#include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
#include "clang/AST/DependenceFlags.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtIterator.h"
#include "clang/Basic/CapturedStmt.h"
#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
class FoldingSetNodeID;
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class Attr;
class CapturedDecl;
class Decl;
class Expr;
class AddrLabelExpr;
class LabelDecl;
class ODRHash;
class PrinterHelper;
struct PrintingPolicy;
class RecordDecl;
class SourceManager;
class StringLiteral;
class Token;
class VarDecl;
class alignas(void *) Stmt {
enum StmtClass {
NoStmtClass = 0,
first##BASE##Constant=FIRST##Class, last##BASE##Constant=LAST##Class,
first##BASE##Constant=FIRST##Class, last##BASE##Constant=LAST##Class
#include "clang/AST/StmtNodes.inc"
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
void *operator new(size_t bytes) noexcept {
llvm_unreachable("Stmts cannot be allocated with regular 'new'.");
void operator delete(void *data) noexcept {
llvm_unreachable("Stmts cannot be released with regular 'delete'.");
class StmtBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class Stmt;
unsigned sClass : 8;
enum { NumStmtBits = 8 };
class NullStmtBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class NullStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned HasLeadingEmptyMacro : 1;
SourceLocation SemiLoc;
class CompoundStmtBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CompoundStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned HasFPFeatures : 1;
unsigned NumStmts;
class LabelStmtBitfields {
friend class LabelStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
SourceLocation IdentLoc;
class AttributedStmtBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class AttributedStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned NumAttrs : 32 - NumStmtBits;
SourceLocation AttrLoc;
class IfStmtBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class IfStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned Kind : 3;
unsigned HasElse : 1;
unsigned HasVar : 1;
unsigned HasInit : 1;
SourceLocation IfLoc;
class SwitchStmtBitfields {
friend class SwitchStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned HasInit : 1;
unsigned HasVar : 1;
unsigned AllEnumCasesCovered : 1;
SourceLocation SwitchLoc;
class WhileStmtBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class WhileStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned HasVar : 1;
SourceLocation WhileLoc;
class DoStmtBitfields {
friend class DoStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
SourceLocation DoLoc;
class ForStmtBitfields {
friend class ForStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
SourceLocation ForLoc;
class GotoStmtBitfields {
friend class GotoStmt;
friend class IndirectGotoStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
SourceLocation GotoLoc;
class ContinueStmtBitfields {
friend class ContinueStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
SourceLocation ContinueLoc;
class BreakStmtBitfields {
friend class BreakStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
SourceLocation BreakLoc;
class ReturnStmtBitfields {
friend class ReturnStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned HasNRVOCandidate : 1;
SourceLocation RetLoc;
class SwitchCaseBitfields {
friend class SwitchCase;
friend class CaseStmt;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned CaseStmtIsGNURange : 1;
SourceLocation KeywordLoc;
class ExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader; friend class AtomicExpr; friend class BlockDeclRefExpr; friend class CallExpr; friend class CXXConstructExpr; friend class CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr; friend class CXXNewExpr; friend class CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr; friend class DeclRefExpr; friend class DependentScopeDeclRefExpr; friend class DesignatedInitExpr; friend class Expr;
friend class InitListExpr; friend class ObjCArrayLiteral; friend class ObjCDictionaryLiteral; friend class ObjCMessageExpr; friend class OffsetOfExpr; friend class OpaqueValueExpr; friend class OverloadExpr; friend class ParenListExpr; friend class PseudoObjectExpr; friend class ShuffleVectorExpr;
unsigned : NumStmtBits;
unsigned ValueKind : 2;
unsigned ObjectKind : 3;
unsigned Dependent : llvm::BitWidth<ExprDependence>;
enum { NumExprBits = NumStmtBits + 5 + llvm::BitWidth<ExprDependence> };
class ConstantExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class ConstantExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned ResultKind : 2;
unsigned APValueKind : 4;
unsigned IsUnsigned : 1;
unsigned BitWidth : 7;
unsigned HasCleanup : 1;
unsigned IsImmediateInvocation : 1;
class PredefinedExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class PredefinedExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Kind : 4;
unsigned HasFunctionName : 1;
SourceLocation Loc;
class DeclRefExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader; friend class DeclRefExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned HasQualifier : 1;
unsigned HasTemplateKWAndArgsInfo : 1;
unsigned HasFoundDecl : 1;
unsigned HadMultipleCandidates : 1;
unsigned RefersToEnclosingVariableOrCapture : 1;
unsigned NonOdrUseReason : 2;
SourceLocation Loc;
class FloatingLiteralBitfields {
friend class FloatingLiteral;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Semantics : 3; unsigned IsExact : 1;
class StringLiteralBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class StringLiteral;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Kind : 3;
unsigned CharByteWidth : 3;
unsigned IsPascal : 1;
unsigned NumConcatenated;
class CharacterLiteralBitfields {
friend class CharacterLiteral;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Kind : 3;
class UnaryOperatorBitfields {
friend class UnaryOperator;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Opc : 5;
unsigned CanOverflow : 1;
unsigned HasFPFeatures : 1;
SourceLocation Loc;
class UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExprBitfields {
friend class UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Kind : 3;
unsigned IsType : 1; };
class ArrayOrMatrixSubscriptExprBitfields {
friend class ArraySubscriptExpr;
friend class MatrixSubscriptExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
SourceLocation RBracketLoc;
class CallExprBitfields {
friend class CallExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned NumPreArgs : 1;
unsigned UsesADL : 1;
unsigned HasFPFeatures : 1;
unsigned : 24 - 3 - NumExprBits;
unsigned OffsetToTrailingObjects : 8;
enum { NumCallExprBits = 32 };
class MemberExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class MemberExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsArrow : 1;
unsigned HasQualifierOrFoundDecl : 1;
unsigned HasTemplateKWAndArgsInfo : 1;
unsigned HadMultipleCandidates : 1;
unsigned NonOdrUseReason : 2;
SourceLocation OperatorLoc;
class CastExprBitfields {
friend class CastExpr;
friend class ImplicitCastExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Kind : 7;
unsigned PartOfExplicitCast : 1;
unsigned HasFPFeatures : 1;
unsigned BasePathSize;
class BinaryOperatorBitfields {
friend class BinaryOperator;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Opc : 6;
unsigned HasFPFeatures : 1;
SourceLocation OpLoc;
class InitListExprBitfields {
friend class InitListExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned HadArrayRangeDesignator : 1;
class ParenListExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ParenListExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned NumExprs;
class GenericSelectionExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class GenericSelectionExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
SourceLocation GenericLoc;
class PseudoObjectExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader; friend class PseudoObjectExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned NumSubExprs : 8;
unsigned ResultIndex : 32 - 8 - NumExprBits;
class SourceLocExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class SourceLocExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Kind : 3;
class StmtExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class StmtExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned TemplateDepth;
class CXXOperatorCallExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXOperatorCallExpr;
unsigned : NumCallExprBits;
unsigned OperatorKind : 6;
class CXXRewrittenBinaryOperatorBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator;
unsigned : NumCallExprBits;
unsigned IsReversed : 1;
class CXXBoolLiteralExprBitfields {
friend class CXXBoolLiteralExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Value : 1;
SourceLocation Loc;
class CXXNullPtrLiteralExprBitfields {
friend class CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
SourceLocation Loc;
class CXXThisExprBitfields {
friend class CXXThisExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsImplicit : 1;
SourceLocation Loc;
class CXXThrowExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXThrowExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsThrownVariableInScope : 1;
SourceLocation ThrowLoc;
class CXXDefaultArgExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXDefaultArgExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
SourceLocation Loc;
class CXXDefaultInitExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXDefaultInitExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
SourceLocation Loc;
class CXXScalarValueInitExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXScalarValueInitExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
