// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s -std=c++11
template<typename T>structonly{only(T);template<typename U>only(U)=delete;// expected-note {{here}}
};template<typename...T>voidf(T ...t){autox(t...);// expected-error {{is empty}} expected-error {{contains multiple expressions}}
only<int> check = x;}voidg(){f();// expected-note {{here}}
f(0);f(0,1);// expected-note {{here}}
}template<typename T>boolh(T t){auto a = t;decltype(a) b;
a = a + b;auto p =newauto(t);
only<double*> test = p;// expected-error {{conversion function from 'char *' to 'only<double *>'}}
return p;}bool b =h('x');// expected-note {{here}}
// PR 9276 - Make sure we check auto types deduce the same
// in the case of a dependent initializer
namespacePR9276{template<typename T>voidf(){auto i =T(), j =0;// expected-error {{deduced as 'long' in declaration of 'i' and deduced as 'int' in declaration of 'j'}}
}voidg(){f<long>();// expected-note {{here}}
f<int>();}}namespaceNoRepeatedDiagnostic{template<typename T>voidf(){auto a =0, b =0.0, c =T();// expected-error {{deduced as 'int' in declaration of 'a' and deduced as 'double' in declaration of 'b'}}
}// We've already diagnosed an issue. No extra diagnostics is needed for these.