name \*\.pump`
$ rm -f src/

# Put the license in the consistent place for LLVM.

Modified as follows:
* Added support for NetBSD, Minix and Haiku.
* Added raw_os_ostream support to include/gtest/internal/custom/gtest-printers.h.
* Added StringRef support to include/gtest/internal/custom/gtest-printers.h.
* Added IWYU pragmas from