SourceLocation RParenLoc;
class CXXNewExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class CXXNewExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsGlobalNew : 1;
unsigned IsArray : 1;
unsigned ShouldPassAlignment : 1;
unsigned UsualArrayDeleteWantsSize : 1;
unsigned StoredInitializationStyle : 2;
unsigned IsParenTypeId : 1;
unsigned NumPlacementArgs;
class CXXDeleteExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXDeleteExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned GlobalDelete : 1;
unsigned ArrayForm : 1;
unsigned ArrayFormAsWritten : 1;
unsigned UsualArrayDeleteWantsSize : 1;
SourceLocation Loc;
class TypeTraitExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class TypeTraitExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Kind : 8;
unsigned Value : 1;
unsigned NumArgs;
class DependentScopeDeclRefExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class DependentScopeDeclRefExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned HasTemplateKWAndArgsInfo : 1;
class CXXConstructExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXConstructExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Elidable : 1;
unsigned HadMultipleCandidates : 1;
unsigned ListInitialization : 1;
unsigned StdInitListInitialization : 1;
unsigned ZeroInitialization : 1;
unsigned ConstructionKind : 3;
SourceLocation Loc;
class ExprWithCleanupsBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader; friend class ExprWithCleanups;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned CleanupsHaveSideEffects : 1;
unsigned NumObjects : 32 - 1 - NumExprBits;
class CXXUnresolvedConstructExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned NumArgs;
class CXXDependentScopeMemberExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsArrow : 1;
unsigned HasTemplateKWAndArgsInfo : 1;
unsigned HasFirstQualifierFoundInScope : 1;
SourceLocation OperatorLoc;
class OverloadExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class OverloadExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned HasTemplateKWAndArgsInfo : 1;
unsigned : 32 - NumExprBits - 1;
unsigned NumResults;
enum { NumOverloadExprBits = NumExprBits + 1 };
class UnresolvedLookupExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class UnresolvedLookupExpr;
unsigned : NumOverloadExprBits;
unsigned RequiresADL : 1;
unsigned Overloaded : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(UnresolvedLookupExprBitfields) <= 4,
"UnresolvedLookupExprBitfields must be <= than 4 bytes to"
"avoid trashing OverloadExprBitfields::NumResults!");
class UnresolvedMemberExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class UnresolvedMemberExpr;
unsigned : NumOverloadExprBits;
unsigned IsArrow : 1;
unsigned HasUnresolvedUsing : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(UnresolvedMemberExprBitfields) <= 4,
"UnresolvedMemberExprBitfields must be <= than 4 bytes to"
"avoid trashing OverloadExprBitfields::NumResults!");
class CXXNoexceptExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class CXXNoexceptExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned Value : 1;
class SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
SourceLocation NameLoc;
class LambdaExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class LambdaExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned CaptureDefault : 2;
unsigned ExplicitParams : 1;
unsigned ExplicitResultType : 1;
unsigned NumCaptures : 16;
class RequiresExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class ASTStmtWriter;
friend class RequiresExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsSatisfied : 1;
SourceLocation RequiresKWLoc;
class CoawaitExprBitfields {
friend class CoawaitExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsImplicit : 1;
class ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExprBitfields {
friend class ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned ShouldCopy : 1;
class OpaqueValueExprBitfields {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend class OpaqueValueExpr;
unsigned : NumExprBits;
unsigned IsUnique : 1;
SourceLocation Loc;
union {
StmtBitfields StmtBits;
NullStmtBitfields NullStmtBits;
CompoundStmtBitfields CompoundStmtBits;
LabelStmtBitfields LabelStmtBits;
AttributedStmtBitfields AttributedStmtBits;
IfStmtBitfields IfStmtBits;
SwitchStmtBitfields SwitchStmtBits;
WhileStmtBitfields WhileStmtBits;
DoStmtBitfields DoStmtBits;
ForStmtBitfields ForStmtBits;
GotoStmtBitfields GotoStmtBits;
ContinueStmtBitfields ContinueStmtBits;
BreakStmtBitfields BreakStmtBits;
ReturnStmtBitfields ReturnStmtBits;
SwitchCaseBitfields SwitchCaseBits;
ExprBitfields ExprBits;
ConstantExprBitfields ConstantExprBits;
PredefinedExprBitfields PredefinedExprBits;
DeclRefExprBitfields DeclRefExprBits;
FloatingLiteralBitfields FloatingLiteralBits;
StringLiteralBitfields StringLiteralBits;
CharacterLiteralBitfields CharacterLiteralBits;
UnaryOperatorBitfields UnaryOperatorBits;
UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExprBitfields UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExprBits;
ArrayOrMatrixSubscriptExprBitfields ArrayOrMatrixSubscriptExprBits;
CallExprBitfields CallExprBits;
MemberExprBitfields MemberExprBits;
CastExprBitfields CastExprBits;
BinaryOperatorBitfields BinaryOperatorBits;
InitListExprBitfields InitListExprBits;
ParenListExprBitfields ParenListExprBits;
GenericSelectionExprBitfields GenericSelectionExprBits;
PseudoObjectExprBitfields PseudoObjectExprBits;
SourceLocExprBitfields SourceLocExprBits;
StmtExprBitfields StmtExprBits;
CXXOperatorCallExprBitfields CXXOperatorCallExprBits;
CXXRewrittenBinaryOperatorBitfields CXXRewrittenBinaryOperatorBits;
CXXBoolLiteralExprBitfields CXXBoolLiteralExprBits;
CXXNullPtrLiteralExprBitfields CXXNullPtrLiteralExprBits;
CXXThisExprBitfields CXXThisExprBits;
CXXThrowExprBitfields CXXThrowExprBits;
CXXDefaultArgExprBitfields CXXDefaultArgExprBits;
CXXDefaultInitExprBitfields CXXDefaultInitExprBits;
CXXScalarValueInitExprBitfields CXXScalarValueInitExprBits;
CXXNewExprBitfields CXXNewExprBits;
CXXDeleteExprBitfields CXXDeleteExprBits;
TypeTraitExprBitfields TypeTraitExprBits;
DependentScopeDeclRefExprBitfields DependentScopeDeclRefExprBits;
CXXConstructExprBitfields CXXConstructExprBits;
ExprWithCleanupsBitfields ExprWithCleanupsBits;
CXXUnresolvedConstructExprBitfields CXXUnresolvedConstructExprBits;
CXXDependentScopeMemberExprBitfields CXXDependentScopeMemberExprBits;
OverloadExprBitfields OverloadExprBits;
UnresolvedLookupExprBitfields UnresolvedLookupExprBits;
UnresolvedMemberExprBitfields UnresolvedMemberExprBits;
CXXNoexceptExprBitfields CXXNoexceptExprBits;
SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExprBitfields SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExprBits;
LambdaExprBitfields LambdaExprBits;
RequiresExprBitfields RequiresExprBits;
CoawaitExprBitfields CoawaitBits;
ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExprBitfields ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExprBits;
OpaqueValueExprBitfields OpaqueValueExprBits;
void* operator new(size_t bytes, const ASTContext& C,
unsigned alignment = 8);
void* operator new(size_t bytes, const ASTContext* C,
unsigned alignment = 8) {
return operator new(bytes, *C, alignment);
void *operator new(size_t bytes, void *mem) noexcept { return mem; }
void operator delete(void *, const ASTContext &, unsigned) noexcept {}
void operator delete(void *, const ASTContext *, unsigned) noexcept {}
void operator delete(void *, size_t) noexcept {}
void operator delete(void *, void *) noexcept {}
struct EmptyShell {};
enum Likelihood {
LH_Unlikely = -1, LH_None, LH_Likely };
template<typename T, typename TPtr = T *, typename StmtPtr = Stmt *>
struct CastIterator
: llvm::iterator_adaptor_base<CastIterator<T, TPtr, StmtPtr>, StmtPtr *,
std::random_access_iterator_tag, TPtr> {
using Base = typename CastIterator::iterator_adaptor_base;
CastIterator() : Base(nullptr) {}
CastIterator(StmtPtr *I) : Base(I) {}
typename Base::value_type operator*() const {
return cast_or_null<T>(*this->I);
template <typename T>
using ConstCastIterator = CastIterator<T, const T *const, const Stmt *const>;
using ExprIterator = CastIterator<Expr>;
using ConstExprIterator = ConstCastIterator<Expr>;
static bool StatisticsEnabled;
explicit Stmt(StmtClass SC, EmptyShell) : Stmt(SC) {}
Stmt() = delete;
Stmt(const Stmt &) = delete;
Stmt(Stmt &&) = delete;
Stmt &operator=(const Stmt &) = delete;
Stmt &operator=(Stmt &&) = delete;
Stmt(StmtClass SC) {
static_assert(sizeof(*this) <= 8,
"changing bitfields changed sizeof(Stmt)");
static_assert(sizeof(*this) % alignof(void *) == 0,
"Insufficient alignment!");
StmtBits.sClass = SC;
if (StatisticsEnabled) Stmt::addStmtClass(SC);
StmtClass getStmtClass() const {
return static_cast<StmtClass>(StmtBits.sClass);
const char *getStmtClassName() const;
SourceRange getSourceRange() const LLVM_READONLY;
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY;
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY;
static void addStmtClass(const StmtClass s);
static void EnableStatistics();
static void PrintStats();
static Likelihood getLikelihood(ArrayRef<const Attr *> Attrs);
static Likelihood getLikelihood(const Stmt *S);
static const Attr *getLikelihoodAttr(const Stmt *S);
static Likelihood getLikelihood(const Stmt *Then, const Stmt *Else);
static std::tuple<bool, const Attr *, const Attr *>
determineLikelihoodConflict(const Stmt *Then, const Stmt *Else);
void dump() const;
void dump(raw_ostream &OS, const ASTContext &Context) const;
int64_t getID(const ASTContext &Context) const;
void dumpColor() const;
void dumpPretty(const ASTContext &Context) const;
