; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py ; RUN: opt -S -passes=instcombine < %s | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.8.0" define i1 @test1(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CEIL:%.*]] = call float @llvm.ceil.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[CEIL]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %ceil = call double @ceil(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %ext.y = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %ceil, %ext.y ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test1_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CEIL:%.*]] = call float @llvm.ceil.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[CEIL]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %ceil = call double @llvm.ceil.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %ext.y = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %ceil, %ext.y ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test2(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FABS:%.*]] = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FABS]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %fabs = call double @fabs(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %fabs, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test2_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FABS:%.*]] = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FABS]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %fabs = call double @llvm.fabs.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %fabs, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @fmf_test2(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @fmf_test2( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call nnan float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TMP1]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP2]] ; %1 = fpext float %x to double %2 = call nnan double @fabs(double %1) nounwind readnone %3 = fpext float %y to double %4 = fcmp oeq double %2, %3 ret i1 %4 } define i1 @test3(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test3( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FLOOR:%.*]] = call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FLOOR]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %floor = call double @floor(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %floor, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test3_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test3_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FLOOR:%.*]] = call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FLOOR]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %floor = call double @llvm.floor.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %floor, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test4(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test4( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEARBYINT:%.*]] = call float @llvm.nearbyint.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[NEARBYINT]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %nearbyint = call double @nearbyint(double %x.ext) nounwind %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %nearbyint, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @shrink_nearbyint_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @shrink_nearbyint_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEARBYINT:%.*]] = call float @llvm.nearbyint.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[NEARBYINT]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %nearbyint = call double @llvm.nearbyint.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %nearbyint, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test5(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test5( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RINT:%.*]] = call float @llvm.rint.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[RINT]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %rint = call double @rint(double %x.ext) nounwind %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %rint, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test6(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test6( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.round.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %round = call double @round(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %round, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test6_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test6_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.round.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %round = call double @llvm.round.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %round, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test6a(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test6a( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.roundeven.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %round = call double @roundeven(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %round, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test6a_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test6a_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.roundeven.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %round = call double @llvm.roundeven.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %round, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test7(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test7( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%.*]] = call float @llvm.trunc.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TRUNC]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %trunc = call double @trunc(double %x.ext) nounwind %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %trunc, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test7_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test7_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%.*]] = call float @llvm.trunc.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TRUNC]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %trunc = call double @llvm.trunc.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %cmp = fcmp oeq double %trunc, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test8(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test8( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CEIL:%.*]] = call float @llvm.ceil.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[CEIL]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %ceil = call double @ceil(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %ceil ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test8_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test8_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CEIL:%.*]] = call float @llvm.ceil.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[CEIL]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %ceil = call double @llvm.ceil.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %ceil ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test9(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test9( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FABS:%.*]] = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FABS]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %fabs = call double @fabs(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %fabs ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test9_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test9_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FABS:%.*]] = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FABS]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %fabs = call double @llvm.fabs.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %fabs ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test10(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test10( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FLOOR:%.*]] = call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FLOOR]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %floor = call double @floor(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %floor, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test10_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test10_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[FLOOR:%.*]] = call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[FLOOR]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %floor = call double @llvm.floor.