void printPretty(raw_ostream &OS, PrinterHelper *Helper,
const PrintingPolicy &Policy, unsigned Indentation = 0,
StringRef NewlineSymbol = "\n",
const ASTContext *Context = nullptr) const;
void printPrettyControlled(raw_ostream &OS, PrinterHelper *Helper,
const PrintingPolicy &Policy,
unsigned Indentation = 0,
StringRef NewlineSymbol = "\n",
const ASTContext *Context = nullptr) const;
void printJson(raw_ostream &Out, PrinterHelper *Helper,
const PrintingPolicy &Policy, bool AddQuotes) const;
void viewAST() const;
Stmt *IgnoreContainers(bool IgnoreCaptured = false);
const Stmt *IgnoreContainers(bool IgnoreCaptured = false) const {
return const_cast<Stmt *>(this)->IgnoreContainers(IgnoreCaptured);
const Stmt *stripLabelLikeStatements() const;
Stmt *stripLabelLikeStatements() {
return const_cast<Stmt*>(
const_cast<const Stmt*>(this)->stripLabelLikeStatements());
using child_iterator = StmtIterator;
using const_child_iterator = ConstStmtIterator;
using child_range = llvm::iterator_range<child_iterator>;
using const_child_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_child_iterator>;
child_range children();
const_child_range children() const {
auto Children = const_cast<Stmt *>(this)->children();
return const_child_range(Children.begin(), Children.end());
child_iterator child_begin() { return children().begin(); }
child_iterator child_end() { return children().end(); }
const_child_iterator child_begin() const { return children().begin(); }
const_child_iterator child_end() const { return children().end(); }
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID, const ASTContext &Context,
bool Canonical) const;
void ProcessODRHash(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID, ODRHash& Hash) const;
class DeclStmt : public Stmt {
DeclGroupRef DG;
SourceLocation StartLoc, EndLoc;
DeclStmt(DeclGroupRef dg, SourceLocation startLoc, SourceLocation endLoc)
: Stmt(DeclStmtClass), DG(dg), StartLoc(startLoc), EndLoc(endLoc) {}
explicit DeclStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(DeclStmtClass, Empty) {}
bool isSingleDecl() const { return DG.isSingleDecl(); }
const Decl *getSingleDecl() const { return DG.getSingleDecl(); }
Decl *getSingleDecl() { return DG.getSingleDecl(); }
const DeclGroupRef getDeclGroup() const { return DG; }
DeclGroupRef getDeclGroup() { return DG; }
void setDeclGroup(DeclGroupRef DGR) { DG = DGR; }
void setStartLoc(SourceLocation L) { StartLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return EndLoc; }
void setEndLoc(SourceLocation L) { EndLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return StartLoc; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == DeclStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(child_iterator(DG.begin(), DG.end()),
child_iterator(DG.end(), DG.end()));
const_child_range children() const {
auto Children = const_cast<DeclStmt *>(this)->children();
return const_child_range(Children);
using decl_iterator = DeclGroupRef::iterator;
using const_decl_iterator = DeclGroupRef::const_iterator;
using decl_range = llvm::iterator_range<decl_iterator>;
using decl_const_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_decl_iterator>;
decl_range decls() { return decl_range(decl_begin(), decl_end()); }
decl_const_range decls() const {
return decl_const_range(decl_begin(), decl_end());
decl_iterator decl_begin() { return DG.begin(); }
decl_iterator decl_end() { return DG.end(); }
const_decl_iterator decl_begin() const { return DG.begin(); }
const_decl_iterator decl_end() const { return DG.end(); }
using reverse_decl_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<decl_iterator>;
reverse_decl_iterator decl_rbegin() {
return reverse_decl_iterator(decl_end());
reverse_decl_iterator decl_rend() {
return reverse_decl_iterator(decl_begin());
class NullStmt : public Stmt {
NullStmt(SourceLocation L, bool hasLeadingEmptyMacro = false)
: Stmt(NullStmtClass) {
NullStmtBits.HasLeadingEmptyMacro = hasLeadingEmptyMacro;
explicit NullStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(NullStmtClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getSemiLoc() const { return NullStmtBits.SemiLoc; }
void setSemiLoc(SourceLocation L) { NullStmtBits.SemiLoc = L; }
bool hasLeadingEmptyMacro() const {
return NullStmtBits.HasLeadingEmptyMacro;
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getSemiLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getSemiLoc(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == NullStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(const_child_iterator(), const_child_iterator());
class CompoundStmt final
: public Stmt,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<CompoundStmt, Stmt *, FPOptionsOverride> {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend TrailingObjects;
SourceLocation LBraceLoc;
SourceLocation RBraceLoc;
CompoundStmt(ArrayRef<Stmt *> Stmts, FPOptionsOverride FPFeatures,
SourceLocation LB, SourceLocation RB);
explicit CompoundStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(CompoundStmtClass, Empty) {}
void setStmts(ArrayRef<Stmt *> Stmts);
void setStoredFPFeatures(FPOptionsOverride F) {
*getTrailingObjects<FPOptionsOverride>() = F;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>) const {
return CompoundStmtBits.NumStmts;
static CompoundStmt *Create(const ASTContext &C, ArrayRef<Stmt *> Stmts,
FPOptionsOverride FPFeatures, SourceLocation LB,
SourceLocation RB);
explicit CompoundStmt(SourceLocation Loc)
: Stmt(CompoundStmtClass), LBraceLoc(Loc), RBraceLoc(Loc) {
CompoundStmtBits.NumStmts = 0;
CompoundStmtBits.HasFPFeatures = 0;
static CompoundStmt *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, unsigned NumStmts,
bool HasFPFeatures);
bool body_empty() const { return CompoundStmtBits.NumStmts == 0; }
unsigned size() const { return CompoundStmtBits.NumStmts; }
bool hasStoredFPFeatures() const { return CompoundStmtBits.HasFPFeatures; }
FPOptionsOverride getStoredFPFeatures() const {
return *getTrailingObjects<FPOptionsOverride>();
using body_iterator = Stmt **;
using body_range = llvm::iterator_range<body_iterator>;
body_range body() { return body_range(body_begin(), body_end()); }
body_iterator body_begin() { return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>(); }
body_iterator body_end() { return body_begin() + size(); }
Stmt *body_front() { return !body_empty() ? body_begin()[0] : nullptr; }
Stmt *body_back() {
return !body_empty() ? body_begin()[size() - 1] : nullptr;
using const_body_iterator = Stmt *const *;
using body_const_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_body_iterator>;
body_const_range body() const {
return body_const_range(body_begin(), body_end());
const_body_iterator body_begin() const {
return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>();
const_body_iterator body_end() const { return body_begin() + size(); }
const Stmt *body_front() const {
return !body_empty() ? body_begin()[0] : nullptr;
const Stmt *body_back() const {
return !body_empty() ? body_begin()[size() - 1] : nullptr;
using reverse_body_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<body_iterator>;
reverse_body_iterator body_rbegin() {
return reverse_body_iterator(body_end());
reverse_body_iterator body_rend() {
return reverse_body_iterator(body_begin());
using const_reverse_body_iterator =
const_reverse_body_iterator body_rbegin() const {
return const_reverse_body_iterator(body_end());
const_reverse_body_iterator body_rend() const {
return const_reverse_body_iterator(body_begin());
Stmt *getStmtExprResult() {
for (auto *B : llvm::reverse(body())) {
if (!isa<NullStmt>(B))
return B;
return body_back();
const Stmt *getStmtExprResult() const {
return const_cast<CompoundStmt *>(this)->getStmtExprResult();
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return LBraceLoc; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return RBraceLoc; }
SourceLocation getLBracLoc() const { return LBraceLoc; }
SourceLocation getRBracLoc() const { return RBraceLoc; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CompoundStmtClass;
child_range children() { return child_range(body_begin(), body_end()); }
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(body_begin(), body_end());
class SwitchCase : public Stmt {
SourceLocation ColonLoc;
SwitchCase *NextSwitchCase = nullptr;
SwitchCase(StmtClass SC, SourceLocation KWLoc, SourceLocation ColonLoc)
: Stmt(SC), ColonLoc(ColonLoc) {
SwitchCase(StmtClass SC, EmptyShell) : Stmt(SC) {}
const SwitchCase *getNextSwitchCase() const { return NextSwitchCase; }
SwitchCase *getNextSwitchCase() { return NextSwitchCase; }
void setNextSwitchCase(SwitchCase *SC) { NextSwitchCase = SC; }
SourceLocation getKeywordLoc() const { return SwitchCaseBits.KeywordLoc; }
void setKeywordLoc(SourceLocation L) { SwitchCaseBits.KeywordLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getColonLoc() const { return ColonLoc; }
void setColonLoc(SourceLocation L) { ColonLoc = L; }
inline Stmt *getSubStmt();
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const {
return const_cast<SwitchCase *>(this)->getSubStmt();
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getKeywordLoc(); }
inline SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY;
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CaseStmtClass ||
T->getStmtClass() == DefaultStmtClass;
class CaseStmt final
: public SwitchCase,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<CaseStmt, Stmt *, SourceLocation> {
friend TrailingObjects;
enum { LhsOffset = 0, SubStmtOffsetFromRhs = 1 };
enum { NumMandatoryStmtPtr = 2 };
unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>) const {
return NumMandatoryStmtPtr + caseStmtIsGNURange();
unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<SourceLocation>) const {
return caseStmtIsGNURange();
unsigned lhsOffset() const { return LhsOffset; }
unsigned rhsOffset() const { return LhsOffset + caseStmtIsGNURange(); }
unsigned subStmtOffset() const { return rhsOffset() + SubStmtOffsetFromRhs; }
CaseStmt(Expr *lhs, Expr *rhs, SourceLocation caseLoc,
SourceLocation ellipsisLoc, SourceLocation colonLoc)
: SwitchCase(CaseStmtClass, caseLoc, colonLoc) {
bool IsGNURange = rhs != nullptr;
SwitchCaseBits.CaseStmtIsGNURange = IsGNURange;
if (IsGNURange) {
explicit CaseStmt(EmptyShell Empty, bool CaseStmtIsGNURange)
: SwitchCase(CaseStmtClass, Empty) {
SwitchCaseBits.CaseStmtIsGNURange = CaseStmtIsGNURange;
static CaseStmt *Create(const ASTContext &Ctx, Expr *lhs, Expr *rhs,
SourceLocation caseLoc, SourceLocation ellipsisLoc,
SourceLocation colonLoc);
static CaseStmt *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &Ctx, bool CaseStmtIsGNURange);
bool caseStmtIsGNURange() const { return SwitchCaseBits.CaseStmtIsGNURange; }
SourceLocation getCaseLoc() const { return getKeywordLoc(); }
void setCaseLoc(SourceLocation L) { setKeywordLoc(L); }
SourceLocation getEllipsisLoc() const {
return caseStmtIsGNURange() ? *getTrailingObjects<SourceLocation>()
: SourceLocation();
void setEllipsisLoc(SourceLocation L) {
caseStmtIsGNURange() &&
"setEllipsisLoc but this is not a case stmt of the form LHS ... RHS!");
*getTrailingObjects<SourceLocation>() = L;
Expr *getLHS() {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[lhsOffset()]);
const Expr *getLHS() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[lhsOffset()]);
void setLHS(Expr *Val) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[lhsOffset()] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(Val);
Expr *getRHS() {
return caseStmtIsGNURange() ? reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[rhsOffset()])
: nullptr;
const Expr *getRHS() const {
return caseStmtIsGNURange() ? reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[rhsOffset()])
: nullptr;
void setRHS(Expr *Val) {
assert(caseStmtIsGNURange() &&
"setRHS but this is not a case stmt of the form LHS ... RHS!");
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[rhsOffset()] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(Val);
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[subStmtOffset()]; }
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const {
return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[subStmtOffset()];
void setSubStmt(Stmt *S) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[subStmtOffset()] = S;
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getKeywordLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
const CaseStmt *CS = this;
while (const auto *CS2 = dyn_cast<CaseStmt>(CS->getSubStmt()))
CS = CS2;
return CS->getSubStmt()->getEndLoc();
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CaseStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>(),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>(),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
class DefaultStmt : public SwitchCase {
Stmt *SubStmt;
DefaultStmt(SourceLocation DL, SourceLocation CL, Stmt *substmt)
: SwitchCase(DefaultStmtClass, DL, CL), SubStmt(substmt) {}
explicit DefaultStmt(EmptyShell Empty)
: SwitchCase(DefaultStmtClass, Empty) {}
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return SubStmt; }
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const { return SubStmt; }
void setSubStmt(Stmt *S) { SubStmt = S; }
SourceLocation getDefaultLoc() const { return getKeywordLoc(); }
void setDefaultLoc(SourceLocation L) { setKeywordLoc(L); }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getKeywordLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
return SubStmt->getEndLoc();
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == DefaultStmtClass;
child_range children() { return child_range(&SubStmt, &SubStmt + 1); }
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&SubStmt, &SubStmt + 1);
SourceLocation SwitchCase::getEndLoc() const {
if (const auto *CS = dyn_cast<CaseStmt>(this))
return CS->getEndLoc();
else if (const auto *DS = dyn_cast<DefaultStmt>(this))
return DS->getEndLoc();
llvm_unreachable("SwitchCase is neither a CaseStmt nor a DefaultStmt!");
Stmt *SwitchCase::getSubStmt() {
if (auto *CS = dyn_cast<CaseStmt>(this))
return CS->getSubStmt();
else if (auto *DS = dyn_cast<DefaultStmt>(this))
return DS->getSubStmt();
llvm_unreachable("SwitchCase is neither a CaseStmt nor a DefaultStmt!");
class ValueStmt : public Stmt {
using Stmt::Stmt;
const Expr *getExprStmt() const;
Expr *getExprStmt() {
const ValueStmt *ConstThis = this;
return const_cast<Expr*>(ConstThis->getExprStmt());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() >= firstValueStmtConstant &&
T->getStmtClass() <= lastValueStmtConstant;
class LabelStmt : public ValueStmt {
LabelDecl *TheDecl;
Stmt *SubStmt;
bool SideEntry = false;
LabelStmt(SourceLocation IL, LabelDecl *D, Stmt *substmt)
: ValueStmt(LabelStmtClass), TheDecl(D), SubStmt(substmt) {
explicit LabelStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : ValueStmt(LabelStmtClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getIdentLoc() const { return LabelStmtBits.IdentLoc; }
void setIdentLoc(SourceLocation L) { LabelStmtBits.IdentLoc = L; }
LabelDecl *getDecl() const { return TheDecl; }
void setDecl(LabelDecl *D) { TheDecl = D; }
const char *getName() const;
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return SubStmt; }
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const { return SubStmt; }
void setSubStmt(Stmt *SS) { SubStmt = SS; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getIdentLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return SubStmt->getEndLoc();}
child_range children() { return child_range(&SubStmt, &SubStmt + 1); }
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&SubStmt, &SubStmt + 1);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == LabelStmtClass;
bool isSideEntry() const { return SideEntry; }
void setSideEntry(bool SE) { SideEntry = SE; }
class AttributedStmt final
: public ValueStmt,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<AttributedStmt, const Attr *> {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
friend TrailingObjects;
Stmt *SubStmt;
AttributedStmt(SourceLocation Loc, ArrayRef<const Attr *> Attrs,
Stmt *SubStmt)
: ValueStmt(AttributedStmtClass), SubStmt(SubStmt) {
AttributedStmtBits.NumAttrs = Attrs.size();
AttributedStmtBits.AttrLoc = Loc;
std::copy(Attrs.begin(), Attrs.end(), getAttrArrayPtr());
explicit AttributedStmt(EmptyShell Empty, unsigned NumAttrs)
: ValueStmt(AttributedStmtClass, Empty) {
AttributedStmtBits.NumAttrs = NumAttrs;
AttributedStmtBits.AttrLoc = SourceLocation{};
std::fill_n(getAttrArrayPtr(), NumAttrs, nullptr);
const Attr *const *getAttrArrayPtr() const {
return getTrailingObjects<const Attr *>();
const Attr **getAttrArrayPtr() { return getTrailingObjects<const Attr *>(); }
static AttributedStmt *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation Loc,
ArrayRef<const Attr *> Attrs, Stmt *SubStmt);
static AttributedStmt *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, unsigned NumAttrs);
SourceLocation getAttrLoc() const { return AttributedStmtBits.AttrLoc; }
ArrayRef<const Attr *> getAttrs() const {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(getAttrArrayPtr(), AttributedStmtBits.NumAttrs);
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return SubStmt; }
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const { return SubStmt; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getAttrLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return SubStmt->getEndLoc();}
child_range children() { return child_range(&SubStmt, &SubStmt + 1); }
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&SubStmt, &SubStmt + 1);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == AttributedStmtClass;
class IfStmt final
: public Stmt,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<IfStmt, Stmt *, SourceLocation> {
friend TrailingObjects;
enum { InitOffset = 0, ThenOffsetFromCond = 1, ElseOffsetFromCond = 2 };
enum { NumMandatoryStmtPtr = 2 };
SourceLocation LParenLoc;
SourceLocation RParenLoc;
unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>) const {
return NumMandatoryStmtPtr + hasElseStorage() + hasVarStorage() +
unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<SourceLocation>) const {
return hasElseStorage();
unsigned initOffset() const { return InitOffset; }
unsigned varOffset() const { return InitOffset + hasInitStorage(); }
unsigned condOffset() const {
return InitOffset + hasInitStorage() + hasVarStorage();
unsigned thenOffset() const { return condOffset() + ThenOffsetFromCond; }
unsigned elseOffset() const { return condOffset() + ElseOffsetFromCond; }
IfStmt(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation IL, IfStatementKind Kind,
Stmt *Init, VarDecl *Var, Expr *Cond, SourceLocation LParenLoc,
SourceLocation RParenLoc, Stmt *Then, SourceLocation EL, Stmt *Else);
explicit IfStmt(EmptyShell Empty, bool HasElse, bool HasVar, bool HasInit);
static IfStmt *Create(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation IL,
IfStatementKind Kind, Stmt *Init, VarDecl *Var,
Expr *Cond, SourceLocation LPL, SourceLocation RPL,
Stmt *Then, SourceLocation EL = SourceLocation(),
Stmt *Else = nullptr);
static IfStmt *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &Ctx, bool HasElse, bool HasVar,
bool HasInit);
bool hasInitStorage() const { return IfStmtBits.HasInit; }
bool hasVarStorage() const { return IfStmtBits.HasVar; }
bool hasElseStorage() const { return IfStmtBits.HasElse; }
Expr *getCond() {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()]);