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %floor, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test11(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test11( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEARBYINT:%.*]] = call float @llvm.nearbyint.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[NEARBYINT]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %nearbyint = call double @nearbyint(double %x.ext) nounwind %cmp = fcmp oeq double %nearbyint, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test11_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test11_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEARBYINT:%.*]] = call float @llvm.nearbyint.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[NEARBYINT]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %nearbyint = call double @llvm.nearbyint.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind %cmp = fcmp oeq double %nearbyint, %y.ext ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test12(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test12( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[RINT:%.*]] = call float @llvm.rint.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[RINT]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %rint = call double @rint(double %x.ext) nounwind %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %rint ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test13(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test13( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.round.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %round = call double @round(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %round ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test13_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test13_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.round.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %round = call double @llvm.round.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %round ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test13a(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test13a( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.roundeven.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %round = call double @roundeven(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %round ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test13a_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test13a_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ROUND:%.*]] = call float @llvm.roundeven.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[ROUND]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %round = call double @llvm.roundeven.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind readnone %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %round ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test14(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test14( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%.*]] = call float @llvm.trunc.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TRUNC]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %trunc = call double @trunc(double %x.ext) nounwind %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %trunc ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test14_intrin(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test14_intrin( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%.*]] = call float @llvm.trunc.f32(float %x) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TRUNC]], %y ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[CMP]] ; %x.ext = fpext float %x to double %y.ext = fpext float %y to double %trunc = call double @llvm.trunc.f64(double %x.ext) nounwind %cmp = fcmp oeq double %y.ext, %trunc ret i1 %cmp } define i1 @test15(float %x, float %y, float %z) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test15( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call nsz float @llvm.minnum.f32(float [[X:%.*]], float [[Y:%.*]]) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TMP1]], [[Z:%.*]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP2]] ; %1 = fpext float %x to double %2 = fpext float %y to double %3 = call double @fmin(double %1, double %2) nounwind %4 = fpext float %z to double %5 = fcmp oeq double %3, %4 ret i1 %5 } define i1 @test16(float %x, float %y, float %z) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test16( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call nsz float @llvm.minnum.f32(float [[X:%.*]], float [[Y:%.*]]) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TMP1]], [[Z:%.*]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP2]] ; %1 = fpext float %z to double %2 = fpext float %x to double %3 = fpext float %y to double %4 = call double @fmin(double %2, double %3) nounwind %5 = fcmp oeq double %1, %4 ret i1 %5 } define i1 @test17(float %x, float %y, float %z) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test17( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call nsz float @llvm.maxnum.f32(float [[X:%.*]], float [[Y:%.*]]) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TMP1]], [[Z:%.*]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP2]] ; %1 = fpext float %x to double %2 = fpext float %y to double %3 = call double @fmax(double %1, double %2) nounwind %4 = fpext float %z to double %5 = fcmp oeq double %3, %4 ret i1 %5 } define i1 @test18(float %x, float %y, float %z) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test18( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call nsz float @llvm.maxnum.f32(float [[X:%.*]], float [[Y:%.*]]) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TMP1]], [[Z:%.*]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP2]] ; %1 = fpext float %z to double %2 = fpext float %x to double %3 = fpext float %y to double %4 = call double @fmax(double %2, double %3) nounwind %5 = fcmp oeq double %1, %4 ret i1 %5 } define i1 @test19(float %x, float %y, float %z) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test19( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[COPYSIGNF:%.*]] = call float @copysignf(float %x, float %y) #0 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[COPYSIGNF]], %z ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP1]] ; %1 = fpext float %x to double %2 = fpext float %y to double %3 = call double @copysign(double %1, double %2) nounwind %4 = fpext float %z to double %5 = fcmp oeq double %3, %4 ret i1 %5 } define i1 @test20(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test20( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call nsz float @llvm.minnum.f32(float [[X:%.*]], float 1.000000e+00) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = fcmp oeq float [[TMP1]], [[Y:%.*]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP2]] ; %1 = fpext float %y to double %2 = fpext float %x to double %3 = call double @fmin(double 1.000000e+00, double %2) nounwind %4 = fcmp oeq double %1, %3 ret i1 %4 } ; should not be changed to fminf as the constant would lose precision define i1 @test21(float %x, float %y) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @test21( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = fpext float [[Y:%.*]] to double ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = fpext float [[X:%.*]] to double ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = call nsz double @llvm.minnum.f64(double [[TMP2]], double 1.300000e+00) ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = fcmp oeq double [[TMP3]], [[TMP1]] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 [[TMP4]] ; %1 = fpext float %y to double %2 = fpext float %x to double %3 = call double @fmin(double 1.300000e+00, double %2) nounwind %4 = fcmp oeq double %1, %3 ret i1 %4 } declare double @fabs(double) nounwind readnone declare double @ceil(double) nounwind readnone declare double @copysign(double, double) nounwind readnone declare double @floor(double) nounwind readnone declare double @nearbyint(double) nounwind readnone declare double @rint(double) nounwind readnone declare double @round(double) nounwind readnone declare double @roundeven(double) nounwind readnone declare double @trunc(double) nounwind readnone declare double @fmin(double, double) nounwind readnone declare double @fmax(double, double) nounwind readnone declare double @llvm.fabs.f64(double) nounwind readnone declare double @llvm.ceil.f64(double) nounwind readnone declare double @llvm.floor.f64(double) nounwind readnone declare double @llvm.nearbyint.f64(double) nounwind readnone declare double @llvm.round.f64(double) nounwind readnone declare double @llvm.roundeven.f64(double) nounwind readnone declare double @llvm.trunc.f64(double) nounwind readnone