const Expr *getCond() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()]);
void setCond(Expr *Cond) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(Cond);
Stmt *getThen() { return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[thenOffset()]; }
const Stmt *getThen() const {
return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[thenOffset()];
void setThen(Stmt *Then) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[thenOffset()] = Then;
Stmt *getElse() {
return hasElseStorage() ? getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[elseOffset()]
: nullptr;
const Stmt *getElse() const {
return hasElseStorage() ? getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[elseOffset()]
: nullptr;
void setElse(Stmt *Else) {
assert(hasElseStorage() &&
"This if statement has no storage for an else statement!");
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[elseOffset()] = Else;
VarDecl *getConditionVariable();
const VarDecl *getConditionVariable() const {
return const_cast<IfStmt *>(this)->getConditionVariable();
void setConditionVariable(const ASTContext &Ctx, VarDecl *V);
DeclStmt *getConditionVariableDeclStmt() {
return hasVarStorage() ? static_cast<DeclStmt *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[varOffset()])
: nullptr;
const DeclStmt *getConditionVariableDeclStmt() const {
return hasVarStorage() ? static_cast<DeclStmt *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[varOffset()])
: nullptr;
Stmt *getInit() {
return hasInitStorage() ? getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[initOffset()]
: nullptr;
const Stmt *getInit() const {
return hasInitStorage() ? getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[initOffset()]
: nullptr;
void setInit(Stmt *Init) {
assert(hasInitStorage() &&
"This if statement has no storage for an init statement!");
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[initOffset()] = Init;
SourceLocation getIfLoc() const { return IfStmtBits.IfLoc; }
void setIfLoc(SourceLocation IfLoc) { IfStmtBits.IfLoc = IfLoc; }
SourceLocation getElseLoc() const {
return hasElseStorage() ? *getTrailingObjects<SourceLocation>()
: SourceLocation();
void setElseLoc(SourceLocation ElseLoc) {
assert(hasElseStorage() &&
"This if statement has no storage for an else statement!");
*getTrailingObjects<SourceLocation>() = ElseLoc;
bool isConsteval() const {
return getStatementKind() == IfStatementKind::ConstevalNonNegated ||
getStatementKind() == IfStatementKind::ConstevalNegated;
bool isNonNegatedConsteval() const {
return getStatementKind() == IfStatementKind::ConstevalNonNegated;
bool isNegatedConsteval() const {
return getStatementKind() == IfStatementKind::ConstevalNegated;
bool isConstexpr() const {
return getStatementKind() == IfStatementKind::Constexpr;
void setStatementKind(IfStatementKind Kind) {
IfStmtBits.Kind = static_cast<unsigned>(Kind);
IfStatementKind getStatementKind() const {
return static_cast<IfStatementKind>(IfStmtBits.Kind);
Optional<const Stmt*> getNondiscardedCase(const ASTContext &Ctx) const;
Optional<Stmt *> getNondiscardedCase(const ASTContext &Ctx);
bool isObjCAvailabilityCheck() const;
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getIfLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
if (getElse())
return getElse()->getEndLoc();
return getThen()->getEndLoc();
SourceLocation getLParenLoc() const { return LParenLoc; }
void setLParenLoc(SourceLocation Loc) { LParenLoc = Loc; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation Loc) { RParenLoc = Loc; }
child_range children() {
return child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
(isConsteval() ? thenOffset() : 0),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
(isConsteval() ? thenOffset() : 0),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == IfStmtClass;
class SwitchStmt final : public Stmt,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<SwitchStmt, Stmt *> {
friend TrailingObjects;
SwitchCase *FirstCase = nullptr;
enum { InitOffset = 0, BodyOffsetFromCond = 1 };
enum { NumMandatoryStmtPtr = 2 };
SourceLocation LParenLoc;
SourceLocation RParenLoc;
unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>) const {
return NumMandatoryStmtPtr + hasInitStorage() + hasVarStorage();
unsigned initOffset() const { return InitOffset; }
unsigned varOffset() const { return InitOffset + hasInitStorage(); }
unsigned condOffset() const {
return InitOffset + hasInitStorage() + hasVarStorage();
unsigned bodyOffset() const { return condOffset() + BodyOffsetFromCond; }
SwitchStmt(const ASTContext &Ctx, Stmt *Init, VarDecl *Var, Expr *Cond,
SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc);
explicit SwitchStmt(EmptyShell Empty, bool HasInit, bool HasVar);
static SwitchStmt *Create(const ASTContext &Ctx, Stmt *Init, VarDecl *Var,
Expr *Cond, SourceLocation LParenLoc,
SourceLocation RParenLoc);
static SwitchStmt *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &Ctx, bool HasInit,
bool HasVar);
bool hasInitStorage() const { return SwitchStmtBits.HasInit; }
bool hasVarStorage() const { return SwitchStmtBits.HasVar; }
Expr *getCond() {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()]);
const Expr *getCond() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()]);
void setCond(Expr *Cond) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(Cond);
Stmt *getBody() { return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[bodyOffset()]; }
const Stmt *getBody() const {
return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[bodyOffset()];
void setBody(Stmt *Body) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[bodyOffset()] = Body;
Stmt *getInit() {
return hasInitStorage() ? getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[initOffset()]
: nullptr;
const Stmt *getInit() const {
return hasInitStorage() ? getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[initOffset()]
: nullptr;
void setInit(Stmt *Init) {
assert(hasInitStorage() &&
"This switch statement has no storage for an init statement!");
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[initOffset()] = Init;
VarDecl *getConditionVariable();
const VarDecl *getConditionVariable() const {
return const_cast<SwitchStmt *>(this)->getConditionVariable();
void setConditionVariable(const ASTContext &Ctx, VarDecl *VD);
DeclStmt *getConditionVariableDeclStmt() {
return hasVarStorage() ? static_cast<DeclStmt *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[varOffset()])
: nullptr;
const DeclStmt *getConditionVariableDeclStmt() const {
return hasVarStorage() ? static_cast<DeclStmt *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[varOffset()])
: nullptr;
SwitchCase *getSwitchCaseList() { return FirstCase; }
const SwitchCase *getSwitchCaseList() const { return FirstCase; }
void setSwitchCaseList(SwitchCase *SC) { FirstCase = SC; }
SourceLocation getSwitchLoc() const { return SwitchStmtBits.SwitchLoc; }
void setSwitchLoc(SourceLocation L) { SwitchStmtBits.SwitchLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getLParenLoc() const { return LParenLoc; }
void setLParenLoc(SourceLocation Loc) { LParenLoc = Loc; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation Loc) { RParenLoc = Loc; }
void setBody(Stmt *S, SourceLocation SL) {
void addSwitchCase(SwitchCase *SC) {
assert(!SC->getNextSwitchCase() &&
"case/default already added to a switch");
FirstCase = SC;
void setAllEnumCasesCovered() { SwitchStmtBits.AllEnumCasesCovered = true; }
bool isAllEnumCasesCovered() const {
return SwitchStmtBits.AllEnumCasesCovered;
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getSwitchLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
return getBody() ? getBody()->getEndLoc()
: reinterpret_cast<const Stmt *>(getCond())->getEndLoc();
child_range children() {
return child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>(),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>(),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == SwitchStmtClass;
class WhileStmt final : public Stmt,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<WhileStmt, Stmt *> {
friend TrailingObjects;
enum { VarOffset = 0, BodyOffsetFromCond = 1 };
enum { NumMandatoryStmtPtr = 2 };
SourceLocation LParenLoc, RParenLoc;
unsigned varOffset() const { return VarOffset; }
unsigned condOffset() const { return VarOffset + hasVarStorage(); }
unsigned bodyOffset() const { return condOffset() + BodyOffsetFromCond; }
unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>) const {
return NumMandatoryStmtPtr + hasVarStorage();
WhileStmt(const ASTContext &Ctx, VarDecl *Var, Expr *Cond, Stmt *Body,
SourceLocation WL, SourceLocation LParenLoc,
SourceLocation RParenLoc);
explicit WhileStmt(EmptyShell Empty, bool HasVar);
static WhileStmt *Create(const ASTContext &Ctx, VarDecl *Var, Expr *Cond,
Stmt *Body, SourceLocation WL,
SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc);
static WhileStmt *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &Ctx, bool HasVar);
bool hasVarStorage() const { return WhileStmtBits.HasVar; }
Expr *getCond() {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()]);
const Expr *getCond() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()]);
void setCond(Expr *Cond) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[condOffset()] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(Cond);
Stmt *getBody() { return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[bodyOffset()]; }
const Stmt *getBody() const {
return getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[bodyOffset()];
void setBody(Stmt *Body) {
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[bodyOffset()] = Body;
VarDecl *getConditionVariable();
const VarDecl *getConditionVariable() const {
return const_cast<WhileStmt *>(this)->getConditionVariable();
void setConditionVariable(const ASTContext &Ctx, VarDecl *V);
DeclStmt *getConditionVariableDeclStmt() {
return hasVarStorage() ? static_cast<DeclStmt *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[varOffset()])
: nullptr;
const DeclStmt *getConditionVariableDeclStmt() const {
return hasVarStorage() ? static_cast<DeclStmt *>(
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[varOffset()])
: nullptr;
SourceLocation getWhileLoc() const { return WhileStmtBits.WhileLoc; }
void setWhileLoc(SourceLocation L) { WhileStmtBits.WhileLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getLParenLoc() const { return LParenLoc; }
void setLParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { LParenLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getWhileLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
return getBody()->getEndLoc();
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == WhileStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>(),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>(),
getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>()));
class DoStmt : public Stmt {
enum { BODY, COND, END_EXPR };
Stmt *SubExprs[END_EXPR];
SourceLocation WhileLoc;
SourceLocation RParenLoc;
DoStmt(Stmt *Body, Expr *Cond, SourceLocation DL, SourceLocation WL,
SourceLocation RP)
: Stmt(DoStmtClass), WhileLoc(WL), RParenLoc(RP) {
explicit DoStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(DoStmtClass, Empty) {}
Expr *getCond() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(SubExprs[COND]); }
const Expr *getCond() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(SubExprs[COND]);
void setCond(Expr *Cond) { SubExprs[COND] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(Cond); }
Stmt *getBody() { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
const Stmt *getBody() const { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
void setBody(Stmt *Body) { SubExprs[BODY] = Body; }
SourceLocation getDoLoc() const { return DoStmtBits.DoLoc; }
void setDoLoc(SourceLocation L) { DoStmtBits.DoLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getWhileLoc() const { return WhileLoc; }
void setWhileLoc(SourceLocation L) { WhileLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getDoLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getRParenLoc(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == DoStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(&SubExprs[0], &SubExprs[0] + END_EXPR);
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&SubExprs[0], &SubExprs[0] + END_EXPR);
class ForStmt : public Stmt {
Stmt* SubExprs[END_EXPR]; SourceLocation LParenLoc, RParenLoc;
ForStmt(const ASTContext &C, Stmt *Init, Expr *Cond, VarDecl *condVar,
Expr *Inc, Stmt *Body, SourceLocation FL, SourceLocation LP,
SourceLocation RP);
explicit ForStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(ForStmtClass, Empty) {}
Stmt *getInit() { return SubExprs[INIT]; }
VarDecl *getConditionVariable() const;
void setConditionVariable(const ASTContext &C, VarDecl *V);
const DeclStmt *getConditionVariableDeclStmt() const {
return reinterpret_cast<DeclStmt*>(SubExprs[CONDVAR]);
Expr *getCond() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]); }
Expr *getInc() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[INC]); }
Stmt *getBody() { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
const Stmt *getInit() const { return SubExprs[INIT]; }
const Expr *getCond() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]);}
const Expr *getInc() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[INC]); }
const Stmt *getBody() const { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
void setInit(Stmt *S) { SubExprs[INIT] = S; }
void setCond(Expr *E) { SubExprs[COND] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(E); }
void setInc(Expr *E) { SubExprs[INC] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(E); }
void setBody(Stmt *S) { SubExprs[BODY] = S; }
SourceLocation getForLoc() const { return ForStmtBits.ForLoc; }
void setForLoc(SourceLocation L) { ForStmtBits.ForLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getLParenLoc() const { return LParenLoc; }
void setLParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { LParenLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getForLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getBody()->getEndLoc(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ForStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(&SubExprs[0], &SubExprs[0]+END_EXPR);
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&SubExprs[0], &SubExprs[0] + END_EXPR);
class GotoStmt : public Stmt {
LabelDecl *Label;
SourceLocation LabelLoc;
GotoStmt(LabelDecl *label, SourceLocation GL, SourceLocation LL)
: Stmt(GotoStmtClass), Label(label), LabelLoc(LL) {
explicit GotoStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(GotoStmtClass, Empty) {}
LabelDecl *getLabel() const { return Label; }
void setLabel(LabelDecl *D) { Label = D; }
SourceLocation getGotoLoc() const { return GotoStmtBits.GotoLoc; }
void setGotoLoc(SourceLocation L) { GotoStmtBits.GotoLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getLabelLoc() const { return LabelLoc; }
void setLabelLoc(SourceLocation L) { LabelLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getGotoLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getLabelLoc(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == GotoStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(const_child_iterator(), const_child_iterator());
class IndirectGotoStmt : public Stmt {
SourceLocation StarLoc;
Stmt *Target;
IndirectGotoStmt(SourceLocation gotoLoc, SourceLocation starLoc, Expr *target)
: Stmt(IndirectGotoStmtClass), StarLoc(starLoc) {
explicit IndirectGotoStmt(EmptyShell Empty)
: Stmt(IndirectGotoStmtClass, Empty) {}
void setGotoLoc(SourceLocation L) { GotoStmtBits.GotoLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getGotoLoc() const { return GotoStmtBits.GotoLoc; }
void setStarLoc(SourceLocation L) { StarLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getStarLoc() const { return StarLoc; }
Expr *getTarget() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(Target); }
const Expr *getTarget() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(Target);
void setTarget(Expr *E) { Target = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(E); }
LabelDecl *getConstantTarget();
const LabelDecl *getConstantTarget() const {
return const_cast<IndirectGotoStmt *>(this)->getConstantTarget();
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getGotoLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return Target->getEndLoc(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == IndirectGotoStmtClass;
child_range children() { return child_range(&Target, &Target + 1); }
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&Target, &Target + 1);
class ContinueStmt : public Stmt {
ContinueStmt(SourceLocation CL) : Stmt(ContinueStmtClass) {
explicit ContinueStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(ContinueStmtClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getContinueLoc() const { return ContinueStmtBits.ContinueLoc; }
void setContinueLoc(SourceLocation L) { ContinueStmtBits.ContinueLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getContinueLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getContinueLoc(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ContinueStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(const_child_iterator(), const_child_iterator());
class BreakStmt : public Stmt {
BreakStmt(SourceLocation BL) : Stmt(BreakStmtClass) {
explicit BreakStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(BreakStmtClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getBreakLoc() const { return BreakStmtBits.BreakLoc; }
void setBreakLoc(SourceLocation L) { BreakStmtBits.BreakLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getBreakLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getBreakLoc(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == BreakStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(const_child_iterator(), const_child_iterator());
class ReturnStmt final
: public Stmt,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<ReturnStmt, const VarDecl *> {
friend TrailingObjects;
Stmt *RetExpr;
bool hasNRVOCandidate() const { return ReturnStmtBits.HasNRVOCandidate; }
unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<const VarDecl *>) const {
return hasNRVOCandidate();
ReturnStmt(SourceLocation RL, Expr *E, const VarDecl *NRVOCandidate);
explicit ReturnStmt(EmptyShell Empty, bool HasNRVOCandidate);
static ReturnStmt *Create(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation RL, Expr *E,
const VarDecl *NRVOCandidate);
static ReturnStmt *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &Ctx, bool HasNRVOCandidate);
Expr *getRetValue() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(RetExpr); }
const Expr *getRetValue() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(RetExpr); }
void setRetValue(Expr *E) { RetExpr = reinterpret_cast<Stmt *>(E); }
const VarDecl *getNRVOCandidate() const {
return hasNRVOCandidate() ? *getTrailingObjects<const VarDecl *>()
: nullptr;
void setNRVOCandidate(const VarDecl *Var) {
assert(hasNRVOCandidate() &&
"This return statement has no storage for an NRVO candidate!");
*getTrailingObjects<const VarDecl *>() = Var;
SourceLocation getReturnLoc() const { return ReturnStmtBits.RetLoc; }
void setReturnLoc(SourceLocation L) { ReturnStmtBits.RetLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getReturnLoc(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
return RetExpr ? RetExpr->getEndLoc() : getReturnLoc();
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ReturnStmtClass;
child_range children() {
if (RetExpr)
return child_range(&RetExpr, &RetExpr + 1);
return child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
const_child_range children() const {
if (RetExpr)
return const_child_range(&RetExpr, &RetExpr + 1);
return const_child_range(const_child_iterator(), const_child_iterator());
class AsmStmt : public Stmt {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
SourceLocation AsmLoc;
bool IsSimple;
bool IsVolatile;
unsigned NumOutputs;
unsigned NumInputs;
unsigned NumClobbers;
Stmt **Exprs = nullptr;
AsmStmt(StmtClass SC, SourceLocation asmloc, bool issimple, bool isvolatile,
unsigned numoutputs, unsigned numinputs, unsigned numclobbers)
: Stmt (SC), AsmLoc(asmloc), IsSimple(issimple), IsVolatile(isvolatile),
NumOutputs(numoutputs), NumInputs(numinputs),
NumClobbers(numclobbers) {}
explicit AsmStmt(StmtClass SC, EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(SC, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getAsmLoc() const { return AsmLoc; }
void setAsmLoc(SourceLocation L) { AsmLoc = L; }
bool isSimple() const { return IsSimple; }
void setSimple(bool V) { IsSimple = V; }
bool isVolatile() const { return IsVolatile; }
void setVolatile(bool V) { IsVolatile = V; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return {}; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return {}; }
std::string generateAsmString(const ASTContext &C) const;
unsigned getNumOutputs() const { return NumOutputs; }
StringRef getOutputConstraint(unsigned i) const;
bool isOutputPlusConstraint(unsigned i) const {
return getOutputConstraint(i)[0] == '+';
const Expr *getOutputExpr(unsigned i) const;
unsigned getNumPlusOperands() const;
unsigned getNumInputs() const { return NumInputs; }
StringRef getInputConstraint(unsigned i) const;
const Expr *getInputExpr(unsigned i) const;
unsigned getNumClobbers() const { return NumClobbers; }
StringRef getClobber(unsigned i) const;
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == GCCAsmStmtClass ||
T->getStmtClass() == MSAsmStmtClass;
using inputs_iterator = ExprIterator;
using const_inputs_iterator = ConstExprIterator;
using inputs_range = llvm::iterator_range<inputs_iterator>;
using inputs_const_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_inputs_iterator>;
inputs_iterator begin_inputs() {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs;
inputs_iterator end_inputs() {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs;
inputs_range inputs() { return inputs_range(begin_inputs(), end_inputs()); }
const_inputs_iterator begin_inputs() const {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs;
const_inputs_iterator end_inputs() const {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs;
inputs_const_range inputs() const {
return inputs_const_range(begin_inputs(), end_inputs());
using outputs_iterator = ExprIterator;
using const_outputs_iterator = ConstExprIterator;
using outputs_range = llvm::iterator_range<outputs_iterator>;
using outputs_const_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_outputs_iterator>;
outputs_iterator begin_outputs() {
return &Exprs[0];
outputs_iterator end_outputs() {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs;
outputs_range outputs() {
return outputs_range(begin_outputs(), end_outputs());
const_outputs_iterator begin_outputs() const {
return &Exprs[0];
const_outputs_iterator end_outputs() const {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs;
outputs_const_range outputs() const {
return outputs_const_range(begin_outputs(), end_outputs());
child_range children() {
return child_range(&Exprs[0], &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs);
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&Exprs[0], &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs);
class GCCAsmStmt : public AsmStmt {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
SourceLocation RParenLoc;
StringLiteral *AsmStr;
StringLiteral **Constraints = nullptr;
StringLiteral **Clobbers = nullptr;
IdentifierInfo **Names = nullptr;
unsigned NumLabels = 0;
GCCAsmStmt(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation asmloc, bool issimple,
bool isvolatile, unsigned numoutputs, unsigned numinputs,
IdentifierInfo **names, StringLiteral **constraints, Expr **exprs,
StringLiteral *asmstr, unsigned numclobbers,
StringLiteral **clobbers, unsigned numlabels,
SourceLocation rparenloc);
explicit GCCAsmStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : AsmStmt(GCCAsmStmtClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
void setRParenLoc(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
const StringLiteral *getAsmString() const { return AsmStr; }
StringLiteral *getAsmString() { return AsmStr; }
void setAsmString(StringLiteral *E) { AsmStr = E; }
class AsmStringPiece {
enum Kind {
String, Operand };
Kind MyKind;
std::string Str;
unsigned OperandNo;
CharSourceRange Range;
AsmStringPiece(const std::string &S) : MyKind(String), Str(S) {}
AsmStringPiece(unsigned OpNo, const std::string &S, SourceLocation Begin,
SourceLocation End)
: MyKind(Operand), Str(S), OperandNo(OpNo),
Range(CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Begin, End)) {}
bool isString() const { return MyKind == String; }
bool isOperand() const { return MyKind == Operand; }
const std::string &getString() const { return Str; }
unsigned getOperandNo() const {
return OperandNo;
CharSourceRange getRange() const {
assert(isOperand() && "Range is currently used only for Operands.");
return Range;
char getModifier() const;
unsigned AnalyzeAsmString(SmallVectorImpl<AsmStringPiece> &Pieces,
const ASTContext &C, unsigned &DiagOffs) const;
std::string generateAsmString(const ASTContext &C) const;
IdentifierInfo *getOutputIdentifier(unsigned i) const { return Names[i]; }
StringRef getOutputName(unsigned i) const {
if (IdentifierInfo *II = getOutputIdentifier(i))
return II->getName();
return {};
StringRef getOutputConstraint(unsigned i) const;
const StringLiteral *getOutputConstraintLiteral(unsigned i) const {
return Constraints[i];
StringLiteral *getOutputConstraintLiteral(unsigned i) {
return Constraints[i];
Expr *getOutputExpr(unsigned i);
const Expr *getOutputExpr(unsigned i) const {
return const_cast<GCCAsmStmt*>(this)->getOutputExpr(i);
IdentifierInfo *getInputIdentifier(unsigned i) const {
return Names[i + NumOutputs];
StringRef getInputName(unsigned i) const {
if (IdentifierInfo *II = getInputIdentifier(i))
return II->getName();
return {};
StringRef getInputConstraint(unsigned i) const;
const StringLiteral *getInputConstraintLiteral(unsigned i) const {
return Constraints[i + NumOutputs];
StringLiteral *getInputConstraintLiteral(unsigned i) {
return Constraints[i + NumOutputs];
Expr *getInputExpr(unsigned i);
void setInputExpr(unsigned i, Expr *E);
const Expr *getInputExpr(unsigned i) const {
return const_cast<GCCAsmStmt*>(this)->getInputExpr(i);
bool isAsmGoto() const {
return NumLabels > 0;
unsigned getNumLabels() const {
return NumLabels;
IdentifierInfo *getLabelIdentifier(unsigned i) const {
return Names[i + NumOutputs + NumInputs];
AddrLabelExpr *getLabelExpr(unsigned i) const;
StringRef getLabelName(unsigned i) const;
using labels_iterator = CastIterator<AddrLabelExpr>;
using const_labels_iterator = ConstCastIterator<AddrLabelExpr>;
using labels_range = llvm::iterator_range<labels_iterator>;
using labels_const_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_labels_iterator>;
labels_iterator begin_labels() {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs;
labels_iterator end_labels() {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs + NumLabels;
labels_range labels() {
return labels_range(begin_labels(), end_labels());
const_labels_iterator begin_labels() const {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs;
const_labels_iterator end_labels() const {
return &Exprs[0] + NumOutputs + NumInputs + NumLabels;
labels_const_range labels() const {
return labels_const_range(begin_labels(), end_labels());
void setOutputsAndInputsAndClobbers(const ASTContext &C,
IdentifierInfo **Names,
StringLiteral **Constraints,
Stmt **Exprs,
unsigned NumOutputs,
unsigned NumInputs,
unsigned NumLabels,
StringLiteral **Clobbers,
unsigned NumClobbers);
int getNamedOperand(StringRef SymbolicName) const;
StringRef getClobber(unsigned i) const;
StringLiteral *getClobberStringLiteral(unsigned i) { return Clobbers[i]; }
const StringLiteral *getClobberStringLiteral(unsigned i) const {
return Clobbers[i];
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return AsmLoc; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return RParenLoc; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == GCCAsmStmtClass;
class MSAsmStmt : public AsmStmt {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
SourceLocation LBraceLoc, EndLoc;
StringRef AsmStr;
unsigned NumAsmToks = 0;
Token *AsmToks = nullptr;
StringRef *Constraints = nullptr;
StringRef *Clobbers = nullptr;
MSAsmStmt(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation asmloc,
SourceLocation lbraceloc, bool issimple, bool isvolatile,
ArrayRef<Token> asmtoks, unsigned numoutputs, unsigned numinputs,
ArrayRef<StringRef> constraints,
ArrayRef<Expr*> exprs, StringRef asmstr,
ArrayRef<StringRef> clobbers, SourceLocation endloc);
explicit MSAsmStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : AsmStmt(MSAsmStmtClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getLBraceLoc() const { return LBraceLoc; }
void setLBraceLoc(SourceLocation L) { LBraceLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return EndLoc; }
void setEndLoc(SourceLocation L) { EndLoc = L; }
bool hasBraces() const { return LBraceLoc.isValid(); }
unsigned getNumAsmToks() { return NumAsmToks; }
Token *getAsmToks() { return AsmToks; }
StringRef getAsmString() const { return AsmStr; }
std::string generateAsmString(const ASTContext &C) const;
StringRef getOutputConstraint(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < NumOutputs);
return Constraints[i];
Expr *getOutputExpr(unsigned i);
const Expr *getOutputExpr(unsigned i) const {
return const_cast<MSAsmStmt*>(this)->getOutputExpr(i);
StringRef getInputConstraint(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < NumInputs);
return Constraints[i + NumOutputs];
Expr *getInputExpr(unsigned i);
void setInputExpr(unsigned i, Expr *E);
const Expr *getInputExpr(unsigned i) const {
return const_cast<MSAsmStmt*>(this)->getInputExpr(i);
ArrayRef<StringRef> getAllConstraints() const {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(Constraints, NumInputs + NumOutputs);
ArrayRef<StringRef> getClobbers() const {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(Clobbers, NumClobbers);
ArrayRef<Expr*> getAllExprs() const {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(reinterpret_cast<Expr**>(Exprs),
NumInputs + NumOutputs);
StringRef getClobber(unsigned i) const { return getClobbers()[i]; }
void initialize(const ASTContext &C, StringRef AsmString,
ArrayRef<Token> AsmToks, ArrayRef<StringRef> Constraints,
ArrayRef<Expr*> Exprs, ArrayRef<StringRef> Clobbers);
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return AsmLoc; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == MSAsmStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(&Exprs[0], &Exprs[NumInputs + NumOutputs]);
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&Exprs[0], &Exprs[NumInputs + NumOutputs]);
class SEHExceptStmt : public Stmt {
friend class ASTReader;
friend class ASTStmtReader;
SourceLocation Loc;
Stmt *Children[2];
SEHExceptStmt(SourceLocation Loc, Expr *FilterExpr, Stmt *Block);
explicit SEHExceptStmt(EmptyShell E) : Stmt(SEHExceptStmtClass, E) {}
static SEHExceptStmt* Create(const ASTContext &C,
SourceLocation ExceptLoc,
Expr *FilterExpr,
Stmt *Block);
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return getExceptLoc(); }
SourceLocation getExceptLoc() const { return Loc; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getBlock()->getEndLoc(); }
Expr *getFilterExpr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(Children[FILTER_EXPR]);
CompoundStmt *getBlock() const {
return cast<CompoundStmt>(Children[BLOCK]);
child_range children() {
return child_range(Children, Children+2);
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(Children, Children + 2);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == SEHExceptStmtClass;
class SEHFinallyStmt : public Stmt {
friend class ASTReader;
friend class ASTStmtReader;
SourceLocation Loc;
Stmt *Block;
SEHFinallyStmt(SourceLocation Loc, Stmt *Block);
explicit SEHFinallyStmt(EmptyShell E) : Stmt(SEHFinallyStmtClass, E) {}
static SEHFinallyStmt* Create(const ASTContext &C,
SourceLocation FinallyLoc,
Stmt *Block);
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return getFinallyLoc(); }
SourceLocation getFinallyLoc() const { return Loc; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return Block->getEndLoc(); }
CompoundStmt *getBlock() const { return cast<CompoundStmt>(Block); }
child_range children() {
return child_range(&Block,&Block+1);
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(&Block, &Block + 1);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == SEHFinallyStmtClass;
class SEHTryStmt : public Stmt {
friend class ASTReader;
friend class ASTStmtReader;
bool IsCXXTry;
SourceLocation TryLoc;
Stmt *Children[2];
enum { TRY = 0, HANDLER = 1 };
SEHTryStmt(bool isCXXTry, SourceLocation TryLoc,
Stmt *TryBlock,
Stmt *Handler);
explicit SEHTryStmt(EmptyShell E) : Stmt(SEHTryStmtClass, E) {}
static SEHTryStmt* Create(const ASTContext &C, bool isCXXTry,
SourceLocation TryLoc, Stmt *TryBlock,
Stmt *Handler);
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return getTryLoc(); }
SourceLocation getTryLoc() const { return TryLoc; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return Children[HANDLER]->getEndLoc(); }
bool getIsCXXTry() const { return IsCXXTry; }
CompoundStmt* getTryBlock() const {
return cast<CompoundStmt>(Children[TRY]);
Stmt *getHandler() const { return Children[HANDLER]; }
SEHExceptStmt *getExceptHandler() const;
SEHFinallyStmt *getFinallyHandler() const;
child_range children() {
return child_range(Children, Children+2);
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(Children, Children + 2);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == SEHTryStmtClass;
class SEHLeaveStmt : public Stmt {
SourceLocation LeaveLoc;
explicit SEHLeaveStmt(SourceLocation LL)
: Stmt(SEHLeaveStmtClass), LeaveLoc(LL) {}
explicit SEHLeaveStmt(EmptyShell Empty) : Stmt(SEHLeaveStmtClass, Empty) {}
SourceLocation getLeaveLoc() const { return LeaveLoc; }
void setLeaveLoc(SourceLocation L) { LeaveLoc = L; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return LeaveLoc; }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return LeaveLoc; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == SEHLeaveStmtClass;
child_range children() {
return child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
const_child_range children() const {
return const_child_range(const_child_iterator(), const_child_iterator());
class CapturedStmt : public Stmt {
enum VariableCaptureKind {
class Capture {
llvm::PointerIntPair<VarDecl *, 2, VariableCaptureKind> VarAndKind;
SourceLocation Loc;
friend class ASTStmtReader;
Capture(SourceLocation Loc, VariableCaptureKind Kind,
VarDecl *Var = nullptr);
VariableCaptureKind getCaptureKind() const;
SourceLocation getLocation() const { return Loc; }
bool capturesThis() const { return getCaptureKind() == VCK_This; }
bool capturesVariable() const { return getCaptureKind() == VCK_ByRef; }
bool capturesVariableByCopy() const {
return getCaptureKind() == VCK_ByCopy;
bool capturesVariableArrayType() const {
return getCaptureKind() == VCK_VLAType;
VarDecl *getCapturedVar() const;
unsigned NumCaptures;
llvm::PointerIntPair<CapturedDecl *, 2, CapturedRegionKind> CapDeclAndKind;
RecordDecl *TheRecordDecl = nullptr;
CapturedStmt(Stmt *S, CapturedRegionKind Kind, ArrayRef<Capture> Captures,
ArrayRef<Expr *> CaptureInits, CapturedDecl *CD, RecordDecl *RD);
CapturedStmt(EmptyShell Empty, unsigned NumCaptures);
Stmt **getStoredStmts() { return reinterpret_cast<Stmt **>(this + 1); }
Stmt *const *getStoredStmts() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Stmt *const *>(this + 1);
Capture *getStoredCaptures() const;
void setCapturedStmt(Stmt *S) { getStoredStmts()[NumCaptures] = S; }
friend class ASTStmtReader;
static CapturedStmt *Create(const ASTContext &Context, Stmt *S,
CapturedRegionKind Kind,
ArrayRef<Capture> Captures,
ArrayRef<Expr *> CaptureInits,
CapturedDecl *CD, RecordDecl *RD);
static CapturedStmt *CreateDeserialized(const ASTContext &Context,
unsigned NumCaptures);
Stmt *getCapturedStmt() { return getStoredStmts()[NumCaptures]; }
const Stmt *getCapturedStmt() const { return getStoredStmts()[NumCaptures]; }
CapturedDecl *getCapturedDecl();
const CapturedDecl *getCapturedDecl() const;
void setCapturedDecl(CapturedDecl *D);
CapturedRegionKind getCapturedRegionKind() const;
void setCapturedRegionKind(CapturedRegionKind Kind);
const RecordDecl *getCapturedRecordDecl() const { return TheRecordDecl; }
void setCapturedRecordDecl(RecordDecl *D) {
assert(D && "null RecordDecl");
TheRecordDecl = D;
bool capturesVariable(const VarDecl *Var) const;
using capture_iterator = Capture *;
using const_capture_iterator = const Capture *;
using capture_range = llvm::iterator_range<capture_iterator>;
using capture_const_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_capture_iterator>;
capture_range captures() {
return capture_range(capture_begin(), capture_end());
capture_const_range captures() const {
return capture_const_range(capture_begin(), capture_end());
capture_iterator capture_begin() { return getStoredCaptures(); }
const_capture_iterator capture_begin() const { return getStoredCaptures(); }
capture_iterator capture_end() const {
return getStoredCaptures() + NumCaptures;
unsigned capture_size() const { return NumCaptures; }
using capture_init_iterator = Expr **;
using capture_init_range = llvm::iterator_range<capture_init_iterator>;
using const_capture_init_iterator = Expr *const *;
using const_capture_init_range =
capture_init_range capture_inits() {
return capture_init_range(capture_init_begin(), capture_init_end());
const_capture_init_range capture_inits() const {
return const_capture_init_range(capture_init_begin(), capture_init_end());
capture_init_iterator capture_init_begin() {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr **>(getStoredStmts());
const_capture_init_iterator capture_init_begin() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Expr *const *>(getStoredStmts());
capture_init_iterator capture_init_end() {
return capture_init_begin() + NumCaptures;
const_capture_init_iterator capture_init_end() const {
return capture_init_begin() + NumCaptures;
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
return getCapturedStmt()->getBeginLoc();
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY {
return getCapturedStmt()->getEndLoc();
SourceRange getSourceRange() const LLVM_READONLY {
return getCapturedStmt()->getSourceRange();
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CapturedStmtClass;
child_range children();
const_child_range children() const;